Ciel 2 Tracking

I think we see two business plans. Directv had decided to go it alone and built around their 101W franchise. Dish has gone a different route in the last couple years and deals have been cut between the Canadians ( SES/Ciel/ Telesat) and Mexico (Quetzsat/SES) and US (Dish/Echostar). As time passes by, I would not be suprised to see a meld of services from any of the participants's satellites and slots backing up each other for capacity requirements.

DIRECTV spent more money on their Ka satellites than Dish has spent on all their satellites. DIRECTV satellites were originally for internet use, they wrote off a few billion dollars and converted the satellites to TV use. DIRECTV probably never would have gone the Ka route if it was not for the failed internet venture.

Dish is always looking to go a cheaper route. Dish has Ka licenses but they do not seem to be building much for them.

Anyways back to subject, has anyone found any activity from 138 yet or are they still doing control tests. Or, perhaps spot beams are being tested outside our listener's area.
I'll post those pictures, but as I'm typing now there is no signals - [ame=""]Direct-broadcast satellite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame](or [ame=""]Fixed Service Satellite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]) at that spot 138W.
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DIRECTV spent more money on their Ka satellites than Dish has spent on all their satellites. DIRECTV satellites were originally for internet use, they wrote off a few billion dollars and converted the satellites to TV use. DIRECTV probably never would have gone the Ka route if it was not for the failed internet venture.

Dish is always looking to go a cheaper route. Dish has Ka licenses but they do not seem to be building much for them.

Anyways back to subject, has anyone found any activity from 138 yet or are they still doing control tests. Or, perhaps spot beams are being tested outside our listener's area.

Mike, that is because dish is using their KA services for commercial up linking and wild feeds.
I did check R/L and V/H in 17.7-12.2 [FSS] and 12.2-12.7 [DBS] ranges.

As to tests, if they will not worm up TWTA at 138W due conserves batteries for next jump, then we will see nothing regardless our location at West Coast.
According to the last tracking elements, the satellite is slowly tracking eastward. If the tracking elements are correct and if it stays at it's current rate, it will arrive at 129W on Christmas day. Is it possible they decided to perform their testing at 129W on the transponders not currently used by EchoStar 5 (tp 14, 15, 24, 25, 26 and 29)?
It also seems to be slowly climbing as well. It seems to be looking more and more like the 138 slot was only for test of TTC and power up. Would dual illumination from two sats on same freqs cause problems if both are in the same "box" or would it just increase the power on that same tp?
Guys, the tracking elements are from Dec. 15, well before it even passed 138. Perhaps with the holidays, NORAD is just being slow with the info.

The fact is, we don't know where it is right now.
Guys, the tracking elements are from Dec. 15, well before it even passed 138. Perhaps with the holidays, NORAD is just being slow with the info.

The fact is, we don't know where it is right now.

The n2yo site confuses a lot of people every time we are watching a satellite. I think it's funny! ;)

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