good to know that the switch made it safely
the test card on there is back when there were sats being used at 105,110,119,121,129 and 148. It was easy for Dish customer service reps to check if you could see a satellite. I forget what channel it is now but 129 use to be 9901 so they had you type in 9901. If it didnt show up then 129 wasnt working. There is a channel that says "you have a dish 500" which means you can see 110
On the 2nd pic I was worried you didnt have all the channels but I see "my channels" listed which would be the freebies. If you hit the "guide" button it will cycle through all, my channels, HD and favorites which you can set up (so you coudl remove those shopping/ppv channels)
Yes, I was looking at Lyngsat for any channels that are ITC on the three satellites so that I could confirm stuff and I found that one about "You're on 129"..
I was going to try to find one for 110 & 119 but the wind was killing me in that paper thin wind breaker so I called it quits.
I did notice, as you mentioned, that pressing the guide button did cycle me through different lists of stuff and one of them was strictly HD channels. I'll make heavy use of this feature..

One thing I'm curious of and can not find anywhere I've looked is how many channels can you add to a favorites list and can you ~hide~ unwanted channels totally?
Such as the sports channels. I have no use in the universe for them and I don't want to be bothered with even seeing them or knowing of their existence. It would be uber cool if I could just hide them completely.
I read you can hide PPV channels and channels that are um, adult in nature. I would hope you can flag channels that ~I~ decide are undesirable and wish to not have them in my face 100 times a day.
I suppose if that's not possible then I'll have to make do with the favorites list. I just hope the list isn't too limited in capacity.
I guess I'll find out next week. That is if it will ever quit flippin raining! I can't get anything done outside like this!

Yep.... This is what I'm going for..

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