It was at the end of April, prices have been steady here and I thought what we were paying was high...
haven't priced as I probably won't need any for awhile, although I might top off just in case...

So say we all!I sure hope this isn't the calm before another 4th of July hike from hell.
Nothing. Gas always runs up before Memorial Day (due to heavy driving for the long weekend), then goes back down slightly. It'll spike somewhat for July 4th, and then sharply again around Labor Day, then settle into the Fall decline.IT is now $2.69 today at RaceTrack gas stations in South east Texas . I wonder what changed to bring it down so much after Memorial Day?
Unfortunately I think that big jump is here to stay, like the jump several years ago from 0.75 to 1.35 as a medium.I hope you're right but I do notice that it is about a 1.00 more a gallon then what I was paying about 3 or 4 years ago.