Don't Believe NPS about C band support ending.

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That's what has raised so much curiousity,jeepguy, over last 6 months, just verbal announcements and nothing actually posted officially on any website.

I tried to explain this to stan the other day as now NPS is in "I told you so mode" but has still, as of yesterday, failed to post the announcement on their website with all the comings and goings of channels, etc.

Why is this? Again, I am not saying that authorizations aren't ending, but am curious to why not a formal announcement? There are ~20,000 curious about this, some of which jumping ship daily.

I sent email yesterday to Motorola ACC but the lady that receives email at the posted address is out for the week....

I would still be skeptical but after Skyvision told me it was true it must be. I'm sure Mike Kohl will be talking about it on Sat Talk this Friday.
I still have months left on my 4D programming packages and I'm not jumping ship. Any decision I make will be an informed one. If it wasn't for the other household members I probably wouldn't bother do anything right away. Anything involving a 2 year contract isn't happening either.
It appears the title of this thread may not have been the most prophetic. I wouldn't doubt NPS hastened the demise of 4DTV, but the handwriting has been on the wall for quite sometime. No new receiver technology has come down the pike. Not surprisingly this translated to fewer and fewer channels as providers switched to more advanced transmission schemes our receivers cannot demodulate. For me the loss of any meaningful HD was the final nail in the coffin.

People here are quite well informed and I'm sure almost everyone has a pretty good idea which direction they will take if the 'verbal' rumblings from Motorola turn out to be true. Once HBO HD 'disappeared' from 4DTV last year, I found myself in a rather uncomfortable position. I had been a DN subscriber for quite some time, and 4DTV was my relief from the rather mediocre HD quality DN offered. It wasn't as though DTV was really any different.

I kept my DN subscription, but backed down on the add-ons. With the savings and the 4DTV costs repurposed, I tried Shaw Direct. It may not last, but their data rates on a number of the premium channels are actually quite high and their compressors appear to be tuned to dole out considerably higher rates when the scenes require this. These HD channels look much better than some of the HD premiums did on 4DTV. It is my understanding that Shaw uses their DBS birds to feed some of their cable head-ends, and this may make their satellite subscriptions about the closest one will be able to get to subscribable master feeds of days gone by.
i may be the only guy in usa that careless about sports lol. what i get on there little package on skyvision is exactly what i what to what. im a house hunters fan big time and even watch the reruns every time they come on. and got root for mike Holmes too, wish he could say the names of the bad guys that build bad houses

You're not alone.Don't care for sports programming myself:).I'll also be getting the 410 before the end of the year. I get the W5 superpack and the G1 HBOs right now so no loss of channels for me. This is still very upsetting to me though.I've had a big dish since 1983:(.
4dtv fix

Years ago there was a 4DTV mapping fix. you connected a cable between computer and receiver. This was legal because it only added channels to receiver and not compromise the security system. We could get DMX music and other free channels back if this happened again. The problem is Mot has not kept the map up to date. :confused:

Well this has been a turn for the worst. At least for the moment. I remember that there were no subs in the beginning. That is why people went out and bought dishes back in the day. Who is to say that won't happen again? Does it make sense to spend money scrambling signals when only a few thousand people across the country can get them? Not in my book. Also if Moto drops support, then in a way that opens us up for experimentation. Patents must be renewed every so many years. Not to mention the fact that there must be monetary loss for any civil case to be filed in any court. Moto can't claim any damages to their business if they are not running a business. In other words, they drop 4d, then we can play with 4d without fear of being lawbreakers and getting sued. No money being made off 4d, then no damages to Moto's business, thus no case against people that play with their receivers. Not to decipher the encrypted stuff, just to get the functionality back. Remember, we did purchase these receivers. They are not owned by Moto. That alone give us the right to do what we want to them as long as it relates to grabbing FTA stuff by simply keeping the maps loaded. This could be a stickey situation for Moto. By dropping 4d "support" as they call it, they are effectivly destroying our receivers. Nobody has a right to destroy someone elses property. The only way out that I see is for Moto to release software in the end that will allow us to keep the functionality of the receiver. If they don't, then a law suit on behalf of all 4d receiver owners could be filed. Here is an example of how it should go down. The Saturn motor company is defunct. However the cars still function and there are parts to be found. Many parts are made only by Saturn. Those rights are going to be givin away to after market people in order to keep what vehicles that are there on the road. This 4d thing needs to work the same way. Do we have any lawyers here at the forum that would care to write Moto about this? Just a few thoughts my friends. Have a great day!
Skyvision rep said 4dtv dead by yearend

