Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

Gas nationwide droped a fraction of a penny last friday, saturday, sunday, and monday. Tuesday the price of oil dropped 2 dollars a barrel to $63, the drop as I remember was due to some refineries coming back online and others gearing up to capacity, some civil unrest somewhere getting better I think in Nigeria.

Gas dropped two cents at the station down the street to $3.07

People are complaining yes because they are having to cut out a few extra's like the daily vanilla bean vente with the double crunch oatmeal cookie, maybe the news agencies should stop focusing on the middle income soccer moms and advertising execs in their bmw's and start talking to the $6.00 40 hour work week father of two working two jobs to try and take care of his family.
Station down the street dropped again today from $3.07 to $3.05 heading into the weekend so it looks like next weeks trip to Savanah is good.
Dropped .15 to near .20 in less than a week in the SE Missouri area ($3.19). Got E85 for $2.27 yesterday. Thanks to Iceberg for enlightening me on E85!
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Charper1 Thanks for the pricing info on E-85 in your area. I'm a very strong proponent of that solution to most of our transportation costs inflation. I wish I could buy it here but to date, the only E-85 availability is for our city government vehicles, police cars etc. Public still has to buy gasoline at these inflated prices.
Yeah, I have had those but if you look at Florida we have just two, and one of them is by appointment only. The rest are all private fleet refueling stations for government vehicles only. Makes you wonder why the government gets the deals on lower cost fuel but the public doesn't. I also checked SE Georgia since your reminder above and they are non existent. All I can do is keep track of them for my frequent trips to the NE. I'll be in PA in two weeks. It is a non business trip so I could sure use the break anyway I can.

Please keep posting your E-85 cost difference. Many of use would like to see that.

Edit- I just found one e-85 station near by where I'll be traveling so if I can time it right, I should be able to fill up there for part of the trip home ( Ft. Meade Md. )

More- New York has plans to add E85 at all 27 of it's Thruway Travel centers
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I will give the GOV credit because they can go out and purchase mass fleets of vehicles such as an entire county's USPS fleet all with E-85. Now as far as a station ONLY allowing GOV vehicles at a 3rd party company, I would question the owner. not the GOV unless it is their GOV fuel depot for said fleet and it might be closed to the public for security. I have no issues with this.
You use the same engine they just plumb a propane line and injectors into your sytem and you can switch back and forth from Gas to Propane... Propane burns much cleaner, but doesn't have quite the power of gas so you get slightly less gas mileage but you have about a 100 gallon tank so can go a long ways on a tank... also most if not all farmers/ranchers have hoses so they can fill up from their house, barn or shop propane tank...
Don- You're getting a good deal! But then I believe I am paying way over the national average. I need to shop around, I see that. 20# tank is about 4.2 pounds per gallon, I'm paying $4.70. The low for current day pricing is $2.22 it appears but varies widely.
as one quick example I saw-

Most of these prices are between $2.22 and $2.70 it appears