Don't Believe NPS about C band support ending.

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I believe Charlie is the mastermind behind this. He wanted C band dead because it is competition. He tried to kill it off with the Superstar thing but didn't. He had another chance with NPS but this time was a bit wiser. He knew if he could drop the numbers low enough he would not only kill it but eliminate SRL & Skyvision too.

I would bet he payed off Mike Mountford a big chunk of change to do this. I don't think Mike is stupid, just greedy. He was C band friendly years back but really changed his tune when he got to sleep with Charlie.

There is one more hurdle he need to kill. That's the 410 I would bet he's planning something for that too. That situation is a bit different since HITS is Comcast and they can eat Charlie just like DirecTV. His dream still is take everyone out and be the emperor. Lousy S.O.B. :mad:
I don't have any insider information, but no one here seems to be offering any real insight, just speculation. I met Charlie Ergen once, and I'm sure he wouldn't remember or care. I subscribed to DN beforehand and continue to, not because or in spite of anyone. I subscribed to 4DTV through NPS for a time, but only talked to their CSRs. I guess this gives me as much right as anyone to muse on 4DTV.

It would stretch my credibility if I were to claim that 18,000 4DTV subscribers meant anything more to Dish Network, and even Ergen, than a flea on the back of an elephant. The potential revenue just isn't there to make it worth worrying about at that level. Even if Dish Network or DirecTV was able to grab a significant chunk of this base, it's still a one-trick pony that cannot be sustained. It will churn, too. Sure, NPS is allied with Dish Network just like a bunch of other parasites. But that doesn't mean Mike Mountford has Ergen's private cell programmed into his and they talk breathlessly into the night. NPS could have just as easily ended up with DirecTV and people here would see the latter as the devil instead.

I personally didn't care for NPS, but I can't fault them for trying to stay in business. With a dwindling subscriber base, they probably are smart enough not to wait for Motorola to turn off the lights. They tried their hand at uplinking, did a lousy job, and everyone here complained about the quality and taxes on their bills. I think they should have realized this before even trying, but live and learn. Mountford now has a new stable of business lines to try to stay afloat. Many of them sound crazy. Big deal.

Motorola chose to choke 4DTV many years ago and frankly they made the right business decision. 4DTV has been way too small for quite some time to do anything but mooch off the primary reason for the feeds. That forced 4DTV to C-band, and believe or not, most people don't want a 6-10' dish in their back yard.

Motorola hasn't designed a new 4DTV receiver in about a decade, and that was a clear sign the tunnel had an end. I would be the first to admit a fondness for timeless technologies, but 4DTV isn't one of them. The programming providers would be stupid to hang onto the antiquated modulation technologies supported by 4DTV when more advanced and cost-effective ones are available. So they migrate and we lose channels. Even if one could still buy 4DTV receivers new, they are rapidly becoming fossils for home AV technologies. The home electronics market thrives on convincing people to junk last year's model, and they have the populace well trained. Thus if you don't do HD, HDMI, 7.1 (or higher), 3D, etc., you should feel like a dork. No? Come over to my house, chug some beer and let's watch some SD channels off my 10'. Sure.

Obsolescence on multiple fronts has killed 4DTV, not Charlie Ergen. That must be awfully poignant to the many oldsters, me included, that frequent the FTA side of these forums. It's hard to see a fond component bite the dust, because it reminds us of our own mortality. We can keep that old car running and dust off the vinyl from our college days to relive our past. But 4DTV just got inoperable cancer and the prognosis doesn't look good.
There is one more hurdle he need to kill. That's the 410 I would bet he's planning something for that too. That situation is a bit different since HITS is Comcast and they can eat Charlie just like DirecTV. His dream still is take everyone out and be the emperor. Lousy S.O.B. :mad:

He won't be able to take out all the competition because he'll be risking an antitrust suit by the government.
Charlie's getting some payback as we speak. The mouse (Disney) is sticking it to him because he thinks he can run the show with his lawyers and not pay his bills. He owes 65 million to them plus for 25 months HD programming he didn't pay for. Who the hell does this guy think he is?

Way to go Disney :)
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Charlie's getting some payback as we speak. The mouse (Disney) is sticking it to him because he thinks he can run the show with his lawyers and not pay his bills. He owes 65 million to them plus for 25 months HD programming he didn't pay for. Who the hell does this guy think he is?

Way to go Disney :)

In my book charlie was always a dumbo!!!... :D

Now he is trying to screw a mouse??? :rolleyes:
Excellent points Pendragon.

I agree that 18,000 subs probably do not add up for Dish and the commissions they were reported to be handing out to NPS CSRs for converts. The competition forces them to continually gain and lose subs from people bouncing around looking for the best current promotion anyhow. That churn must be costly.
I'm not sure why but Dish seems to have a larger fan base on this forum than DirecTV, although DirecTV has more total subscribers. That doesn't add up either.

