Contest - Tell Us Your SatelliteGuys Story!

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Since signing up within 20 minutes after Scott fired up the servers 10 years ago, this has been my go to place for anything and everything satellite!

Thanks Scott!!
Deadline to enter is 11:49pm ET on September 30th with the winners announced on October 1st!

We will be selecting winners at random who will win a great gift from the folks from DISH! (I will post a prize list once I have one!) :D

We're halfway there already. Where's that prize list? I hope it's not a couple of PPV certs...
One thing I miss is gathering in the Chat Room to experience the "Charlie Chat" with the SatGuys. We would try to get on during the Call-in section of the Chat and get in a SatelliteGuys mention!

Ah, Good Times...
SatelliteGuys has given me the information and knowledge to have a killer tailgate setup at UT football games. Although it should would be nice to have that Tailgater to make the job easier!
Satellite guys has been a help to me on several occasions. I don't post a lot but I read a lot. Many times the issue I have is there to be found or a simple question is answered right away. This community is very friendly and the folks are helpful. Thanks for being a great site to learn and hopefully for me, as I pick up knowledge, I can help others too.
I've learned a lot over the years - not only about Dish equipment and services for home and work, DirecTV equipment for work, and even FTA for the brief time I delved into that hobby. Hopefully, I've been able to help others, as well.
The non-sat areas are informative and/or fun, as well!
I had worked on C-Band satellite repair and installations since the late 80's, but SatellliteGuys gave me the information that helped me to make the transition into FTA DVB. FTA gives me more TV viewing options, as I am located in the mountains and can receive some OTA channels. With FTA I have more options. THANKS to SatelliteGuys for the website and THANKS to all those that post information to help us and keep us up to date.
I found this site back in 2007. I was a D* customer and they had promised 100 HD channels by the year's end and I was trying to find out what channels exactly would be getting HD and this seemed to be the best source of info. I became a pub member a month later I think. Just off the top of my head I got help on how to network my D* DVRs (old school unsupported by D* with the CAT-5 cable), got a vacation idea (and unintentionally scared people into thinking I was on the Carnival Triumph), and also introduced me to Plex Servers, which I am now using to stream all my media in ways I never thought possible and saving a good amount of money in the process. Oh and Scott has thrown parties I've been to and helped feed me and my poor friend.
The SatelliteGuys forum has helped me considerably. The forum mods, installers and members' posts provide invaluable information. From the DISH Uplink Reports thread I was able to find out DishNetwork finally had my locals in high-definition and with the DIRT connection I was able to get my satellite dish updated to eastern arc to get my locals. Thanks for all the help from SatelliteGuys, great website, congratulations on the anniversary, looking forward to the next ten years.
I'm always trying to do things as cheap as possible, with used equipment. Lot's of info here for the FTA hobby. Good advice for "must have" items. I like the "no question is dumb" environment. I do try to push the limits of that though.
I first came to SatelliteGuys when I was considering switching to Dish from cable. I found all kinds of help and information on plans, equipment, etc. If I had a question I would post and get honest reply's from members familiar with Dish. From the info on the Dish site I learned about Dish OTA. I then went to the OTA site for equipment, antenna directions, etc. SatelliteGuys has been indispensable with the roll out of Hopper Joey along with the added bonus of DIRT.

Thank you SatelliteGuys
While this is not my thank you message, I do want to take a moment to say THANK YOU for 10 great years!

NO, THANK YOU! SatelliteGuys has been a godsend.

The first time I posted a question on a SatelliteGuys forum, it seemed like only minutes until I got a welcome and answer from Iceberg. Every time since the experience has been great.

A few years ago we started losing Dish HD channels. Our dish configuration is unconventional because of tree obstructions, so I called Dish to try to find a better choice of satellites. Both the tech, and later a supervisor, told me basically TS. The tech never even climbed onto the roof! I was about to switch providers when I got an email that I'd won a free DishPointer app for my iPhone. Nice win from SatelliteGuys! With that tool I was able to identify accurately which satellites we could receive at various locations. Then with the SatelliteGuys Dish Subscription List I could see why I was no longer receiving specific HD channels and figure out which satellites we should be using. Another win from SatelliteGuys! The next tech I got, who was fortunately a good guy, thought I was crazy when I told him the changes I wanted to make. But he made them and was blown away. He even asked me for a copy of my spreadsheets, because he said there were other customers having similar problems = a win for Dish!

