Don't Believe NPS about C band support ending.

Please reply by conversation.
> In all honesty Direct ain't that bad.

Have you been drinking?

3 months ago it was armageddon, now its no big deal. I mean no offence, just want to know why the change of tune off of a sudden.

I'm looking at things realistically. 4DTV will never have certain channels back.
Unless they get a Starchoice receiver going for us to do combo and Hits sells to us it won't happen. I like having channels we lost back and not worrying about who is going to kill my tv next. NPS & Ergan really pissed me off with what they did and still are pushing. I sat on pins and needles from Feb till when NPS finally let out it was over. In that time I did my homework and prepared for the end. All I had to do was make that final phone call to Direct to get installed. The day NPS put the last knife in the coffin and Skyvision confirmed it when I called them. I said to myself I hate to do this but I did and setup my install. Next day it was in simple easy no more worries.

I am very happy that Skyvision and SRL have been able to get the 4D to work for W5 Hits after 12/31. I hope that they can possibly get more and pull off a combo box with all Hits channels. I would buy that and dump Direct ASAP. But at this point in time DirecTv is the better of the two because of the channels offered vs the current 410 system for me. I have subbed to C band since December of 1987, it was a very hard decision to go with Direct . But in all honesty Direct is the best pizza system, offers more than cable by me and costs less. To conclude, I would NEVER give one rotten cent to Dish Network. I'm very sorry I gave NPS tons of cash in the 19 years I was with them. It is what it is... Life changes we tend to adapt the best we can :)
I'm with IKKI on this... there must be some form of substance abuse going on!
Hopefully you don't need a 12 step program:D

But really thou, I feel bad for ya Tvro pro you got slammed into a 2 year with deviltv

there will be rate increases, other than the teaser rate expiring. thats how it works, they gottcha!

I've got my plan of action down pat. I will downgrade to the family pack for year 2. I only wanted it to start with it but Choice gave me more for less for the first year. Like I said in my reply to IKKI I did my homework and still am doing it. Maybe by that time Skyvision & SRL may get something going picking up a bunch of old *Choice boxes and have all of HITS. I will get into that or whatever at that point in time. The world could blow up tomorrow the economy could collapse or who know what else by then. I'm just living at the current time with what today offers. I'm tired of fighting. I want to sit down and watch tv when I want and not have NPS dictate to me what I can and can't have.

Hey Direct can't be that bad Iceberg got it because he wanted certain channels, the same with me except my move was driven by NPS killing us. If things didn't change with C band so much I would still be subbing to all the stuff on C band like back in the day. Short of pirating a commercial DC-2 and a PowerVu unit right now there is no way to get all the cool stuff C band really has up there. And that isn't going to happen. Got me or not I'm enjoying what I have today. :) I also have a mortgage they got me too, it's life in the big city.
I decided to go a different route, I watch tv to be entertained, nothing more, nothing less, I have gone with Netflix, tons of movies on demand, tv shows, some old some new, a lot I like, and for $9.00 a month I am not complaining, I have my three networks to get the new seasons programming, and with Hulu I can get most of the other programs that I want to watch.
I decided to go a different route, I watch tv to be entertained, nothing more, nothing less, I have gone with Netflix, tons of movies on demand, tv shows, some old some new, a lot I like, and for $9.00 a month I am not complaining, I have my three networks to get the new seasons programming, and with Hulu I can get most of the other programs that I want to watch.
I did exactly the same thing. Unlimited Netflix and no commercials to boot. What's not to like? We just finished watching the entire original run of Miss Marple (with Joan Hickson) from the 1980's. Netflix has ooddles of old shows and new ones. I put an antenna up on the shed (rotor and inline booster). I get 43 digital stations, most in HD. The sub-channels include Ion TV, RTV, and a couple of others that I used to watch on FTA. If 4DTV does actually go away completely at the end of the year I will miss the likes of TCM, FMC, Sleuth, and the Military Channel but I'll survive. What I won't do is get another pizza dish. Been there, done that, never again.
We are a bit off topic here, with this thread about NPS' decision to tell lies to get 4dtv subs to drop below Motorola's threshold thus ending 4dtv (not c-band)...

