Contest: Enter to Win a Mini BUD from Satellite AV

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I lived on the farm in eastern Arkansas, and when school was out for the summer, I didn't vacation but was kept plenty busy on the farm. In those days (late 1940's - early 1950's) we raised cotton , corn, and a few soybeans. This was the era before chemicals were used to keep vegetation down, so the hoe was mainly what fitted my hand. We usually had the crops under controlled by mid July, and when our parents said everything looked good, all the family and our close relatives went to the lake and camped out a couple of days. We caught crappie, bream and bass that I believe was the best I ever ate. This was in the day when the lake water was so clear that they made coffee from lake water. Watermellon, canalope and corn on the cob, and lots of laughter and family love. I still remember the hard work of farm life, and I'll always cherrish those times when all of our families enjoyed the pleasures that seem trivial to so many today
I will always have fond memories of going to Detroit Tigers games with my dad. We only went once a year (4 hour drive), but it was alot of fun.
Exploring the hills around the Riverside, Ca. area with my good friend Charlie. A fellow SDA neighbor who welcomed me into the neighborhood.
wow what a great deal

I used to like going and doing mowing jobs for my dad on his big red tractor. I could earn enough money to keep my truck and my three wheeler ( yes i said three wheeler ) full of gas. I rode that three wheeler all over the place with my friends. They all had motorcycles so they were faster , but I could take that short cut and still get there first. Nothing like cutting thur a ditch are ever better a nice mud hole. We rode the tire off those things.
My favorite summer was when we went on a road trip across the country. We stopped at national parks & Six Flags. Then we visited with relatives.
Growing up in South Louisiana, my summers were spent largely on the water, my Dad had a shrimp boat when I was a lad, and I spent a many happy hour on the water, catching shrimp, and learning more than a little about people and life in general. I wouldn't trade those memories for anything. Today marks the 7th year since Dad left us, and the boat left years before that, but those summer memories will last forever. :up

Thanks for the Contest Brian!
Every summer vacation from age 9 thru high school meant a season pass to the local rec pool , I enjoyed that very much and enjoyed going with my friends and cousins and also have alot of family in Florida so my whole family would get in the car and take the trip for many years .
I still enjoy a summer trip nowadays even if it's just me and my Mom.

Thanks for the contest.
Summers in Clearlake, California

I have VERY fond memories of going to Clearlake when I was growing up. We used to stay at a GREAT resort called 'Lock Lomond'. They had a great swimming pool there with a corner store where I used to play a game similar to pinball (called BINGO pinball) where you could get credits to get candy and stuff. Camping was so much fun with the family playing cards into the late night with the campfire going - with the Coleman lantern giving us light to fight off the bugs with!!!!
Now here is the best memory I have of going there: I have always played the accordion (I know what a geek huh?). BUT a resort just up the street was called Pizolo's resort. One night I heard an accordion playing. I went up to the resort and met John Pizolo , the owner of Pizolo's resort! What a treat to meet him and play the accordion with him at the resort. I ended up getting an original manuscript of one of his very own compositions he wrote! I treasure it to this day.
Now that I'm older (much older) my wife and I now own a small place in Clearlake and travel there whenever we have time. When I finally retire (for the 2nd time) I would LOVE to win that BUD and put it up on our property in Clearlake and relax while finding some wildfeeds. This is such a fun hobby! I LOVE finding wildfeeds and watching international channels that those 'other' folks will NEVER see on the cable or satellite systems.
Thanks for a GREAT site and letting me reminisce about the good ol days!
- cowpres -
Satellite A/V contest

Our favorite summertime activity was going to the North Carolina Parkway where it was always cool in the summer time. We enjoyed the beauty of nature there.
Going down to the Creek

When I was little - - - we used to love to go down to the creek and build a dam.

My brother and I would use sticks, rocks and mud to make the dam as high as possible. We would come home completely muddy and wet and my MOM would hose us down and make us take our clothes off before she would let us in the house.

FUN TIMES !!!!:up

When I was little I used to take long walks in the countryside where I could whack milkweed with a long stick. I also liked playing with kittens and was happy when the next Marvel Comic arrived at the 5&10 store. I don't like guns now, but back then I had a BB gun that was great fun. The tires on my bike were usually flat and the roads were not very smooth, so I didn't go bike riding a lot... but I sure enjoyed riding a bike whenever I got the chance in town where the roads were paved.
Wow... I remember when I was a boy, me, my brothers, and my cousins used to go on top of a high hill next to my aunt and uncle's house with a red wagon. There was a nice trail from the top and we would take turn riding that little red wagon down that hill and when we reach the bottom had to turn really quick to avoid running into the barbed wire fence. Luckily no one had!
I miss the old family get togethers that was held at my late grandparents house. They lived in a house that had a wrap around porch and a huge hallway that runs from front door to the back door. We would go there from our home in Mississippi Delta to the hills in southwest part of Alabama during the Fourth of July. Since my grandparents passed away, so did those get togethers. "Precious Memories, how they linger...."
I sure miss all that...
When I was growing up, my dad worked for Carling Brewery in Frankenmuth Michigan. Every summer, until about the age of 16, they would have an employee picnic, and rent a local amusement park for the WHOLE day!

We would ride all the rides, eat free food, and have a GREAT TIME! Most of the boys, would stand in line, and ride the go-carts at the go-cart track as much as possible all day long. That was the BEST! :D:D


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A 500 acre farm and my grandpa, were my summer destinations till I was 10 and Basketball became my passion. Up early to milk the cows, feed the pigs and gather eggs. Grandma would have breakfast ready when we were finished and then there was always something Grandma needed from town and we would drive in for that. We had almost 2 acres for the front yard so, there was plenty of space for football with my cousins and fireworks in July.
My grandpa held the world record in the pole vault back in the twenties and coached basketball and football for 30 yrs and is in the Oklahoma Coaches association Hall of Fame. So, when I started playing basketball he built me a court out along the west side of the house. He passed away the next summer, but I was out there all day shooting hoops on that concrete court through high school in the summers. My Grandma passed away a few weeks after I played my first college game, but my cousins and I still talk about playing games out in that big yard in the summers at my grandparents.
We Lived On A Farm While Growing Up My favorite summer time activity Was Riding My Bike,Swimming In The Ponds In The Area And Fishing. :)
Playing stickball around the corner in our neighbor's driveway and in the street. The location was lovingly known as "Krudly's Corner" named [sort of] after the owner who had 2 kids. This was one of three "stadiums" we played at :)
My favorite summer time activity was boating with the family with a close second being camping 'up north' to escape the heat of Metro Phoenix when I was growing up.
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