Dish 50.0 (Voice remote)

So..... How many got the email from Dish newswire saying the voice remote was now available, and Opened a new tab in chrome, logged in and got the new remote ordered? :) Woo Hoo Just in time, one of my new remotes died... :)
Off the beaten path, but wouldn't Amazon Echo integration be pretty cool?
"Alexa, change the channel to Bloomberg Business, please."
(Shriek from youngster)
"No! Awexa, change channel to Cartwoon Network!"​

So, do people who were early (late January/early February) adapters feel that Dish is obligated to send them a free 50.0 Remote since that's what the Hopper 3 was promised to come with? I mean,, I'd rather have a working OTA module and 4K Joey Netflix before a remote I can talk to, but hey! Maybe that's just me...
Do not have a H3 yet. The 50.0 will work with the HWS that has the new CUI. I sent a message to MattG to see if he can order me one.
Here is response from MattG. "We do not have the option to order it for you at this time. This is likely because you are not supposed to have the new UI. The only HWS customers that should have it are those with a 4k Joey attached." I wonder when the on line retail stores will have the 50.0 voice remotes in stock! :crying
Do we know if new installs get this for free?

Edit: I'm officially allowed to talk now that its out. I have been testing this on my Joey. The voice remote is very cool. It allows you to open Netflix, change channel as well as search for shows. It is very intuitive something I would expect of Apple. The quality is there I haven't had bad search requests. I already ordered ones for the rest of the house.

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