Data Caps Are Likely Coming to Spectrum Customers Soon

Personally, I'll believe it when I see it if Spectrum doesn't put data caps in place. But, with the rollout of some of the national wireless providers doing 5G home internet, plus what Amazon will be doing PLUS smaller regional companies like Greenlight Networks and GoNetspeed coming online without data caps, there is competition out there.
Personally, I'll believe it when I see it if Spectrum doesn't put data caps in place. But, with the rollout of some of the national wireless providers doing 5G home internet, plus what Amazon will be doing PLUS smaller regional companies like Greenlight Networks and GoNetspeed coming online without data caps, there is competition out there.
Not to mention bigger overbuilds like AT&T, Verizon Fios, Google, Ting, etc. I just don't see it being worth the effort on Charter's part. It isn't going to protect their diminishing CATV service, but it would drive customers away that already have access to better alternatives but stick with Charter through inertia.
Personally, I'll believe it when I see it if Spectrum doesn't put data caps in place. But, with the rollout of some of the national wireless providers doing 5G home internet, plus what Amazon will be doing PLUS smaller regional companies like Greenlight Networks and GoNetspeed coming online without data caps, there is competition out there.
even with no data caps rectrum is still a ripoff/ $120.00 a month for gig service when you can get better service elsewhere cheaper.
even with no data caps rectrum is still a ripoff/ $120.00 a month for gig service when you can get better service elsewhere cheaper.
ummm….for some maybe, here it is either Spectrum or Century Link with the magnificent speed of 3 down/1 up.

Since I live in a area where everyone has 2 acres, not worth it for anyone else to come into here and provide competition, not enough houses to make it profitable.

Also semi-rural here, so no options for 5G type service, too far from towers.
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ummm….for some maybe, here it is either Spectrum or Century Link with the magnificent speed of 3 down/1 up.

Since I live in a area where everyone has 2 acres, not worth it for anyone else to come into here and provide competition, not enough houses to make it profitable.

Also semi-rural here, so no options for 5G type service, too far from towers.
Agree with you there
Out here I may $100 for about 350 down & phone from Spectrum.
out here spectrum was 125.00 for a gig down and a crappy 35 mbps up with there 5.00 a month router. we went with fios one gig down and up for 69.99 a month with auto pay and a 3 year price lock modem and router included along with taxes and fee's.
out here spectrum was 125.00 for a gig down and a crappy 35 mbps up with there 5.00 a month router. we went with fios one gig down and up for 69.99 a month with auto pay and a 3 year price lock modem and router included along with taxes and fee's.
We only have Spectrum or Verizon 5G. No DSL either.

OECFiber in Oklahoma

Spectrum News+ available on cable?
