Contest - Tell Us Your SatelliteGuys Story!

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I started coming here when I worked for DISH. I was amazed at the knowledge of those here. And I also often found out about upcoming products and services and other changes here before i got official word at work!
Hmmm... Yesterday was the birthday of Satellite Guys, today the birthday of Star Trek. Coincidence? I think not. :)
1) SatelliteGuys saved me money by notifying us of unannounced (or future) promotions or changes in same. I've lost count of the dollars, but I'm on the half-priced BB@home right now. The best past deal I can think of at the moment was the combined HD and Dish Platinum package for $10, which got rolled into HD FFL and BB@home with more linear channels.

2) SatelliteGuys taught me a lot. I found the site through Google when trying to teach myself how to aim a D500 for my 4900. ;)

3) DIRT members have helped me on 4 occasions, very quickly, and got it right the first time. (Who said they aren't miracle workers?)

4) I won a $50 gift certificate (for a good technical tip) from Dish back when Scott was managing DishSupport. (Or maybe it was after Dish took it in-house. Memory fading!) Anyhow, Dish subsequently ruined it (without Scott) and I can't even find that forum any more. So I just come here when I need to look up or fix something. DBStalk is a distant memory.

5) Almost forgot! I also find it gratifying to give back to other (probably newer) members in patient advice or technical help, where I can. And of course I'm a pub member to help support the site.
I remember, in early 2008, I bought a Pansat 2500a at a local flea market. Since most all the FTA stuff was going digital, I thought I'd give it a try.

I needed help with this so, I Googled, of course, and EVERY result about legit FTA pointed me here, and to lots of posts from a guy named Iceberg. :D

With help from Iceberg & several other SatelliteGuys members, I got an old Primestar Ku dish pointed at my first satellite!

It was G28 at 89w, & the first channel I saw on that ol' Pansat was ABC News Now. That was it... I was hooked! Very soon after that I became a Pub Member.

Now there's 4 Primestars outside, along with my original 10 foot C-bander and a 7.5 foot I got from my brother. :D

Other cool stuff, includes winning a GEOsat Pro LNBF, from Brian at SatelliteAV, SatelliteGuys Radio, the DIRT team, and of course becoming a staff member here! :)

The SatelliteGuys members are truly like a family, and have accepted me too, (regardless of my political leanings... LOL) :eek: :D

Thank you Scott, Eva & everyone else. This place is truly the best! :)
What does Satelliteguys mean to me? Hmm, it sounds like a school paper!

SG is the first place I check in the morning and the last at night. We are all family here and it shows from the top on down. Whether it's on the Directv forum where we are able to help lots of new members, or in the Pit where we go at it at times, it's good to know that we are in fact all friends. I have met so many great people here online and quite a few in person! Scott and Eva, thanks for all that you do!
I'm actually not posting this to be entered into the drawing. I just wanted to post a simple thank you to Satelliteguys for 10 years of always being there for my tech questions. Sure, I've had plenty of DBS-related questions, but there have been countless other topics that the open, kind community here have helped me with by so graciously sharing their expertise and experiences. We're talking anything from laptops, PCs, networking, gaming consoles, and cell phones to automobiles, taxes, and real estate. When I'm stuck on something, Satelliteguys is the first (and usually the only) online source I go to. The folks on this board are dear to me.

I remember 10 years ago the ruckus on the other site and the birth of this one. Wow, Scott, look what that turned into! Congratulations!
I just looked and did not realize I will have been a member here for 8 years come the end of the year. That is a long time.

I have met some great people here and I am not sure if it has saved me a bunch of money or not, although I am sure I have gotten in on a couple of promotions I have heard about from here. I also participated in a couple beta programs as well.

I really enjoy it here, and plan on sticking around for as long as Scott keeps it going.
Sat guys has been my gateway to satelite
Information since I've joined back in 2004.
I've always been a pub member. I kinda felt
Since this site always gave to me, I should
Give back to it.
It's been my favorite source for breaking
Info on new HD channels or better upgraded equipment.
I've met a great community of people
Who have the same passion for electronics that I do.
Many questions I have had have been answered
By forum members like myself.
It's the first and last site I check when I'm on
The Internet.
Happy birthday Sat Guys! I love ya!
I've been a member since near the beginning. I started posting over at the other site and found this site by a reference. I've always gotten friendly advice from the folks here on deals with both companies. I also got my start into listening to satellite radio thanks to Satelliteguys. Back in 2004 there was deal set up for a JVC plug and play radio that I got to take part of. I also got to be a part of the staff here for a good while and had a blast. The staff here is one of the friendliest group of people you will ever interact with online.

Another one of my favorite memories was the Satelliteguys Radio during the holidays. Scott had it set up to where the members could request their favorite songs and have them played.
Satguys has been a consistent source of reliable information on Dish hardware, programming, and most importantly Dish promotions

For example the TWD roku / credits
I found SatGuys through a link from another site (not THE other site, just another site) I was using for HDTV info. Within a few weeks I had stopped using the other site and joined SatGuys. I'm definitely more of a reader/lurker (only 168 posts in 7 years), but I have learned nearly everything I know about satellite TV through this site. There are too many topics to list about ways the site has helped me, but here are a few that stick out:

One of the first things SatGuys did for me was to make my transition from DirecTV to Dish an easy one. Any time I had a question about a feature on the ViP622 all I had to do was hop on over and I could find the answer.

