Why doesn't Dish offer a streaming service like Direct TV does ? Since most want to cut the cord or in my case the satellite dish.
DirecTV's streaming service is not setting the world on fire with subscribers.
DirecTV, for all the company, has under 11 Million, it still has 7-8 Million Satellite Subscribers, 2 Million for Uverse ( mostly in multi-dwellings), so that leaves only 1-2 million for the streaming services.
In comparison, YouTube TV already has 8 Million subs.
Why, it is a great service and only $73 a month.
I want my Hopper3 and EHD's. I have every episode of ER, Law and Order and The Big Bang Theory on EHD. I hate the thought if losing them and most of the movies we've recorded over the years. But, if Dish goes so do they.
Except for the first two, I also have the Big Bang Theory, but via Vudu, so in the cloud, it was on sale for the complete series for $39.99 two years ago , so I click on Vudu, hit ok a couple of times, I can watch.
Also, for some reason, bought it on BR during Prime Day, on sale for $29.99, but still in the plastic.
Also own a bunch more on Vudu, have 2784 Movies, just bought The Beekeeper and it cost me $0, I use my Credit Card Points to buy Vudu gift cards ( and other streaming services' cards).
I hate change. Getting too old, UGH.
Everyone has to adapt, change is part of life, I retired at 52, went back to work at 56 for what I thought was my dream job ( get to write my reports from home), but I should of stayed retired, so retire again in May, age of 57.
Plenty of time to enjoy this new Golden age of TV we are having.
Direct TV has streaming from your Smart TV or devices like Roku.
Does not matter if not enough subscribe, you can access all the other services the same.
But it sounds like the streaming service isn't going to save Direct TV either.
As I explained above, nope.
Is this a stupid question ? Please be kind. LOL
No, good question, but as I written before in other threads, Television has been nothing but change since it started, from Antennas, to cable, to Satellite, now to streaming.
DVRs started in 1999, before that, we had VCRs to record, before that, had to wait for reruns if we missed something.
Change is a part of life.