I have been with c band many years now back when there was a customer could pick and choose a good provider. will i read all the chat and received the call from NPS and believed them so i told the NPS rep that i did not believe them that Motorola would shutdown 4dtv. so i called skyvision and order up a package. the rep told me that they are only taking 3 month subscription because they got a call from Motorola stating that they are shutting down 4dtv. now i am still hoping that this is all in error, i have enjoyed my c band 4dtv for the past decade +. I still have a pansat 2700a and will use it but i dread the thought of going to the small dish big prices.
well if this all goes down i hope the last 20k folks on cband get the 410 stuff maybe with than many hits might like us a little better and keep are big dishes around for a long time
i mention last year on another forum we cbanders should have started a coop and banded together. im thinking instead of 4dtv maybe we could have got together with pansat or others and have them make a box that could do PowerVu. and kept are big dishes up and running
I guess my days of sitting in front of the TV are coming to an end unless there's something to watch on FTA. I might go buy a new bluray player or TV that can stream Netflix movies to my TV.
Back in 2007 I bought my 410 and used it for almost a year and almost regretted buying it because I stopped using it (when I got new 4D equipment). I even tried to sell it for a loss and no one seemed to want it. Now I'm glad I still have it. After thinking about this for a few days, it's back to the 410 for me after D day.
Back in 2007 I bought my 410 and used it for almost a year and almost regretted buying it because I stopped using it (when I got new 4D equipment). I even tried to sell it for a loss and no one seemed to want it. Now I'm glad I still have it. After thinking about this for a few days, it's back to the 410 for me after D day.

I have a 405 here for Starchoice FTA it's identical. What Skyvision should do is allow any of those type receivers 410, 405 etc to get in the game, if they want to keep in the C band programming business. Otherwise numbers will continue to fall and the 410's will be bricks too.
Part of my reasoning for sticking with the format is that not only do I already own the necessary equipment and sub to similar programming, it helps companies like SRL and Skyvision to remain around. Just doing my part.
The end is probably still near but delayed a bit. This turn of events can't be good for the other businesses either that rely on our support and causes a ripple effect right down to the equipment suppliers.

It's curious that the 410s will continue on. That sort of surprised me, maybe as much as the 410 program even came about in 2007 out of nowhere. It shows what solutions and ideas go on behind closed doors.

I'm guessing it's because of the association with HITS and what the equipment was originally used for and that isn't ending just yet. I hoping in time we get a little more flexibility in the packages. They aren't quite the same as the 4D choices but relatively close. I suppose in the end the numbers will make or break it.

Technically speaking, I see no good reason why the 4D receivers couldn't be remapped for use on the W5 stream anyhow. Maybe someone will rethink that. Does the ACC control the HITS system? If they don't, who does? Who maintains the authorization on the commercial DC2 headend equipment if the ACC doesn't?
> Maybe we could have got together with pansat or others and have them make a box that could do PowerVu.

Unlikely. S/A aka Cisco is highly unlikely to license its technology to any one else. (The exception being Motorola). Its the only way they can ensure that the encryption is less likely to be compromised, and with Pansats record, they have no chance at all.
I just read this on satforums, this if true may be good news.

There may be some help in site just received an email there is a remapping fix in the works so do not give up yet. The 4DTV time is not up yet.
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