So thank you, Scott, and all the other contributors out there for the information and assistance SatelliteGuys provides!
Satellite Guys is far and away the best source for all things satellite, thank you Scott. Been here almost eight years, love learning every little detail about a technology and helping others. I really want that stuffed Hopper. :D
This is wonderful and congrats SatelliteGuys! I've only been on here for just over a yr and a half but have learned so much. With some of my knowledge I have been able to help other members as well which feels good. This has been my "go to" course for keeping up with new advanced technology, adding to my know how of audio/video, and so much more. Thanks for doing what you do SatelliteGuys I look forward to learning more and helping others when I can.
Back in late Fall of 2003 I just got introduced to install the new Dish Network SuperDish. Here it was the 105 Superdish as that is what the local, locals were on. We had the type 1 and type 2 dish. Either one it didn't really matter, I seemed to always have issues with the 105 bird. I went to searching on-line trying to find out what was going on. I felt that I was very good at what I did and never had issues with other dishes, all companies included weather it be dish or direct or direcway or starband, or DMX radio. I changed out LNBFs on these dishes and called dish tech line to no avail. So in my searching I always came up with satguys in the list of results. Now remember this site just start a couple months ago then. So I would read others having same issue and their temporary solutions. I finally learned it was a rented transponder that was low power. Anyway after that I started to look here for more info and would read. Didn't even think about joining. This went off and on for months, then in August of 2004 I decided I wanted to ask a question that I could not find an answer to. So I had to join up to post.
As time went on I began to post more and more and also began helping others with problems. I kept seeing Scott tease about this pub only membership to find out rumors and other info I was not getting in the DISH forum. So I believe it was early 2005 Scott posted something about after a certain cut-off date anyone who joined the pub before that would be called a supporting founder. I thought it is time to pony up, since at this point I was on the site several times daily. Then after spending hours that night reading pub posts I wished I had joined the pub sooner. Later that year I think I hit 1000 posts and thought wow. I was spending more time on SatelliteGuys than I was watching TV, that the site was all about. Go forward 2 years to March of 2007 to be exact. Scott posted in on the home page that he was looking for 3 new staff members. He said what he wanted was people to write an essay and in it tell about yourself and why you would make a difference at SatelliteGuys as a staff member. So I sat down one evening and wrote a very detailed essay. At this point Satelliteguys had became a passion, and I wanted more than anything to be able to help even more than I was. A few days later I got an email from Scott Saying I had made the cut. I went straight to Satguys and saw that I had all this new power. I was so excited I could not even sleep that night. I was scared though. I didn't know how to use it. What if I edited a wrong post or banned a spammer that wasn't a spammer. I sit there for days looking at these new acquired buttons, but was afraid to push one just to even test it.
The seasoned staff at the time though, helped me get through it and I started paying more attention to what got moderated and why. I started to learn to walk and then run it was a nice feeling. Some how though I loned for more. Was I helping enough, I wanted to help more. I remembered what it was like the first time I even touched a Satellite dish, how it seemed so strange and unnatural. Now I can stick a half-ass broke dish on a stick and get a signal in 5mins or less, but still remember then. So In March of this year I teamed up with Dave(wallyhts) to start Satellite Nation a talk show dedicated to helping others.

Am I passionate about SatelliteGuys? Your Damned Right I Am. This is my home away from home. I never ever thought that an internet web site could draw me in like this. When you stop and think about it though, it is because of the community that was built by Scott and the early Staff members. It is the atmosphere that is here that makes this place so different than any other on-line forum. I am very proud to be a part of that.
Now if you will excuse me I must get ready for my show. :)
Many new members come here for good advice and help with satellite issues as the name attracts. Then discover the family of regulars here are more like buddies than just forum posters. Eventually, they join the Pub and discover that aside from satellite and other tech topics the group can deliver fun conversation on a variety of topics. What it amounts to is a large family of diverse backgrounds where you can get answers to life's many questions. The most value of this place is attained not by how much you saved or get from others but by imparting what you know to help others as you get help for your own problems, whether technical or personal.

Satelliteguys best gift to me are the family of friends, many of whom I have met personally, friends I know and trust will be at my side in time of need.

My best experience, ever was when I came out of a coma a few years back after suffering a cardiac arrest event and once able, I checked in to the Pub and left my family here know I was OK and would recover. You guys were fantastic with words of encouragement. You all kept my spirits up for that month in the hospital. Then a care package was delivered to the hospital. It was a funny gift I must complain about because laughing was painful! So, I just cried. Never expected you all, Scott and Eva to be so responsive. I have that gift hanging up here and in use as a reminder of that day it arrived.

Why satelliteguys? Because the leadership here creates the atmosphere that works. Other places come close but are restrictive. Satelliteguys expands as the membership desires. Sometimes we have little squabbles and sometimes stubbornness creates a need for a soft reminder to play nice, but few ever get sent away because they refuse to play nice, many of those bad eggs leave on their own. We're a very large family and there would be something odd if we didn't have some bad people passing through.

I am proud to be supportive of Scott's plan from the beginning. When he described it to me in an e-mail about a month before opening it, I didn't know him very well but I could see the excitement in his tone and knew, with the help of some good staff, this place will be a huge success. We may not be the biggest but we are the best. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
I've used you guys for ALL my satellite info-installation, programming, troubleshooting, etc. Happy Birthday & thanks for your help!
I want to thank each and every one of you for your comments about SatelliteGuys, a few of them even brought a tear or two to my eyes. I am proud to have built this community for members to help members and we have succeeded at that in our frist 10 years and for the next 10 years that mission will not change. :)

Thank you for making us America's Most Popular Satellite Forum, its been done by listening to you! Again THANKS for all the comments. I am hoping that many of the comments were sincer and not just trying to win a prize because many of your comments meant so much to me!

With that said I have just randomly selected 3 winners! The winners will get their prizes shipped to them directly by the good folks at DISH! I thank DISH for helping us celebrate our 10th birthday! :)

So here are our winners.

The highly collectable LIMITED EDITION 3 foot Tall DISH Hopper Mascot Doll does to Vodad

The Kindle Fire goes to Costanzas_Wallet

The DISH Tailgater goes to LERN4483

?Again THANK YOU to everyone! If you are a winner please contact me with your shipping address and I will forward them to DISH for Shipping! :)
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