If nagin walks away free and clear that will be a true smack in the face to every single resident of new orleans that has suffered and diead from this disaster. Vurbano's signature says alot, Nagins statements inregards to buses says even more.
Yes I am sure there are some iraqis that are Bin Laden followers.The war with or against Iraq was over long ago. Play all of the word games you wish.Sean Mota said:The Insurgent is not completly made of other terrorists coming from other countries. Read carefully the Insurgent has members of Iraq population. The WAR in Iraq is not OVER.
vurbano said:Yes I am sure there are some iraqis that are Bin Laden followers.The war with or against Iraq was over long ago. Play all of the word games you wish.![]()
It is not a dirty thing until you commit Adultery, which is a violation of marriage vows...disrespectful of your spouse...selfish...and IMO demonstrates a lack of moral character. Also, the last time I checked Adultery was a criminal violation of Article 15 of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice and against the law in several states. It's hard to respect a two-faced, cheatin', lying Commander in Chief when service members receive a Court Martial or other disciplinary action for such conduct. Hmmm. A service member gets caught with his pants down and receives a dishonorable discharge. Bill Clinton gets caught with his pants down and Monica Lewinsky receives his dishonorable discharge. It's nice to see our former President held to such a low standard of personal conduct. I know...it's just sex. !sadrollPurogamer said:Since when is sex a dirty thing? Since when is congress full of sexual deviants? Since when does the president not get some strange poon...c'mon man...
CPanther95 said:The war, in the traditional sense, is over. The massive military presense is there to fill the role of the Iraqi Police/Military until they are equipped to fend for themselves. We toppled a regime that ruled every single aspect of Iraqi life with an iron fist - once gone, everything needed to be replaced from the ground up. Civilian government is the first priority.
We are acting as the Iraqi military and police until they are adequately trained and outfitted. The war with Iraq is over. Our forces currently are under attack by terrorists while acting in this capacity for them. What part of that is so hard to understand?Sean Mota said:I am not playing word games... If there is no War you do not need the massive military that the US is providing. The US is still supporting the War in Iraq with military personnel as well as financially. You can't tell me that that is not true.
vurbano said:If you are speaking of the war in Iraq. Iraq was defeated long ago.
vurbano said:We are acting as the Iraqi military and police until they are adequately trained and outfitted. The war with Iraq is over. Our forces currently are under attack by terrorists while acting in this capacity for them. What part of that is so hard to understand?
CPanther95 said:The war, in the traditional sense, is over. The massive military presense is there to fill the role of the Iraqi Police/Military until they are equipped to fend for themselves. We toppled a regime that ruled every single aspect of Iraqi life with an iron fist - once gone, everything needed to be replaced from the ground up. Civilian government is the first priority.
Van said:Sure Clinton got some odd strange from monica and because of this he ended up in a big hotseat
rockaway1836 said:Clinton About the only thing that they do differently is they don't receive foreign and domestic politicians for photo ops. It's not like they rent a house at the Jersey Shore and don't conduct business while on vacation.
CPanther95 said:Not quite T2K, there was still a war declared against Hitler by a number of opposing nations - including your glorious communist Russia. In Iraq, the leader is in jail and the government was toppled - they were defeated. The only entity that has declared war and is still fighting is Al Qaeda - which is a terrorist organization - and I don't recall anyone claiming that the war against Al Qaeda is over.
But the logic is consistent and you would have to say that the war between Germany and France was over prior to D-Day despite an active resistance.
BTW - Does anyone know why the French planted trees all along the Champs Elysees?