Back in late Fall of 2003 I just got introduced to install the new Dish Network SuperDish. Here it was the 105 Superdish as that is what the local, locals were on. We had the type 1 and type 2 dish. Either one it didn't really matter, I seemed to always have issues with the 105 bird. I went to searching on-line trying to find out what was going on. I felt that I was very good at what I did and never had issues with other dishes, all companies included weather it be dish or direct or direcway or starband, or DMX radio. I changed out LNBFs on these dishes and called dish tech line to no avail. So in my searching I always came up with satguys in the list of results. Now remember this site just start a couple months ago then. So I would read others having same issue and their temporary solutions. I finally learned it was a rented transponder that was low power. Anyway after that I started to look here for more info and would read. Didn't even think about joining. This went off and on for months, then in August of 2004 I decided I wanted to ask a question that I could not find an answer to. So I had to join up to post.
As time went on I began to post more and more and also began helping others with problems. I kept seeing Scott tease about this pub only membership to find out rumors and other info I was not getting in the DISH forum. So I believe it was early 2005 Scott posted something about after a certain cut-off date anyone who joined the pub before that would be called a supporting founder. I thought it is time to pony up, since at this point I was on the site several times daily. Then after spending hours that night reading pub posts I wished I had joined the pub sooner. Later that year I think I hit 1000 posts and thought wow. I was spending more time on SatelliteGuys than I was watching TV, that the site was all about. Go forward 2 years to March of 2007 to be exact. Scott posted in on the home page that he was looking for 3 new staff members. He said what he wanted was people to write an essay and in it tell about yourself and why you would make a difference at SatelliteGuys as a staff member. So I sat down one evening and wrote a very detailed essay. At this point Satelliteguys had became a passion, and I wanted more than anything to be able to help even more than I was. A few days later I got an email from Scott Saying I had made the cut. I went straight to Satguys and saw that I had all this new power. I was so excited I could not even sleep that night. I was scared though. I didn't know how to use it. What if I edited a wrong post or banned a spammer that wasn't a spammer. I sit there for days looking at these new acquired buttons, but was afraid to push one just to even test it.
The seasoned staff at the time though, helped me get through it and I started paying more attention to what got moderated and why. I started to learn to walk and then run it was a nice feeling. Some how though I loned for more. Was I helping enough, I wanted to help more. I remembered what it was like the first time I even touched a Satellite dish, how it seemed so strange and unnatural. Now I can stick a half-ass broke dish on a stick and get a signal in 5mins or less, but still remember then. So In March of this year I teamed up with Dave(wallyhts) to start Satellite Nation a talk show dedicated to helping others.
Am I passionate about SatelliteGuys? Your Damned Right I Am. This is my home away from home. I never ever thought that an internet web site could draw me in like this. When you stop and think about it though, it is because of the community that was built by Scott and the early Staff members. It is the atmosphere that is here that makes this place so different than any other on-line forum. I am very proud to be a part of that.
Now if you will excuse me I must get ready for my show.