Charter claims they are going to provide better pricing

They won't deal around here, at all, not even if you go into their "local" office, which is 35 miles away in Saginaw. I tried that, even CSR roulette. They refuse to give you ANY deals (except bundling of course, and that increases your price in total, not lowers it), and IF you even dare to threaten to quit, they'll immediately say, "Ok, sorry to see you go, I'll cancel your account right now".

They KNOW we don't have any options around here, not even 5g internet is available to us from any supplier. NOT having internet is no longer an option, it's a MUST to have it.
agree they know they have a monopoly in your area and they won't deal!!! in my area we have all kinds of options once we get wired for 10GB fiber that's where were going

My transistion to fiber