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my favorite summetime memory as a kid was climbing in the stationwagon and visiting relatives in Chicago. Good times....
When I was growing up I remember every Sunday family and friends would get together and have a huge cook out and play horse shoes all day and stuff our faces.Then when it would get dark we would play Hide & Seek then we would switch over to play Tag for awhile.I know by the time we went to bed.we were completely worn out..Then during the week when all chores had been done I would grab a fishing pole and head to the nearest creek with a few friends and we would fish until it got dark..I remember climbing the hills with my sisters and brothers and picking blackberries and eating until we got sick....a few friends and I would get stuff together and climb the hills and set up a tent and camp out and explore the rock formations and find fossils.Then when it was hot we would grab some inner tubes and float down the creek for awhile until we found a deep spot to swim in...
I grew up on a farm, and my favorite summer activity was playing with my brother. Riding bikes, working in the garden, playing trucks in the dirt , building wooden toys and even a playhouse, watching for the occasional B-52 on a training mission to come screaming directly over our house at treetop level.

One time a fighter jet went supersonic at low level nearby and rattled our windows with his sonic boom. Now that was FUN!
WHOA! I just read Brent's post about going to Grindstone City in the thumb area of Michigan.. NOW that's just STRANGE!
guess where I spent my summers?
yep, my uncle had a cabin not far from there, near Albert Sleeper State park. right across from the water, we'd go fishing and swimming and boating. he also had one of those cool VW dune buggies we'd go tooling around in.

now my summer is spent going "dish hunting" with my kids ;-)
If I had one of these, I could take them fishing instead.. (nah, we'd look for more dishes!)
- nice prize!

Every summer, the family got in the car, and left Florida for a 2-day drive to eastern Tennessee to visit relatives.
I guess that was the best part of summer. - :cool:

But just playing out in the yard, swinging on the oak trees, and pulling down the Spanish moss, wasn't too bad, either. ;)
You're making me cry...

Remembering the good old days hurts... Ok that's over and on to as they say in the country song "the good stuff."

Hanging out at Mammaw and Pappaw's sitting up in a tree for hours and then the grape vine swinging a la Tarzan. My Pappaw made the best home made bows and sleds.

This is followed up by cave exploring, fishing and frog catching, baseball or persimmon wars according to when the persimmons were hard enough to make the best bruises.

Night brought out the lightning bug chase and the rare catch a bat in a fish net. You see you trick them into flying down close to the ground by throwing up an empty oatmeal box.

Baths in a galvanize garden tub on Saturday nights for Sunday go to meeting.

Oh those were the days.

Wow thinking about summers as a kid brings back lots of memories. Summers swingin on the swing set, swimming in the pool we had, and riding my bike that had a banana seat with 3 speeds! I drive by the old house every once in a looks pretty much the same. Well the neighborhood changed and most of it is run down. Somedays I wish I could live back there just one day. Sadly a number of years ago my best friend growing up was killed in a car accident. I'd lost track of him for a number of years. I saw his death in the paper and got to see his folks and brother and sister at the funeral. It had been 30 years since I last saw them. Playing trucks and cars with my buddy Tim was the best. Blind
I used to love to hang out at the local muni golf course. We had a season pass, and I'd go on the weekdays and play 36 sometimes even 45 holes.
Favorite summer fun as a kid was riding bikes with friends to the record shop. Getting the latest 45's then stopping at the local burger joint on the way back while munching playing the old baseball pinball machines. Guess it shows my age :D
Frist post here. Every summer when I was a kid I would go to stay with my grandparents for 3 weeks. Just me and my grandfather would go fishing every day I was there. When we got home me and him cleaned what we caught that day and my grandmother would cook them for supper. I sure do miss both them and all those good times.
My favorite summer fun was during summer vacation my cousin and I would make Sci-Fi movies with my 8mm camera using our toy space craft.
When I was young we would be involved in summer sports for little league, playing sports with the neighbors, running around in the woods building forts, creek jumping, and exploring the woods. We would be out a mile or two at times. I was never in the house in the summer unless it was raining. Please draw me for the win.
Let's see, growing up my favorite summer activity was swimming in our pool. My brother and I would have a contest to see how much water we could splash out with each dive. We'd also try to splash out as much as possible by sitting in an inner tube under the diving board and pushing ourselves up and down. We'd get puddles of water all around the sides.

Good times.
My favorite memories of summer was lounging in our above ground pool in the back yard. Until my dad cut a tree down and it smashed right through the middle of the thing.

Years later, I found out he did it on purpose. :)
When I was a kid we lived on the south shore of Long Island, NY. We had a boat in the water at least 7 months out of the year. My dad and I would go out real early in the morning fishing. We'd stop at a 24 hour deli and pick up coffee, sandwiches and a container of milk for me (I was too young to drink coffee at the time.) Next stop was the bait dock if we didn't have any left over from the day before. Then it was about a 25 minute ride across the Great South Bay to our fishing grounds. We would fish hard until around lunch time unless the fish were really biting then we'd go longer. When it was time to eat our sandwiches my dad would find a nice sandy place to beach the boat. We'd sit on the beach, eat, and my dad would tell me stories about when he was a kid and my Grandpa who I never really knew. Sometimes the stories were about fishing with my older brothers (before I was born) or sometimes he'd tell me about when he was in WWII. There was always something to talk about and I didn't mind that some of the stories were repeated a few times. After lunch we'd take a quick swim to cool off a little and then it was back to fishing for a couple more hours. We never, ever came home empty handed. If we didn't catch fish (which was extremely rare) we would bring home crabs or clams. Most times it was all three. We didn't have a lot of money back then but we ate like royalty. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Those were the best days of my life, so far.

Dad passed away 25 years ago but to this day, whenever I go fishing, I think of him and get a big smile on my face.

RIP "Pop"

My favorite summer activities when growing up would be swimming at the pool, water ballons, going to the beach in sunny California, and loving to use the slipe and slide in the backyard with all my friends. Those were great memories, and they all seem like yesterday.
Summer fun for me included picking raspberries (we had about an acre) until I was too full of 'em to move. Our property was surrounded by thousands of undeveloped acres...when I was 9, I started camping out on the back 40. I would stay out for a week at a time, going home only to get supplies. Some of my fondest memories are hiking in the woods alone, siting all sorts of wildlife.
Every fourth of July my father, mother, sister and I would swim out and back to an island on a large lake just down the hill from our house. The only part I didn't like was swimming through a large bed of weeds...eeyuw!
My old man used to grow so many tomatoes that my mother would get sick of canning and send me out with the baskets on my bike filled to sell to the neighbors. This was how I earned my spending money. I would buy gas for my 1 hp outboard on my little pram, and a bucket of shiners...I could always catch a few 4-5 lb. large mouth bass. Fishing just isn't the same there any more...
Well, I'm almost 60 and could go on and on...not to bore, so I guess that's
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