Don't Believe NPS about C band support ending.

Please reply by conversation.
My experiences with Mike Kohl and Skyvision were always positive. I'm sorry if you had an issue. I would have asked to speak with someone in charge and get it resolved.

Why wouldn't NPS have the answer ahead of time for the shutdown. It was pre planned with Charlie Ergan to exactly do what it accomplished, don't think otherwise. Charlie wants it all and will stop at nothing to get it. He bought the CEO of NPS out just like he did with Superstar, Netlink and Turnervision. The way he went about it though makes him and NPS look like the good guys. Some people can see through the smokescreen they put up and can read the writing on the wall. :rant:

Unless we can get the W5 HITS datastream set up to work with the 4D it's toast as far as normal routes go. There will be options that will work behind the scenes to be able to still use it for free channels and possibly more (who knows)
I believe what Jonnynobody was getting at is why is NPS getting flamed for telling us the truth, when Skyvision did not.

Now I don't like NPS any more then any one else does, I dropped them a couple of years ago because I didn't like the way they did business but you can 't ignore the fact that NPS told us the end was coming several months ago, if Moto hates NPS as bad as some have indicated that they must why did NPS have the scoop before any one else did? There are only a few possibilities, Skyvisioin knew what was going on and didn't tell any one so they could make a few more sales, NPS and Moto are in bed together, or NPS has one hell of a sycic on their staff, I'm just sayin.
I believe what Jonnynobody was getting at is why is NPS getting flamed for telling us the truth, when Skyvision did not.

Now I don't like NPS any more then any one else does, I dropped them a couple of years ago because I didn't like the way they did business but you can 't ignore the fact that NPS told us the end was coming several months ago, if Moto hates NPS as bad as some have indicated that they must why did NPS have the scoop before any one else did? There are only a few possibilities, Skyvisioin knew what was going on and didn't tell any one so they could make a few more sales, NPS and Moto are in bed together, or NPS has one hell of a sycic on their staff, I'm just sayin.

Whatever way you look at it NPS is more at fault then anyone. If they didn't start an aggressive campaign to go with Charlie, things probably would be the same today as they were in January. It's the destruction of the numbers that did the 4D in and SRL & Skyvisions access too. This was all carefully planned behind closed doors to not only kill off NPS subs and transfer them to Dishnet but to put the 4DTV in the grave and anyone left selling sub's too. Charlie figures he would pick up even more if there was no access.

The only thing we can do to revolt now and show Charlie he ain't going to get 100% of his way is to give up on subscription all together, get a 410, go with DirecTv, or cable and for heavens sake don't get Dish Network. I did my part by getting Direct a few weeks ago. If the 4DTV somehow still can get W5 I will add stuff there too. At least I didn't and never will give Mr Charlie Ergan one red cent. That my fellow Americans is a promise.
This is getting silly. I better call agent Mulder and Sculley from the FBI to do an investigation into this big conspiracy involving NPS, Motorola, Dish Network, Charlie and the mass exodus of users from 4DTV. If we could all stick to what we know as facts on this issue it sure would be easier for the new comers in this hobby who may be effected by this.
I don't think this is getting silly. Throughout the years many folks paid big bucks for the 4DTV systems. The programmings were plenty and real reasonable on prices, and it was easy to make choices.
Then, the pizza pan came along...
Lately, folks like me have a opportunity to get a 4DTV receivers at a reasonable price and I finally found a way to get the channels I want at what I want to pay for it.
Then this has to happen and I am very frustrated!!! I am glad to get away from the high priced pizza pan programming that really doesn't offer much choices.
I know there will be changes in our electronic world. Look at our computers. You buy a computer now, it becomes obsolete within a year. The same goes for ipods, cell phones, and many other gadgets.
And it's happening to the 4DTV world. It lasted 10 good years. In my opinion, the picture quality is absolutely the BEST, compared to the pizza pan. But, the programmers started to think, "There's more money to be made with the pizza pan, let's shift to that direction." And gradually, the NPS, Skyvision, and other programming retailers began to loose ground. This move is hurting them, and hurting us.
I really wish that the programming retailers of BOTH C Band and pizza pan would just leave everything like it was. To let us all make the choices we want, whether we own a 4DTV or pizza pan.
I also wish that Motorola would sell their 4DTV technology to a company who would take off with it and make something out of it. Motorola has so many other electronic gadgets going on right now and the satellite part of it has taken the back burner which is fixing to be turned off.
I know, there's the issue of the cost of keeping the 4DTV going. But there are satellite companies that deal with the keeping up of transponders of the satellites, like the FTA, pizza pan, and others. If these companies could work in the 4DTV part and do the authoritization Hits and mappings of our receivers, then it would be great!!! Everybody would be satisfied.
ikki said:
This is getting silly. I better call agent Mulder and Sculley from the FBI to do an investigation into this big conspiracy involving NPS, Motorola, Dish Network, Charlie and the mass exodus of users from 4DTV. If we could all stick to what we know as facts on this issue it sure would be easier for the new comers in this hobby who may be effected by this.

