Bush: 'I take responsibility' for federal failures after Katrina

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Maybe they had a choice between two candidates that had the most basic leadership skills.

I hope like hell that the vast majority of Governors, regardless of political party, are able to implement a plan that is laid out in detail. Blanco and Nagin failed to either read or implement their own step-by-step plan. They both decided to improvise their own emergency plan and oddly, they were remarkably similar:

Step 1: Announce a major potential disaster and present yourself as a strong leader in front of the cameras.
Step 2: Do Nothing.
Step 3: Wait until after the disaster has caused maximum damage.
Step 4: Yell HELP!
Step 5: Complain
To get back to the point of the thread.

I don't blame Bush for this event. Its fairly obvious that the local and state governments failed, but I think Bush set up his administration in such a C.E.O. style that it takes longer for major issues to get to his desk. I think this style works just fine when you have quality people in those positions. The Reagan Adminstration was a good example of that. But I think it is safe to say that communication to the President took longer than necessary. Its also safe to say that putting your buddies in high level positions doesn't always work out. (Happens in every administration, I realize. Just pointing it out.)

If you look at it, his statement yesterday was a great political move. Have someone toss the question at you. Give a "Mea Culpa" but don't take responsibility for the process. This was a very well orchestrated manuever that will give him the opportunity to make things right. This also provides preemptive measures that will counter-act any possible senate hearings. I am very intrigued to see what he will say tomorrow night, but this really gives him the opportunity for a big political victory.

This is the very reason why Republicans are in the White House. Playing smart politics at opportunistic times. Dems should learn from this.
riffjim4069 said:
If you're talking to me, then my answer is that I am no fan of Mark Warner. However, I certainly don't need to explain my voting record to you or to any rube on the net. ;)

Completely agree with you (concerning your voting record). And I am hurt you just consider me a rube. I should at least be in upper case by now. :yes
vurbano said:
What did he do wrong?

Did he fail to evacuate the citizens? NO. that was mayor Nagin not following his own plans.

IS he a first responder ? NO. But he urged the governor to be one but she had to sleep on it.

Did he not take control of the state from a negligent democratic governor? I can hear the screams of the democrats now. "look at the republican Nazi violating states writes and walking over the constitution."

Did he fail to preposition troops in front of the hurricane so we could be fishing out their dead bodies too? Yes thank god.

Did he deny anyone food and aid from the red cross as did Governor Blanco? No.

Just how on earth does 9/11 compare to a 400 mile wide class 4/5 hurricane? My god the 9/11 disaster was an isloated area of two buildings in a block in NY and the pentagon and a field in PENN if I recall not 3 entire states.

Let me know when youve rejoined planet earth. But I have nothing but respect for Bush. "Responsibility" and "I" two words you will never hear from a democratic mouth. Certainly not from the murderers Nagin and Blanco.:rolleyes:

I dont seem to recall Clinton nor Reno using that word for executing all of those Civilians in Waco. Reno was at a seminar wasnt she?:rolleyes: why was she not fired? You dont think thye could havbesimply arrested Koresh in town. Of course they could before they pulled a stunt stupid like surrounding the compound. Two clowns without a clue. I doubt they know how to spell the word Responsibility.

That was not my point. My point is that FEMA is a disaster as an agency in charge of any major catastrophe. You would think that after the events of 9/11 in which this nation took a very big hit, HOMELAND security could have prepared better. The ultimate responsibility of the nation security lies with the COMMANDER IN CHIEF. He was caught with his pants down on 9/11 and he (or at least the people he appointed) was once again caught with his pants down with Katrina once again. What do Katrina and 9/11 have in common is that both affected greatly people and create confusion beyond expectation and in both scenario the FEDERAL government reacted poorly and inadequate. I am very worried that at a National level these people will not and are not prepared to cope with major catastrophe.
Chado said:
This is the very reason why Republicans are in the White House. Playing smart politics at opportunistic times. Dems should learn from this.

What the Dems need is a vision or plans of their own. The constant class/race warfare attacks don't resonate for very long and don't penetrate the voting booth curtain very well.

If we actually start really debating the issues in this country and stop supporting everything simply along party lines - both parties are gonna be in trouble.
Sean Mota said:
That was not my point. My point is that FEMA is a disaster as an agency in charge of any major catastrophe. You would think that after the events of 9/11 in which this nation took a very big hit, HOMELAND security could have prepared better. The ultimate responsibility of the nation security lies with the COMMANDER IN CHIEF. He was caught with his pants down on 9/11 and he (or at least the people he appointed) was once again caught with his pants down with Katrina once again. What do Katrina and 9/11 have in common is that both affected greatly people and create confusion beyond expectation and in both scenario the FEDERAL government reacted poorly and inadequate. I am very worried that at a National level these people will not and are not prepared to cope with major catastrophe.

Unless you want to double or triple our federal tax burden, the federal government's response will always be impacted by the effectiveness of the state and local governments ability to handle the first hours and days of a catastrophe.

Are you suggesting that Bush was responsible for 9/11 - that somehow he should have overhauled the entire federal government within the 6 or 7 months he was in office to address a situation as unique as 9/11? :rolleyes:
CPanther95 said:
What the Dems need is a vision or plans of their own. The constant class/race warfare attacks don't resonate for very long and don't penetrate the voting booth curtain very well.

If we actually start really debating the issues in this country and stop supporting everything simply along party lines - both parties are gonna be in trouble.