I will also never forget the outstanding coverage of the Hopper system as it evolved from Scott giving vague hints that Dish was working on a "whole home" system to the debut of the XiP series and then the Hopper/Joey. Just as important was the way the SatGuys community came together as the Hopper rolled out. The steady stream of updates and lessons learned from those first installs helped me, and many others, have a smooth install. I got my Hopper only a week after launch, but thanks to SatGuys I felt incredibly well prepared and my install went off without a hitch.

The SatGuys community has also helped me recently on a topic unrelated to satellite. Thanks to a conversation over in the Pub Members Bar & Grill I got the info and motivation I needed to get my home's HVAC issues resolved once and for all. Who would've though I site primarily about satellite TV could help with that?

Thanks Scott for starting not only a great site for satellite TV info, but for also creating a wonderful community of genuinely nice people who are interested in helping and supporting others.
A place I like to visit every day.

The Cinemax for a penny for a year deal (and it was amazingly RENEWED for another year) stands out as one of the best I can recall, and I would have never heard of it if not for Satguys.
Definitely this site has taught me a lot about how stuff works and has saved me money.

I joined in 2008. At the time, my main interest was when Cleveland would get HD LiL (there's another thing I learned, just what "LiL means).

Slowly learned the basics. What the difference between 61.5 and 129 was, what a transponder was, how stuff got uplinked, and so on. Learned about satellite launches, and now greatly enjoy following that part of the business.

Learned how to get the most for my money, learning about the "welcome pack" and "HD Absolute." Learned when us wing dish customers were missing HD, so got a 1000.2 upgrade. Learned about cool new new features like Dish Remote Access (I miss you, DRA!)

Learned the truth about what was going on when there was issues. When my signal was out, I immediately know if it's me or national. When a channel is dropped, I know in advance. And I was able to be fully apprised about Voom during that great upheaval. And getting all the awesome rumors in the pub, getting a full jump on the matter.

And one awesome thing I have to mention was the chat during the chat, i.e. the heckling on the chat here during the old Charlie Chats and Tech Forums.

More recently, with DIRT, customer service is a breeze. A quick PM, and problem solved.
I just want to say thank you to Scott and all the members here that have helped me over the past year. It has been an honor getting to know a lot of you and getting help when I need it most. You all are like family I feel like I can come here after having a bad day and vent. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, and a special thank you to Scott. I know it is a lot of work keeping a site going. You all are amazing!
I joined as a lurker a couple of years ago, I was a Dish customer thinking of switching to cable due to the fact that dish didn't have HD available in Puerto Rico. Before switching I got news on this site that dish had big plans for the island so I decided to wait and boy was it worth it.

Last year during the Dish/AMC problems sat guys told its users about dish's roku program for customers who had lost AMC. It was one of the best things that Dish had done to show how much they cared for their customers.

This year Dish started a promotion to let existing customers who were in good standing to upgrade to the Hopper With Sling at no cost. It was first heard and confirmed on this site.

Also last but not least, DIRT. I would have never imagined that i would be receiving great customer service from an online community noy affiliated with Dish directly . Somehow they pulled it off and the results have been amazing.

Thank You Scott and everyone in this forum who make satellite guys one of the best TV information sources on the Internet. :)

Posted Using The New SatelliteGuys Reader App!
This site has proven invaluable to learning about the latest and greatest Dish hardware before the specs and details get to the general public. When the Hopper came out, I was one of the first to adopt in my area and the installers were amazed at how much more I knew about it then they did, especially when I pulled out a printed thread for him about the procedure to link stubborn Joeys.

He was amazed that such a site existed that he did not know about and I'm pretty sure that he joined that day to learn more then his bosses were teaching.

Satelliteguys members, staff, and DIRT make this a much more enjoyable experience to be a Dish subscriber and I thank you for it!
What Satellite Guys have done for me:

I was able to show the tech that came out to install my Hopper/Joey setup that I did have LOS for Eastern Arc,. Which finally got me my Locals in HD. Thanks guys.
I'm fairly new to this site, about 2 years new. What brought me to this site was the wealth of information not just about Dish, but about DTV and the other providers. I really look forward to Wed and Fri when the uplinks are posted. I also check to see what promos Dish is running so I may take advantage of them, any outages, possible channel adds, etc. The DIRT team is fantastic at promptly answering any questions I may have had since I've joined. I remember when the 922 came out (ok maybe its been more than 2 years) and the Hopper/Joey and I heard about them both FIRST here on SatelliteGuys. Thank you!
We have had dishnetwork for over 10 years. Just recently upgraded to the new Hopper system. This place has really helped answer a lot of questions for me. This is one great place for information. Thank you for all you are doing and keep of the great work.
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