In regards to VOD, I have netflix but read somewhere amazon offers VOD too and has around 5x the titles that netflix has. Has anyone used amazon VOD?
New Lies at NPS

Now NPS is saying that the DSR-410 and the 922/920 on W5 won't last 6 months in 2011. This is what I was told by a CSR when I called to tell them their letter was full of it. There is no end to what these charlatans will say to push their destroy C band agenda. They really need to be slapped by legal means good and hard fast.
We are a bit off topic here, with this thread about NPS' decision to tell lies to get 4dtv subs to drop below Motorola's threshold thus ending 4dtv (not c-band)...

In regards to VOD, I have netflix but read somewhere amazon offers VOD too and has around 5x the titles that netflix has. Has anyone used amazon VOD?
I know they have what they call the screening room, you are supposed to be able to stream those if you have the correct equipment, but I think they are an indidual rental per program, atleast when I signed up that is how it was, you could also download to your computer and watch from there, it was a download that would expire after a period of time.
Now NPS is saying that the DSR-410 and the 922/920 on W5 won't last 6 months in 2011. This is what I was told by a CSR when I called to tell them their letter was full of it. There is no end to what these charlatans will say to push their destroy C band agenda. They really need to be slapped by legal means good and hard fast.

SRL needs to get a gag order on NPS immediately then sue them for damages.
I know what you mean,Terry!Our kids are always asking why we don't get "new improved systems".They are grown and think that we are stuck in the 90's when we bought the bud.I'll take it any day over theirs!!
I prefer the BUD. Allot of the new technology is junk. Hell I remember when records & 8 tracks were king. (my age is showing now)
I prefer my old LP's to CD's, sound quality of analog is more realistic than digital.

I prefer old analog c-band to modern dvb digital garbage, but what do we do?

They don't sell LP's anymore and very soon subscribable c-band masters will be a thing of the past. We do what we must- world keeps on spining around-

Guess I'll have to sub to Dave to get my missing channels back, they leave me no choice. Sure miss the good old days, A nice ANALOG sub pack on Satcom/Galaxy/Telstar satellites, TVN pay-per-view,and trusty OnSat magazine- those days are gone, The lamers have spoken-
I prefer my old LP's to CD's, sound quality of analog is more realistic than digital.

I prefer old analog c-band to modern dvb digital garbage, but what do we do?

They don't sell LP's anymore and very soon subscribable c-band masters will be a thing of the past. We do what we must- world keeps on spining around-

Guess I'll have to sub to Dave to get my missing channels back, they leave me no choice. Sure miss the good old days, A nice ANALOG sub pack on Satcom/Galaxy/Telstar satellites, TVN pay-per-view,and trusty OnSat magazine- those days are gone, The lamers have spoken-

I'm an analog supporter too. Music sounds better pictures look better. Thats because we are not computers. We don't see and hear ones's and zero's. Our ears and eyes are analog. Once you do A to D then back to A something is lost.

I pained me to switch to D* but honestly it's not a bad alternative, it works well. The problem is I have all these so called great cable channels and on 99% of them nothing is on. I miss alacart VC-2 from the bud. The best quality, great price and not paying for pounds of garbage. They have put the screws to us who had it soo good for so many years. I just hope that HITS does get their act together with adding stuff and become a major player. I for one would toss Direct ASAP if that happened. We'll soon as that damn contract runs out :(
I've heard of Skyvision, but what is SRL? Our 4dtv thru NPS went dead. They told us Motorolla was no longer going to work with it. So what's this about Skyvision or SRL?
SRL and Skyvision are not owned by the same people. Skyvision is a supplier of equipment and SRL is the program provider for Skyvision's programming and themselves.
Actually I'm not 100% sure that SRL Programming Center owns Skyvision, Skyvision may just be one of SRL's Dealers. Can anyone here clear this up? After NPS is gone SRL will be the only PRIMARY provider left, anyone else selling programming would be SECONDARY providers reselling under SRL. Notice Skyvisions's 4DTV programming prices are a little higher than going through SRL directly. Hmm.
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