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Well, growing up, I'd spend the summer with my grandparents that lived nearby when my folks went to work. They primarily spoke Spanish so for as much time as I spent there, I had to learn the language or else I couldn't eat! But there'd be 2 weeks in Aug where we would go to Lake Tahoe and I would be the navigator reading road maps and seeing where we were at and guessing how long it would be before we got there. Id have some sort of music around as well. I couldn't go without it! Some of the best memories of those trips come back when I hear some of it, especially Tears For Fears "Songs From The Big Chair". It was big that summer!

In the more recent years, I would take time off of work and go up & down the coast, enjoying every sight California has to offer and visiting family. With my recent relationship, I hopeto do more with my girlfriend and show her everything I've seen thru all those summers.
I have experienced 60 summers, but some of the best ones were when my Golden Retriever was with me in my life adventures. He loved romping in fields and swimming in water, so almost every weekend we would head out into the Northern California wilderness, lakes or ocean shores to explore, swim, fish, camp, share BBQ and beer. When we didn't camp out we stayed at motels that accepted dogs. After 16 years of loyal friendship he departed and my lifestyle has changed significantly since, perhaps from age. If I ever host another dog in this life, surely it will be a Golden.

Thanks, SatAV, for the opportunity to win a 1.2M dish setup so I can join the mini-C experimenters.
As a boy growing up, I used to like chasing wild birds and grasshoppers in the open country. Those creatures gave you the false sense you were gonna catch them each time you tried. They would sit still, and as you stalked, cralwed close to soon you make your move to grab them......................poof they fly/jump within an few yards and stop/land. They continue with this tease, until either your sibbling or parents shout your name, signalling that your almost a few hundred yards away from safety.:(
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This would be great to get something for c-band!

Some of my favorite childhood memories were our family summer vacations on Little McDonald lake in MN. I learned to water ski behind a little fishing boat with a 25 horse Evinrude motor. Caught many sunfish off the dock. Once in awhile rented a rowboat to go largemouth bass fishing across the lake in the lily pads. Ahh, those were the days!
For me the best time in summer time we can do whatever since go to the beach with Family, go a family ranch and breathe better air, I'd remember those days in where you didn't matter what day it was and you never think on the future
Summer Hobbies

Fishing! Absolutely fishing! And it must be catfishing... When you go catfishing, you have to go at night (or in the evenings at least) and you need to camp out, so you need a tent. If you camp out, you need to find a secluded place to go to be alone so that no one will disturb your fishing, so you need a boat. If you take a boat, you need to be quiet, so you need a row boat, a flat-bottomed jon boat with oars. If you use such a boat, you need to keep in shape because rowing up a river requires some physical endurance. You also need a sharp mind as you need to read the channel so you don't get hung up on a sand bar or some obstruction below the water. When you arrive at your destination, you need to know how to fish! What bait to use, how to rig your line, how to handle your fishing rod and how much weight and what size of hook to use.

But, finally, the main thing is.... You have to know how to enjoy life and relax!

AHHHH! :) Now this is living! :D

When I was a kid back in Tennessee, there was nothing like playing kick the can with the neighborhood kids after dark. The smell of the mosquito truck driving around the neighorhood filling the air with disel smoke and ddt. The need to move the can off the manhole cover when a car came down the street. The thrill of hiding in the shadows, creeping up on the unsuspecting enemy and in one swift kick setting free all the players that had been captured! There was nothing a fun as hearing the sound of a coffee can rolling down the street in the opposite direction of the person who was it!
Cycling to the beach (12 miles) with my friends.
We would play in the dunes - some kind of war game - and one day we found a secret tunnel in the hillside - but it was too dark to go very far inside - and we were scared - smelled bad in there too.
We would bring bacon/sausage/eggs and cook up a mean breakfast (even though it was like 2pm lol) on a fire made from driftwood.
Man! - I can still taste that food when I think about it - good times.....
The smell of the mosquito truck driving around the neighorhood filling the air with disel smoke and ddt.
Neil, I also remember the mosquito fog! It is very cool that you also remember those times. Not many people have seen the mosquito fogging trucks going down the backwood roads, spraying the ditches to "ditch" the nasty skeeterrs!

Thank you for prompting that fond memory! It may seem trite to others, but it means a good deal to me. I can picture the truck and the fogging spray just as clear and as present as if it were just yesterday!


My neighbor, whose grass I cut, cleaned out his garage and gave me a mint Hallicrafters SX-24 Skyrider Defiant shortwave set. I thought I had died and gone to kid heaven!
Also sunspots were peaking that year so TV stations were booming in from all over. We lived way out in the sticks and could only get two local weak stations , so I had a clean palette to work with.
Best summer EVER! :D
Eastern Idaho state Fair

Every year almost like clockwork and I mostly continue it. Going to the Eastern Idaho state fair. Comming up next week of all thing. I don't care for the rides since they are small. But the exhibits and stuff are always nice to look at. If it wasn't that. It was lagoon down in utah.


I would love to have this dish!!!!!

Living in deep south texas I remember summers where my parents would take take us to the beach and we would spend the whole weekend camping at the beach. We would have so much fun not only at the beach but also at the dunes. I remember it so well that I do the same thing with my kids now.
my favorite summertime activity when i was a kid was going to cincinnati reds games with my dad. i can credit my love of sports to my dad, who was a multi-sport athlete in high school. it was a great way for us to bond. he also use to love to play ball with me. he use to tell me i played baseball beter than most boys. and this was way before girls could play little league.
Every summer, my brother and I would spend a few weeks on my Grandfather's farm. Playing with the farm dogs. Chasing the chickens. Watching out for the old bull while you mess around in the stock tank. Good times. We would spend hours exploring the nooks and crannies of the barn, machine sheds and the other out buildings. We even thought the old 'Outdoor Johnny' was cool. Of course we never had to make a trek out on a cold winter's night or we wouldn't have had that attitude.
We would hang out in the old machinery boneyard, playing on the rusting hulks of old combines. If we were feeling energetic we would walk out to the pasture and climb the ladder to the top of the silo. You could see for miles and miles. Many good memories of that time.
This would be swee to win, a huge prize (literally).

Favorite summer activity - simple day with the family at the beach.
Still young at heart, but a long time has passed since I enjoyed swimming all day and all evening just about every day in the neighborhood pool. When not doing that, did a lot of bike riding, a few years of little league and the obligatory victory ice cream cone, playing whiffle ball and 500 in the street, and watching planes fly overhead on their way to O'Hare. Good times with good friends.
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