For a single app, no it's not close. But the problem is that for these 3 channels you need this app, then for those 4 channels you nedd another app, then this channel is only on that app, and so forth. Of course it depends on what you watch but for a lot of people by time you get all the programming you enjoy, you're paying for 6-8 apps. So that's around $70-80 with ads or $100-120 without ads.
Once again, for the majority of content from paid Live TV, you will need-
(These are all at the highest tier, commercial free/4K, etc)
Paramount+ w/Showtime-$12 a month
Peacock-$14 a month
Hulu/Disney+/ESPN+ $25 a month
AMC+-$9 a month
MAX-$23 a month
So a total of $83 a month, it would be a lot less with ads.
Plus you get all that extra streaming content
Me personally I don't watch ads so I'd want ad free and spend around $120 for everything. Whereas with my hopper3 that I can record and skip every single ad it's still around $120 per month.
I doubt that price includes HBO/Showtime.
And my price was $37 less commercial free, which also includes HBO, Showtime, much better video/sound quality and a lot more extra content that you do not get with Dish.
So yes the gap is definitely closing.
Nope, I could add Netflix, at it's highest tier, still would be less then what you posted that you paid.
I also pay a lot less, thanks to specials they run.
However the upside on the streaming is you don't have to pay for each additional room.
That is true.