Bush: 'I take responsibility' for federal failures after Katrina

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If nagin walks away free and clear that will be a true smack in the face to every single resident of new orleans that has suffered and diead from this disaster. Vurbano's signature says alot, Nagins statements inregards to buses says even more.
Sean Mota said:
The Insurgent is not completly made of other terrorists coming from other countries. Read carefully the Insurgent has members of Iraq population. The WAR in Iraq is not OVER.
Yes I am sure there are some iraqis that are Bin Laden followers.The war with or against Iraq was over long ago. Play all of the word games you wish.:rolleyes:
People should call the Louisiana Attorney General office and demand charges against The Mayor and The Governor. They should not be let free of any wrong doing. The AG office number is : 225-326-6705 . He encourages calls to his office, I say call them
vurbano said:
Yes I am sure there are some iraqis that are Bin Laden followers.The war with or against Iraq was over long ago. Play all of the word games you wish.:rolleyes:

I am not playing word games... If there is no War you do not need the massive military that the US is providing. The US is still supporting the War in Iraq with military personnel as well as financially. You can't tell me that that is not true.
The war, in the traditional sense, is over. The massive military presense is there to fill the role of the Iraqi Police/Military until they are equipped to fend for themselves. We toppled a regime that ruled every single aspect of Iraqi life with an iron fist - once gone, everything needed to be replaced from the ground up. Civilian government is the first priority.
Purogamer said:
Since when is sex a dirty thing? Since when is congress full of sexual deviants? Since when does the president not get some strange poon...c'mon man...
It is not a dirty thing until you commit Adultery, which is a violation of marriage vows...disrespectful of your spouse...selfish...and IMO demonstrates a lack of moral character. Also, the last time I checked Adultery was a criminal violation of Article 15 of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice and against the law in several states. It's hard to respect a two-faced, cheatin', lying Commander in Chief when service members receive a Court Martial or other disciplinary action for such conduct. Hmmm. A service member gets caught with his pants down and receives a dishonorable discharge. Bill Clinton gets caught with his pants down and Monica Lewinsky receives his dishonorable discharge. It's nice to see our former President held to such a low standard of personal conduct. I know...it's just sex. !sadroll
CPanther95 said:
The war, in the traditional sense, is over. The massive military presense is there to fill the role of the Iraqi Police/Military until they are equipped to fend for themselves. We toppled a regime that ruled every single aspect of Iraqi life with an iron fist - once gone, everything needed to be replaced from the ground up. Civilian government is the first priority.

Maybe you can pound this through Seans head. I cant seem too.
Sean Mota said:
I am not playing word games... If there is no War you do not need the massive military that the US is providing. The US is still supporting the War in Iraq with military personnel as well as financially. You can't tell me that that is not true.
We are acting as the Iraqi military and police until they are adequately trained and outfitted. The war with Iraq is over. Our forces currently are under attack by terrorists while acting in this capacity for them. What part of that is so hard to understand?
vurbano said:
We are acting as the Iraqi military and police until they are adequately trained and outfitted. The war with Iraq is over. Our forces currently are under attack by terrorists while acting in this capacity for them. What part of that is so hard to understand?

BAhahahahahaha... :D :D :D

Vurbano, are you high?
CPanther95 said:
The war, in the traditional sense, is over. The massive military presense is there to fill the role of the Iraqi Police/Military until they are equipped to fend for themselves. We toppled a regime that ruled every single aspect of Iraqi life with an iron fist - once gone, everything needed to be replaced from the ground up. Civilian government is the first priority.

BS. A war ends when the region has been pacified. It won't happen for years.

Following your logic WWII ended when Hitler took over most of Europe and settled down together with his loyal local goverments or gauleiters.
Not quite T2K, there was still a war declared against Hitler by a number of opposing nations - including your glorious communist Russia. In Iraq, the leader is in jail and the government was toppled - they were defeated. The only entity that has declared war and is still fighting is Al Qaeda - which is a terrorist organization - and I don't recall anyone claiming that the war against Al Qaeda is over.

But the logic is consistent and you would have to say that the war between Germany and France was over prior to D-Day despite an active resistance.

BTW - Does anyone know why the French planted trees all along the Champs Elysees?
Van said:
Sure Clinton got some odd strange from monica and because of this he ended up in a big hotseat

Clinton was in the hotseat because he lied to a Grand Jury investigating another case against him.

rockaway1836 said:
Clinton About the only thing that they do differently is they don't receive foreign and domestic politicians for photo ops. It's not like they rent a house at the Jersey Shore and don't conduct business while on vacation.

Every statesman, who did kuddos to Mr.Bush gets invited to his property in Crawford, Tx.
Like parents reward their kids, when they behaved - they can sleep in their bed :D
CPanther95 said:
Not quite T2K, there was still a war declared against Hitler by a number of opposing nations - including your glorious communist Russia. In Iraq, the leader is in jail and the government was toppled - they were defeated. The only entity that has declared war and is still fighting is Al Qaeda - which is a terrorist organization - and I don't recall anyone claiming that the war against Al Qaeda is over.

But the logic is consistent and you would have to say that the war between Germany and France was over prior to D-Day despite an active resistance.

BTW - Does anyone know why the French planted trees all along the Champs Elysees?

Here lies the problem... Even though Al Qaeda is not a nation... They are acting on behalf of Iraq and have convinced a number of the population that what they are fighting against is worth a cause. This means the liberation of their nation from the invading forces -- US. This is the way the think. They knew that they could not go against the US men by men or plane by plane...ect... so they have resulted in the guerilla war fare. A war in a small scale that it is a pain in the butt because the enemy is not at many times visible and it is attacking on the ground. This type of war is more devastating because it invovels the loss of lives and many times last years. The phisolophy of the guerilla members is to never give up until their demands are met. Here's a legal definition I found about war...

"War is not only an act, but a state or condition, for nations are said to be at war not only when their armies are engaged, so as to be in the very act of contention, but also when, they have any matter of controversy or dispute subsisting between them which they are determined to decide by the use of force, and have declared publicly, or by their acts, their determination so to decide it."

As long as there are Iraquis (sp?) supporters supporting Al Qaeda the US will be engaging the Iraquis in a ground war. The ground does not only involve MPs but the marines, army and evey military personnel. If it was only to establish estability like law and order you will see and notice a very low scale of military personnel. However, the deployment of military personnel to Iraq has not ceased and has increased since the planes stop bombing Iraq.
Jesus some of you guys just refuse to open your minds for 2 minutes to read and understand what's put in front of you. If someone says something you believe is wrong, it's OK to listen and THEN judge it based on the facts. All this "I'm right no matter what evidence you put right in front of my face" stuff is really getting annoying...

There's no Military in cleveland fighting a war, so it's not on every news broadcast every day...

There is military in irag fighting a war, so it's on every news broadcast every day.

To say the war in Iraq is over is just completely wrong. We're in Iraq, fighting people in iraq. What is missing that would make it a war in your minds? Multi-national opposition? Sure, but the United States Military isn't exactly 100% american ya know. We don't call it the United Allied Front Military Representing America despite having canadian-americans, chinese-americans, japanese-americans, british-americans, latin-americans...

We're in Iraq, playing target practice while the opposition is playing target practice. So maybe you're right, A war involves effort and a little bit of planning, not a daily regime of "Try not to get killed until 2009"
Of course it's a war - just not against the country of Iraq. It is a war against terrorists who want to destroy the legitimate (now) government of Iraq. We are aiding Iraq, who is an ally of ours. You generally do not fight wars against your allies or they tend not to remain allies.
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Strange T'ings (sic) Afoot

Ya know, it's sort of funny...

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