Contest: Enter to Win a Mini BUD from Satellite AV

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My favorite summer activity growing up was to either go fishing or golfing with my dad. Sometimes he would take my brother and I fishing. Sometimes we would just tag along when he went golfing. I always remember getting a red cream soda out of the soda machine called "Red Lightning".
You know at 40 years old some friends and I were just talking about "summer" last week when school was starting. Man it seems like I can remember EVERY single last day of school! No more going to bed early, home work and best of all, no more getting punished for bad grades. We had a spot just outside of town called "the track" it had hills, jumps and mud holes to keep up busy on our Mongoose BMX bikes. Thats the place where all the kids met to trade dirty books swiped from our pops, talk about girls, and tell lies to each other. Its also the place where I had my first "dip/chew" which resulted in my first chemicly induced vomit scession. That place had the best of everything, a train track, a 50ft tall abandon silo, 2 coulies, and alot bmx jumps. It seems like those summer days would never end and summer almost lasted forever. Now as adults, being the fathers of those kids who are off for the summer, we spend more time looking at the calender trying to keep deadlines or worring about when is the next payday. My friend and I finally came to the conclusin that time is not flying by faster now that we are older, we are just paying more attention to it. Man how we could not wait to become a "Man", now I wish I would not have rushed it.
My favorite summer memory is going camping with my family. We usually take a long weekend somewhere. We usually go fishing, boating, biking, roller blading, swimming, and hiking. This year we had excellent weather. Every year it is very enjoyable.
Growing up, my father and grandfather spent deer season in a camp in eastern Maine. I was along for most of the trips. Spent a lot of time in the woods. Best memories of my youth. I now live less than five miles from that camp lot. The building is long gone.

Thanks, Eric
Growing up, my father and grandfather spent deer season in a camp in eastern Maine. I was along for most of the trips. Spent a lot of time in the woods. Best memories of my youth. I now live less than five miles from that camp lot. The building is long gone.

Thanks, Eric
Small world. I lived on the St Croix River for a couple of years! :)
My favorite summer activity when I was little was going to my great uncles cabin in Northern Minnesota.

We always joked now because the outhouse was a good 150-200 feet away from the house which too this day we dont know why it was that far away. No indoor plumbing and for many years no hot water. We also joked that the outhouse was right next to the woods so you never knew when a bear would come out of the woods :eek:

We'd spend lots of summer weekends there. Now both he and the cabin are long gone.

We have our own cabin now but in this day and age it's totally different than what it use to be.

Use to be a cabin was a 2 1/2 season (Memorial day-labor day) cabin with no indoor plumbing, maybe hot water, an outhouse, 1 TV channel and 4-5 radio stations

Now people build "cabins" better than their normal house with satellite TV, satellite internet, satellite radio, jacuzzi's etc

Thanks Satellite AV! The younger years I enjoyed the family time at a friends cabin in Northern MI and the fun times on Mackinaw Island. Beautiful!!!
Growing up ??? ... I got older, but never grew up! In my younger years I enjoyed going up in THE Mountain (Mt. Rainier) or the ocean or most any where else and camping (in a canvas tent) by a stream or lake, Lake George, Mowich, Reflection, Eunice, Cora lakes for those who know that area or Nisqually, Paradise, White or Cabron rivers; Skate or Big creek.
Now that I am older, my tent has solid walls and only has to be leveled, not pitched and we do not have to worry about the rain, the bears or the mosquitoes. I still enjoy the fire pit, but I now bring along my own fire wood most of the time.
Did I mention I live in one of two RV's!!! And we have our own 20 acre campsite, but unfortunately, no trees, no lake, no stream and an almost year around burn ban (and 20% RH), so no fire pit! No commercial AC power, very little OTA tv but more stars than I can count, 180° LOS to the south, and WIND. Did I mention the wind? Highest measured burst / gust, so far, was 122.3 MPH. The 10 foot Winegard did not like it, but it appears to have no non-repairable damage. (Still not tuned in. But I got the roof repaired Monday, finally!)

For those who do not understand the burn ban, last week a lightning fire, 22 acres, went to 40,000 acres in one afternoon, a ways north of me and south of Badhat. (Google Hanford wildfire 2009).
My summers were spent in our back yard "camping" my brother and I will put up a tent, flash lights, sleeping bags, couple of friends come over and mom will always give us chips and sodas! hot dogs for dinner!! but when it got scary, you will see us back inside the confort of our home!!!! :o:o
We lived on a gravel road in the country near a creek and all summer long we rode our bikes everywhere, ran around out in the woods and would go swimming in the creek near the bridge. Also we would occasionally get to go to the nearby lake as well. Pedaling down to the creek had to the favorite activity of summer!
Riding Minibikes!

:) A friend and I used to ride our Honda 50 minibikes up and down the backroads during the summer until the wee hours of the morning. Some nights we would put over 30 miles on these early 1970's machines. We were both too big for these bikes from our youth now that we were grown up and at the prime age of 16. For more fun we would attach a 4 foot piece of electrical conduit to the exhaust and curve it straight up like a stack on a truck. This we found out was extremely loud especially if we drove past your house at night but on the bikes it sounded really cool! :cool: Most of the times we drove by moonlight with no other lights which drove people nuts because they could hear us but not see us. :p Refueling at the truckstop cost only about 75 cents for both bikes when gas was around a dollar and the look on the fuel attendant's face was worth the trip itself! One crazy night 2 idiots on a tractor without lights :eek: almost run us over! (I talked to them the next day and all that they remember was this loud noise and seeing something shiny lit up by the light of the moon and they had no idea what it was that just went past them! ) On the way home we went to hide from a car and laid down in a ditch along the road. It turned out to be a cop who turned around to investigate further. The white shirts and shoes that we were wearing really showed up when the cop drove by and we looked like 2 dead bodies in a ditch. :o After a lot of creative explaining and since we were still alive, the cops told to have fun as long as no one complained! We still have our "bikes" 30 years later but we do not stay out too late now!!!... :D
My favorite summertime was canoeing on the rivers in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. Dad would take me fairly frequently; I can still taste the cedar water and the wild blueberries eaten right off the bush!
My summertime activities always revolved around my grandfathers farm. My earliest recollections are of spending almost every day there when I was little, from the time I was old enough to be given a few chores of my own to do, to the time that I was tall enough to fully depress the pedals on the tractors and safely operate them so I could begin to work in the fields. With all the animals, chores, and other aspects of farm life there was little time for boredom, so I didn't mind the fact that there were only two TV channels to watch, nor video games or computers to sit in front of (1960's you know!). Looking back I would say that the best part of summers for me were spending time with and getting to really know my grandfather.
Loved going to the beach with my grandparents every summer as a kid. Also enjoyed the normal activities of the season - baseball and just goofing off with my buddies...

Would love to get into some mini-BUD action - thanks again for the oppty.!
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