Contest: Enter to Win a Mini BUD from Satellite AV

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Awesome.... this work great at the new house I'm moving into next month!

I spent most of my summers out in the large..very large... section of woods behind our neighborhood. As kids we were constantly cutting trails with hand tools and such. Wish I had chainsaw back then! We also built a little house up on piers to hang out at night and play cards and stuff. Kept us out of trouble and from running the roads. Nice to get away from everything for a couple of days out there.
My favorite summer time activity while growing up was boy scout summer camp with my father, it was one of the few things that we would do together over the summer because he was an auto plant worker and he was heavily involved in various groups and charities.
I grew up on a small ranch in S. Texas. I would spend my summers hunting for rabbit, quail,javelina and other small game. we also swam in the cattle tank. I would have to say my favorite thing was looking for arrowheads and other Indian stone tools.
For me, camping and fishing with my grandparents. We'd head off to an old, shallow lake an hour south of town (well, an hour and a half the way my grandparents drove), camp right up next to the lake, and go fishing for catfish. No better time as a kid. Sadly, as I grew up, my grandfather grew old. By 13, our annual trips had ended. But alas, in just a few years, I hope to recapture that feeling to a degree as I take my nephews (currently a little young) down to the same spot.

Ironic I talk about this experience getting away from the world when trying to win a satellite TV system.:)
satellite AV Contest

I grew up in central Pennsylvania and lived next to the Susquehanna River. My older brother built me a heavy plywood boat that took me all over the river and all summer long. I would float for miles on a tire inner tube and then someone would come for me down stream . I caught water creatures. I would search the barren islands in the middle of the River for things that would hang up on the island ,when the river was high. No one taught me how to fish, but after I moved away, I found out it was the Small mouth Bass hot spot in Pa.
Thanks Brian for the contest
Growing up in the Northwoods of WI my favorite summertime activity was killing mosquitoes and avoiding deer in the middle of the road. Actually that's a year round activity :D

Growing up, our family spent a couple of weeks each summer and many weekends "jeepin." Camping, hiking, and fishing were a bonus, but the real fun was exploring the logging roads, canyons, and desert trails of Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. One of the few things I miss from the '70s...
My best memory while growing up is afternoon barbecues. I remember we would always have them either Friday or Saturday afternoon all the neighborhood kids would show up and we would get soaking wet with the waterhose and have a great time eating hotdogs or hambergers. I will never forget.:)
My favorite thing growing up was spending time with my dad. We used to play in the sandbox. He even had to double the size of the box to accommodate the growing town that we built. We used to use toy trucks, cars and built perfect little sand houses using a set of masonary tools that he had laying around. The sandbox may be long gone, but the memories will last a lifetime. Thank you in advance if I win!
Each summer my mother would take me on a road trip; often to an archaeological site in the west. I sure miss those trips. These days I look forward to a summer monsoon rain enjoyed on the back porch with a cold beer and a minor league ball game on the radio.
Each summer from the time I was 8 until about 12, I would be put on a Grayhound bus, alone, in Atlanta, Ga. and sent to my grandmother's house in Auburndale, Fla. There I would enjoy climbing around feed sacks in a dairy, stacked 20 feet high, fish in the phosphate pits, and ride a sulky on the dirt roads around my grandmother's home.
I will always remember when my family would spend a few weeks visiting my families in other states. Traveling around to different locations and getting to see what its like living there. I guess thats how I got bit by the DXing radio and TV bug trying to receive those stations back home.
My best memories of summer are simply of hot days and no school. We'd be outside after cereal and cartoons by 8 or so, play till we heard mom yell lunch time, maybe have some friends in to play the atari (odd man out got the controller without the black rubber cover), then back out till dinner. We'd get just a couple hours out after dinner til the sun went down, just before then it was lightning bugs or flashlight tag. Then get up to do it all over again.

I've never had a bud, wife will not like it, and it will be a good match for the 1 D* and 2 E* dish on the roof, but I'd love to try it.
When I was growing up, one of my favorite summertime pastimes was going fishing with my grandfather. I also used to ride around on the property with one of my three gocarts or dirtbike I had.

I would also enjoy a mini Bud project, I've been toying with that for about a year now in various forms.

Thanks for the contest,Brian.
I always loved the beach growing up, and that still holds true today. Living close by does not hurt:p
I really had two favorite things going on during the summer when I was growing up. From the time I was old enough to walk and talk I spent my entire summer on my great-grandparents farm. Let me preface this by saying this was in the mid to late forties. Some of the many things I look back on with fond memories is milking cows, learning to drive a team of horses (Pap didn't have a tractor until later), and climbing up into the barn rafters and jumping down into a pile of straw.

As I got older and made neighborhood friends I developed a real fondness for fishing. My buddies and I would be out fishing almost every day during the summer. Great memories.
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