Bush: 'I take responsibility' for federal failures after Katrina

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Purogamer said:
Since we're in full political mode here, what's everyone's problem with hillary? I realize she looks like the most stuck up little cunt in the world, but what makes people think she couldn't do a good job? I hope it's not because she's a woman. I don't hear a lot of complaining from my NY friends about the job she's doing, and obviously she'd have Bill in her ear to help with things, what's the problem...

I can't imagine not voting for her in 2008...but I can't find anyone to tell me what they don't like about her besides she's a bitch...

my only requirement for a person in any position is that they both know how to do whatever they do, and then do it when required. any fool who'd hire an incompetent because of affiliation rather than a competent with the wrong affiliation, deserves the inevitable downside that will be visited upon them when the incapable actually have to perform. witness the fema director, certainly a capable political operative, but could he pour piss out of a boot with directions written on the heels - he could not.

my suspicion is that hillary was a disproportionally strong positive influence on bill, perhaps even when he didn't like it, so if she runs as anything, and doesn't spout party b/s as her platform, i'll be right there voting for her.

opposition because she's phallically challenged is the stupidest thing i can imagine, though i'm sure there'll be both rhetoric and votes based on just that. how sad.

Purogamer said:
Since we're in full political mode here, what's everyone's problem with hillary? I realize she looks like the most stuck up little cunt in the world, but what makes people think she couldn't do a good job? I hope it's not because she's a woman. I don't hear a lot of complaining from my NY friends about the job she's doing, and obviously she'd have Bill in her ear to help with things, what's the problem...

I can't imagine not voting for her in 2008...but I can't find anyone to tell me what they don't like about her besides she's a bitch...

Hillary is not a viable national candidate. She is too far left and a known quantity, she can't remake herself into a moderate. I have nothing against her personally, but she's just another Eastern liberal (like Kerry) and loser right out of the gate from an electoral college standpoint. IMO

Her background as First Lady may have been enough for NY'ers to vote her in as a Senator - but the rest of the country might expect more.
vurbano said:
What would be in this countries best interest would be to look into how he could be so drunk as to turn the wrong way, drive down a dirt road an into the water yet able to perform such miracle athletics as to swim back and forth accross the water and even make rescue dives for Patti Jo. But never report anything and leave it for the police to find while locked up in the Kennedy compound with advisors managing damage control:rolleyes:

Do we really want to talk about what Bush was doing in the 70s?

Sean Mota said:
My point is that the Commander in Chief promised 4 years ago to secure the country better. This has not happened.

Funny I havent seen any more airplanes flown into towers. But I honestly dont think anyone can completely stop terrorism or a Hurricane. We could stop 99% of terrorism in this country but we would have to build a great wall around the country and severely infringe upon everyones rights. But the american public, and especially the democrats just doesnt want to face reality.
Chado said:

I will remind you of the credit you just gave your governor in 2008. :D
Id give anyone credit for doing a good job. Id give Nagin credit if he had only taken whatever people he had and made them drive yellow busses out of town. Id have credited Blanco if she took 1000 national guardsmen and put each one in a yellow school bus in NO. But I just cant see a positive to their performance. You live in FL according to your info and you know very well that the only defense to a cat4/5 hurricane is to RUN! Common sense says get everyone the hell out.
vurbano said:
Funny I hatent seen any more airplanes flown into towers.

Thank God.... But seriously... I wished you had to take the subway in NYC everyday because there's no other way to get to work and feel the anxiety that anything can happen at any time.
Sean Mota said:
Thank God.... But seriously... I wished you had to take the subway in NYC everyday because there's no other way to get to work and feel the anxiety that anything can happen at any time.
I wish you worked in a 10 story govt building next to the Carrier integration center, navy barracks and a shipyard full of nukes so you could feel what real anxiety feels like. What a feather in a terrorists cap that would be. Its all surrounded by concrete parapets now in fear of someone blowing them up
vurbano said:
I wish you worked in a 10 story govt building next to the Carrier integration center, navy barracks and a shipyard full of nukes so you could feel what real anxiety feels like. What a feather in a terrorists cap that would be. Its all surrounded by concrete parapets now in fear of someone blowing them up


I am confused. Is your building a target b/c you work there or b/c of the nukes? :D
vurbano said:
I wish you worked in a 10 story govt building next to the Carrier integration center, navy barracks and a shipyard full of nukes so you could feel what real anxiety feels like. What a feather in a terrorists cap that would be. Its all surrounded by concrete parapets now in fear of someone blowing them up

I guess different strokes for different folks and in the meantime the borders are still unprotected and who knows who is getting in and what will happen next. But since you feel so secure, you should not feel anxiety at all. Doesn't that contradict your original premise.
Who said I feel so secure?? I work next to nuclear targets. No warning, just immediate inceneration buy a terrorist if they ever launched a successful attack Yes I feel more anxiety being next to a place that could take out entire cities. Your anxiety lasts while you ride on a subway for 20 minutes in fear that a few thousand or hundred people might be killed. Mine lasts 24 hrs day. But you cannot dwell on it or you would drive yourself insane. What you do do is oppose every wacko democrat screaming that our civil rights are violated at the airports and etc. I honestly dont think anyone can completely stop terrorism or a Hurricane. We could stop 99% of terrorism in this country but we would have to build a great wall around the country and severely infringe upon everyones rights. But the american public, and especially the democrats just doesnt want to face reality.
vurbano said:
Who said I feel so secure?? .