The only thing we can do to revolt now and show Charlie he ain't going to get 100% of his way is to give up on subscription all together, get a 410, go with DirecTv, or cable and for heavens sake don't get Dish Network. I did my part by getting Direct a few weeks ago. If the 4DTV somehow still can get W5 I will add stuff there too. At least I didn't and never will give Mr Charlie Ergan one red cent. That my fellow Americans is a promise.

I agree and will never give Dish anything
Final Analysis

Here it is in a nutshell. Thank's to NPS and their hard push to swap out their subscribers to evil Dish Network since February the 4DTV for subscription is now over. As of December 31st 2010 the it is no more.

What are your options:

The DSR 410 sold by Skyvision for W5 will still work. Unless a miracle happens and Comcast maps the 4DTV's into there SAC for W5 this will be the only option left for big dish programming.

Other options are:

If you need cable channels get DirecTV, Cable, U Verse, or FIOS. I would highly recommend you do not get Dish Network. Doing so would be giving you hard earned dollars to the one who had a dream and planned to kill C band for years. Charlie Ergan (CEO Dish) started c bands demise when he bought out Superstar, Netlink and Turnervision years back and started his lies which cost us big number's. At that time NPS was c band friendly. A few years ago the CEO of NPS Mike Mountford got into a deal with Charlie Ergan to sell his distant Networks on Dish to circumvent the law brought down by the courts. He became became quite good friends with Mike Mountford and started to get brainwashed by Charlies agenda. At that point I could see NPS changing and letting their efforts slip to be c band friendly. As time went by Charlie won over Mike completely and rolled out his plan to swap as many subscribers to Dish Network which which he knew would cause Motorola to throw in the towel, since Motorola was only in it for a certain amount of money or above. We'll the evil plan worked and as of writing this there are 18,000 C band subscribers out in the cold. Plus one hell of a financial blow to SRL and Skyvision the other C band programming providers. Was this right? NO Did it happen YES. It's sad but goes to show you the ones that want to destroy a perfectly good thing and gain benefit for themselves will do it especially if they have tall dollars to make their agenda happen.

The other options are for those 18,000 out in the cold would be OTA and FTA.

So it's pick you poison time. I for one with the help of Satellite Guys tried my best to keep 4DTV going and stop the dirty plan. The problem is being a small speck of dust I had no power to fight the evil empire. One day the shoe will be on the other foot and Charlie & NPS will be the ones screwed, history will repeat itself.