I just can't get that excited over either one of them to participate in their respective forums. I guess I will continue on around here in the C band and FTA areas after the dust settles.

Maybe we could have a DCII commercial receiver forum to replace the 4DTV forum.
Dish network is the cheap mans system. Direct is the better system and costs a bit more. Dish has that large following since they are a few bucks cheaper and there are allot of complaint's about Dish. Direct has more content and is better overall that's why they have more subs.

The 4DTV forum will probably turn into the 4Play forum. :rolleyes:
Is being an spec of dust against Charlie a waste of time?

> So it's pick you poison time. I for one with the help of Satellite Guys tried my best to keep 4DTV going and stop the dirty plan.
The problem is being a small speck of dust I had no power to fight the evil empire. One day the shoe will be on the other foot and
Charlie & NPS will be the ones screwed, history will repeat itself.
> Good luck to all the dedicated 4DTV-ers. And a big thanks to Scott and Iceberg of Satellite Guys for helping us try to win the battle.
> ************

In 1986 I had made a decision to 'join the fight' to protect the free flow of information coming from the Public Park in the Sky. I donated 3 years of my life, and untold thousands to support and maintain a radio talk station just for C band satellite dish owners. Did it matter? Well, I can tell you that channels such as PBS-X and C-SPAN are in the clear today as a result of the small group who joined the K-SAT ARMY.

Want to read my story? email and I'll be happy to share what a difference one person can make, no matter what the odds. Tim Alderman C bander since 1974:)
Dish network is the cheap mans system. Direct is the better system and costs a bit more.

Link, please?

In my humble comparisons, I haven't found terribly significant differences between DTV and DN. I've stopped reading the flame wars on these forums between the proponents for each, mostly because it was the usual "I like my car better because it's better because I bought it." No consensus ever seemed to be reached. If you have demonstrable evidence of DTV's technical superiority, I would be honored with the opportunity to expand my horizons. Otherwise if this is just your opinion, that's fine too.

Some people have good reasons to choose one system over another. Some even choose more than one. I subscribe to DN and Shaw Direct because neither alone offers enough of what I want. I don't see any value in adding DTV to my collection, but someone who likes their sports packages might feel the opposite. There's nothing wrong with having different criteria, including hating Charlie Ergen. But hating Ergen doesn't automatically make his system inferior.

In the end I personally feel no inclination to select DTV or DN based on the number of subscribers each possesses. As has been said before, there are far more cockroaches on this planet than humans, but this does not confer a higher level of enlightenment to the former. If there was a 10X difference in DTH subscriptions, there might be concern for the smaller's survival, but that didn't stop us from subscribing to 4DTV with say a 1500X ratio against us. The masses choose one or the other for good reasons and bad, but there is still a lot of churn.
You need to look through the forums and make your own conclusions. Few things Direct has going for it are, DirecTv offers more HD with better picture quality and less compression. There SD also uses less compression than Dish. Dishes packages may be cheaper but offer much less for those slightly cheaper prices. To get some of the better channels you have to go to a high tier pack when Direct offers them in their basic choice pack.
Charlie's getting some payback as we speak. The mouse (Disney) is sticking it to him because he thinks he can run the show with his lawyers and not pay his bills. He owes 65 million to them plus for 25 months HD programming he didn't pay for. Who the hell does this guy think he is?

Way to go Disney :)
So I wonder who else he owes, Disney can't be the only one, it seams like when you hear about one, others start to come out of the wood work.
Maybe he isn't gloating much about the demise of 4Dtv with his other woes.
So I wonder who else he owes, Disney can't be the only one, it seams like when you hear about one, others start to come out of the wood work.


Good point. The way he treats his customers no wonder why he's looking for new suckers to take their place. Killing 4D and using NPS as the sap to get these to sign as subs couldn't make it any easier for him.

From what I'm reading looks like Charlies numbers will be falling big time in the next review. GOOD! Nothing would make me more happy to see Dish go out of business. Just a dream now but if he keeps his abuse up of his so called followers there won't be many left around once the majority wakes up.
Well getting back to the NPS crap. How many of you got a letter like I did just yesterday from NPS? In the letter they say outright in big bold letters that say.

"Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, C-band programming and services will no longer exist as of December 31, 2010 from any C-band provider."

I was under the impression that deception was against the law as a sales tactic. Can any lawyers shed any light on that? This crap has to stop! If I was one of the providers that plan to continue after the first of the year, I would sue for every dime I could get out of NPS for outright lying and damaging my business with those lies. But I am just a lowly person in the mean and cruel world. Mr. Mountford even has his stenciled signature on the letter. But like I said, outright lies to the consumer are a Bozo no no is the impression I was under. I thought businesses were shut down and fined for that crap. Anyways, the pic of the letter is here. It is not the greatest but should be able to be blown up for those that want to read for themselves. Have a great day!

NOTE: After uploading the picture, I see that it is crap. Hopefully the .zip will be better for viewing. If needed I will attempt a better photo.


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