Contest: Enter to Win a Mini BUD from Satellite AV

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Spent a lot of time during the summer with my (paternal) grandparents down on Bull Shoals Lake on the MO/AR line. I have a picture taken down there of me at about 8-9 years old, holding a blacksnake as high as I could over my head, and it hung down to the ground, plus about a foot on the ground. :eek:

I'll never forget the first time my granddad let me drive the old boat they had, it was a 16' fiberglass with a 60 hp Chrysler grandmother was terrified if I got within 300' feet of the shore, she made sure I stayed out in the middle of the channel, no stunts......good times. :D

SatAv, thanks for the contest and to everyone for posting these great stories. :)
My favorite activity while growing up was when I was in the Boy Scouts. I spent a great deal of time in the Teton Mountains hiking and camping. What a great time to be a kid!
My favorite summertime activity was riding my bicycle all over creation.

I used to ride my bike EVERYWHERE! I had a baby seat on the rear and used to ride my baby sister all over with me at various times.

I even rode in the winter in the ice and snow. It didn't bother me a bit to ride even while it was snowing. I used to ride downtown and catch the cheap movies, and many times, rode in the snow.

My mother was divorced and didn't drive, so she would often send me to a fast food joint for supper.

I rode everywhere, all the time.
In the teen years, I spent the summers going down to the grandparents and I would spend every morning golfing and the weekends going to local fairs. Thanks for the contest!!
Each summer a family reunion would take place at the lake where my mother and her brothers and sisters grew up. Lots of cousins, cooking out, etc., in short, just a lot of fun.
My favorite time was going to Uncle John's farm, milking the cows, driving the tractor, filling the silo with silage, packaging the eggs .... so many things one could do! BUT no satellites to play with in the 50's!:)
My favorite summer holidays were family trips to the Whiteshell Park just north of the Lake of the Woods. Many great memories there from way back. Lots of big tall pine trees to hide from the summer sun under when we weren't out swimming in the lake or water skiing.
p/s, I like the mount on that geosat-pro 1.8m dish!
I always looked forward to a week of two stay on my uncle's farm. His property backed-up to a National Forest, where we could ride motorcycles 'til the sun went down.
When I was very young, we'd take the train from Minneapolis to Iowa to visit my Grandparents. I also spent a week during the summer at my other grandparents in Minnesota. Also camped with several other families my parents 'ran around with.'
Growing up on a farm there was always plenty to do. My Dad would make a big list of things for us to do while he was at work everyday. We would quickly (and half ass) get the list done and sneak away for the day. We would hit the river quite often as well as play basketball on those not so nice days in "The big barn" Also there was plenty of bike riding. For money we would collect aluminum cans along the road as well as peel cascara bark (a laxitive) and pick fir cones all to sell. I bought a ten speed one summer with my earnings. Probably the most memorable times were swiping a pound of bacon from the freezer and going into the woods to cook it. Strang, but was fun.
A really need to enter for this :)

A fun story about the summer -- We traveled quite a bit in the summer with the family. The Black Hills were a popular, as was Northern Minnesota. But our favorite one was a trip out to DC (from Iowa) and then driving back through the South and going from DC to Oklahoma and back north. It was a long two weeks in the car, but well worth it. I've had a travel bug ever since.
Swimming and camping. My friends and I had a great time swimming at the local pool or while at Boy Scout camp. Had a lot of fun with model rockets (Estes), also. Too bad I glued a motor into one of the rockets. :eek:
I would visit my relatives deep in the mountains of Southwestern Virginia. My cousin and I would catch crawdads (crayfish for those of you in other parts) from the creek, hike through the hills, and watch out for bears.

I would think about what the future held, like satellite dishes that anyone could own.
Grew up on a dairy farm. My vacations were a week at Boy Scout, 4-H or FFA camp. And there was the local abandoned quarry where we would go after a long day of haying and swim to just cool off and clean up!

Thanks to Brian for the contests!
Bike riding here. I used to ride my bike everywhere. To the store, friends houses, park, creek. Everywhere. I think the reason I liked to ride the bike was that if I was at home I had to weed the garden and pick beans. Bike riding was my (literal) escape! :D
My favorite time in the summer as a kid was going to visit our friends at the lake. Swimming, water skiing, maybe some fishing, and a barbeque were the usual activities. Throughout the long South Dakota winters I looked forward to doing it all over again the next summer.
It seems it was all about the water. Before I was of driving age, there were several lakes, ponds and abandoned dirt pits for fishing, swimming and camping within bicycle distance. Once my mobility increased I expanded my horizons to the beach and the bayous. "Summer" weather here starts around April so a buddy and I learned to ski by skipping school and taking his dad's flat bottom to the bayou.................and yes we did eventually get caught, but it was fun while it lasted. His dad wasnt too mad, 'cause we always left more gas in the tank than when we started
Would sure like the dish

Let's see I catch up on the TV shows that have built up over time. So I hope to win this thing so I don't need to buy another dish. I want a FTA dish for PBS HD. I do get it over the air but they turn it off nightly and that is clicking a popping at random times in the audio.
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