That's what I thought when you said that there has not been any more airplanes blown on more tall buildings.

And my point is that even though after 9/11 we have not seen any more terror attacks in US, it does not mean that it will not happen. You are wright we will not be able to secure the country 100% but this does not mean that we should abstained from doing the best we can to do so. One example I already stated -- the borders. Why are they still unsecured? This is so obvious that does not fall into the 50% that we could not secure. Terrorists may find ways to attack us. They proved that on 9/11. Nobody ever imagined that scenario. But shouldn't we go through the possibilities to secure the country and at least secure the borders. That looks a good start.
The damn borders should be a bi-partisan issue. The Dems want to house, school and grant medical care to all those that break the law by entering the country illegally - When California voted not to allow illegals to vote in local elections (school board, etc.) I thought "Only in California would they even consider such a proposal" until they reported that, had it passed, California would have become the 7th state to grant voting rights to illegals.

And now Bush's answer seems to be to give some of them Worker cards - which even if that made sense for some migrants - does nothing to address all the others that would continue to flow past our "borders" with or without their little card. :rolleyes:

Both viewpoints are assinine. (extra "s" added for effect)
Some more bureaucratic BS (across party lines):

Apparently the FEMA guidelines say that any firefighters voluteering to help FEMA in a crisis are required to first take an 8 hour course before they can be deployed to help. This course includes 2 hours on "Sexual Harrasment and Equal Employment Opportunity"
Sean Mota said:
One example I already stated -- the borders. Why are they still unsecured? This is so obvious that does not fall into the 50% that we could not secure. Terrorists may find ways to attack us. They proved that on 9/11. Nobody ever imagined that scenario. But shouldn't we go through the possibilities to secure the country and at least secure the borders. That looks a good start.

I think this is a great idea, but I'm not sure the end goal is practical. Even if you built fences and walls along the entire border with Mexico and Canada, and manned them with guards, how do you go about securing the thousands of miles of coastline? How do we prevent something like the recently discovered tunnel between two houses on the Washington/Canadian border?

We have spent decades and billions of dollars in a futile attempt to stop the massive flow of illegal narcotics into our country, I'm not sure it's within our powers to prevent two zealots and a suitcase from entering, I pray it is, but I don't see how.

NightRyder said:
I think this is a great idea, but I'm not sure the end goal is practical. Even if you built fences and walls along the entire border with Mexico and Canada, and manned them with guards, how do you go about securing the thousands of miles of coastline?

Exactly. We have over 5,500 miles of border with Canada, almost 2,000 miles of border with Mexico and about 95,000 miles of coastline. I'd like to see them do a better job but securing it all is an impossible task.


Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
- Ben Franklin
Here's the opposite of taking responsibility:

The updated Louisiana death toll was released as Gov. Kathleen Blanco lashed out at the federal government, accusing it of moving too slowly in recovering the bodies. The dead "deserve more respect than they have received," she said.

However, Federal Emergency Management Agency spokesman David Passey said the state asked to take over body recovery last week. "The collection of bodies is not normally a FEMA responsibility," he said.

She still has no clue what she's doing.
Sean Mota said:
Then God Help us all if there is no way to secure the border because another attack will be imminent.

IMHO. Reliable intelligence and infiltration are our best defense against attack, and more resources need to be directed to this area, but when the other side will happily die to achieve their goal, stopping every attempt becomes next to impossible.

Right now we are learning the tactics, training and equipment we will need to fight this new war, and at the same time providing a distraction to those who wish to do us harm. Let's all pray the sacrifice our brave men and women are making gives us the time we need to get this right.

Sean Mota said:
Then God Help us all if there is no way to secure the border because another attack will be imminent.

It will be imminent anyway. They are already here. Hundreds or thousands of them, Id guess, just waiting. They crossed the borders under Clintons' reign in office ;) I think Bush has the right idea. The borders are just one tenticle of the terrorist monster. And you will never stop it if you just keep swatting at the tenticles. They put these people on their knees 3 times a day from birth and fill them with hate for us and any other religion other than there own by their religious leaders.

"Earlier passages of the Qur'an are more tolerant towards Jews and Christians. Later passages of the Qur'an are more critical of them. Sura 5:51 commands Muslims not to take Jews and Christians as friends. Sura 9:29 commands Muslims to fight against Jews and Christians (meaning only if they start a fight against Muslims) until they either submit to Allah in peace or else agree to pay a special tax." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam#Other_beliefs

IMO it will come down to a very bloody outcome when their own Qur'an tells them to convert, kill or tax any other religion that is "fighting" against them. Their religious leaders were screaming at them that the infidels are fighting them long before Bush was born. I take the latter part of that "tax" jargon to mean enslave. You put this all together and you have potentially a zombie nation or continent of potential killers/terrorists. And the ones that currently are not terrorists merely need to be swayed by their religious leaders whom they blindly follow. You are not going to change a faith with that kind of horse sh$t as its teachings.

The borders IMO have been compromised for so long in this country that its a moot point. The terrorists are already here and waiting. I think Bush's Idea of establishing a democracy in Iraq is a great idea if we can make it work. Maybe they would realize that a democracy doesnt necessarily threaten them and stop the hatred. The other alternative for us is even bloodier than the one Bush has chosen.
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Strange T'ings (sic) Afoot

Ya know, it's sort of funny...

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