Spent a lot of time during the summer with my (paternal) grandparents down on Bull Shoals Lake on the MO/AR line. I have a picture taken down there of me at about 8-9 years old, holding a blacksnake as high as I could over my head, and it hung down to the ground, plus about a foot on the ground. 
I'll never forget the first time my granddad let me drive the old boat they had, it was a 16' fiberglass with a 60 hp Chrysler motor...my grandmother was terrified if I got within 300' feet of the shore, she made sure I stayed out in the middle of the channel, no stunts......good times.
SatAv, thanks for the contest and to everyone for posting these great stories.

I'll never forget the first time my granddad let me drive the old boat they had, it was a 16' fiberglass with a 60 hp Chrysler motor...my grandmother was terrified if I got within 300' feet of the shore, she made sure I stayed out in the middle of the channel, no stunts......good times.

SatAv, thanks for the contest and to everyone for posting these great stories.