Good luck to all the dedicated 4DTV-ers. And a big thanks to Scott and Iceberg of Satellite Guys for helping us try to win the battle.
Excellent post! :up
That's exactly what the NPS b*stards did! :rant:
I just wish I could get the wife and kids to wean themselves off the DVR.
After all this, I want so bad to kick the Charlie-dish to the curb and save
$100 a month!
The real problem with 4DTV isn't NPS - it's MegaPipe.In case you guys haven't noticed, most of the cable channels using DCII have switched to "MegaPipe" mode over the past few years - and the consumer 4DTV receiver can't get MegaPipe. Many of the "cable" channel that NPS was selling were poor-quality re-uplinks, not the original transmissions.Especially with everything going HDTV, unless Motorolla decides to sell a MegaPipe, HD, and preferably DVR receiver for consumers, 4DTV equipment is really as obsolete as VCII. Not because NPS is evil, but because the cable programmers have gone with a more advanced transmission system that the old 4DTV boxes simply don't support.(MegaPipe is a way to get 50% more bits in the same bandwidth. I had thought it was Motorola's trade name for "8PSK," but I've been told it's not the same as 8PSK - although it seems to accomplish the same thing).--Gary
The real problem with 4DTV isn't NPS - it's MegaPipe.In case you guys haven't noticed, most of the cable channels using DCII have switched to "MegaPipe" mode over the past few years - and the consumer 4DTV receiver can't get MegaPipe. Many of the "cable" channel that NPS was selling were poor-quality re-uplinks, not the original transmissions.Especially with everything going HDTV, unless Motorolla decides to sell a MegaPipe, HD, and preferably DVR receiver for consumers, 4DTV equipment is really as obsolete as VCII. Not because NPS is evil, but because the cable programmers have gone with a more advanced transmission system that the old 4DTV boxes simply don't support.(MegaPipe is a way to get 50% more bits in the same bandwidth. I had thought it was Motorola's trade name for "8PSK," but I've been told it's not the same as 8PSK - although it seems to accomplish the same thing).--Gary

It's a combined mode that uses two streams I & Q if I remember right. The problem was they decided not to put all the modulation modes into the 922. The 922 will do combo but not 29270 SR which is what most cable programmers use. The 924 was suppose to have it but that's when GI got out of it and Motorola let it go to the dogs.
It's a combined mode that uses two streams I & Q if I remember right. The problem was they decided not to put all the modulation modes into the 922. The 922 will do combo but not 29270 SR which is what most cable programmers use. The 924 was suppose to have it but that's when GI got out of it and Motorola let it go to the dogs.
Yes, and I have a receiver here that will tune those signals. I've watched some really cool DCII stuff, that the poor ol' 4DTV won't get a sniff of...
NPS several months ago nudged us away from our C-band programming and towards going with Dish Network. Looks like they were doing us a favor.....this was on the NPS site on JULY 15, 2010

MOTOROLA Official Notification​
July 12,2010
To Our Valued 4DTV Customer:
As you are well aware, the C-Band market has been in a constant state of decline for
many years. The total subscriber count has now reached about 18,000 and continues to
dwindle. We have received indications that some of our existing customers will not be
participating in this space beyond 2010. As the customer base declines, it becomes
increasingly difficult to maintain our participation in the ecosystem. We have fixed
operational costs that we must recover, and the only way to recover the cost would be to
substantially raise our prices over the remaining customer base.
After having considered these facts, we've arrived at the decision that Motorola will not
be participating in the operation of this business after 12/31/2010. This decision will
allow us and our partners to gracefully shut down this business. We feel that this is the
best course of action for Motorola, our partner companies, and the consumers who use
our servIces.
Eric Sprunk
Senior Director​
Motorola PKI Center
NPS several months ago nudged us away from our C-band programming and towards going with Dish Network. Looks like they were doing us a favor.....this was on the NPS site on JULY 15, 2010
They were not doing you, or anyone else, a "favor". This was their plan all along. NPS is in bed with Charlie. They were on a mission to finish off consumer C-band.
Through no fault of your own, you (as well as thousands of others) fell for it. :rant:
Please reply by conversation.

X4 ZK channels

Please help me Make a List of C/KU Receivers