Ah its great to have an idealistic brother. I thought I was the only one!!! :shocked

Couldn't agree more, but there is a thriving disingenuous philosophy in this country that when issues are brought up, they are quickly shot down as being anti-whatever. Call it Bush-Bashing, Liberal, Conservative, Nazi....etc. It needs to stop. Discussing the issues is much more productive.
Chado said:
This is the very reason why Republicans are in the White House. Playing smart politics at opportunistic times. Dems should learn from this.

Ding...Ding...Ding...We have a winner! Sad to say, the party still doesn't seem to get it. The once proud party has become the chicken little of politics, spouting gloom and doom while offering no positive/alternative vision for the future. IMHO

CPanther95 said:
Unless you want to double or triple our federal tax burden, the federal government's response will always be impacted by the effectiveness of the state and local governments ability to handle the first hours and days of a catastrophe.

Are you suggesting that Bush was responsible for 9/11 - that somehow he should have overhauled the entire federal government within the 6 or 7 months he was in office to address a situation as unique as 9/11? :rolleyes:

I am not taking the position of saying Bush is to blame for 9/11 or Katrina. You are missing my point. As Chief in Commander he is responsible for all agencies in government. Whether he likes it or not. Federal officials looked the other way at the clues prior to 9/11 that hinted that OSAMA was doing something. Clinton also looked the other way. Government agencies looked the other way. This is what happens when there are complecency in a government that feels that this is the US and nothing like that is going to happen in my soil. Guess what that is not so. It has been proven by 911 and Katrina that it could happen. My point is that the Commander in Chief promised 4 years ago to secure the country better. This has not happened. Look at the situation of the borders where Civialians are now patroling the borders because there is not enough resources and the Federal government has decided to look away and not resolve this problem. The aftermath of Katrina proved once again that when local and state government failed to respond the Federal government was not any better than they. In this country 911, 4 years ago, should have raised a "red flag" and at least have a better response to catastrophes. Remember we, the US citizens, paid the government to ensure our security. I do not think I feel that secure.
Chado said:
Ah its great to have an idealistic brother. I thought I was the only one!!! :shocked

Couldn't agree more, but there is a thriving disingenuous philosophy in this country that when issues are brought up, they are quickly shot down as being anti-whatever. Call it Bush-Bashing, Liberal, Conservative, Nazi....etc. It needs to stop. Discussing the issues is much more productive.

I call it Bush-bashing when people blame Bush for things he has little to do with, or when they look beyond a handful of f-ups in order to get to him. Or claiming Bush "doesn't care about black people" which in and of itself is an extremely racist comment made simply for personal gain.

This probably is no surprise, but I was in favor of the Welfare Reform proposed by the "Contract for America" and I was somewhat in favor of Bush's original Education plan (although I thought vouchers should have been expanded beyond the urban poor). We got Welfare Reform passed, but the "No Child Left Behind" education bill that passed after compromises with the left side of the aisle ended up being a fairly worthless piece of legislation costing us an additional $60 Billion.

Here's my problem when discussing those issues with fellow conservatives that are blindly political. They'll blame the education bill on Kennedy et al. and say it doesn't resemble Bush's original plan but they credit Bush for the leadership in getting it passed. When I ask if they credit Clinton for the leadership in passing the Welfare Reform bill, they say - "No, that was a Republican measure that they got pushed through"

I generally vote Republican because I'm in line with their platform probably 85% vs. the Democratic platform. If I were actually voting on the legislation proposed by Republicans, I'd be lucky to find 50% I felt was worth signing. Yet when you hear the talking heads on the 24/7 news channels, we get blind faith agreement on 100% of each party's legislations and actions. Same thing on these internet forums. The same characters have the exact same response whether it is a declaration of war or a new china pattern in the White House - all they need to know is "What's my party's opinion?"

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person living outside of Stepford. ;)
Sean Mota said:
As Chief in Commander he is responsible for all agencies in government.

A small nit-pic...

As President he is responsible for most agencies of the federal government. He is not responsible for the Legislative or Judicial branches due to the separation of duties defined in the US Constitution.

As Commander in Chief he is responsible for the armed forces of the US. He is not the Commander in Chief over the civilian population, only the military.

Personally, I'm glad the President and Congress haven't been able to "secure the country" any better than they have... I've lost far too many freedoms in the last 4 years as it is.

If he had come off the ranch right away, he would have avoided a noticable portion of his criticisms. Can't argue with that. Even if he's not sitting down there with a bucket trying to help drain the town, him staying on his ranch after a disaster, much like him staying with those kids, implies that he doesn't care about anyone but himself.

If you're at work, and you get a phone call from the wife that the house is on fire and the kids are all trapped upstairs, do you keep working? Do you go on a cigarette break? No. Unless you're a brain surgeon (who wouldn't be interupted but I can't think of an example) you rush home.
Sean Mota said:
I am not taking the position of saying Bush is to blame for 9/11 or Katrina. You are missing my point. As Chief in Commander he is responsible for all agencies in government. Whether he likes it or not. Federal officials looked the other way at the clues prior to 9/11 that hinted that OSAMA was doing something. Clinton also looked the other way. Government agencies looked the other way. This is what happens when there are complecency in a government that feels that this is the US and nothing like that is going to happen in my soil. Guess what that is not so. It has been proven by 911 and Katrina that it could happen. My point is that the Commander in Chief promised 4 years ago to secure the country better. This has not happened. Look at the situation of the borders where Civialians are now patroling the borders because there is not enough resources and the Federal government has decided to look away and not resolve this problem. The aftermath of Katrina proved once again that when local and state government failed to respond the Federal government was not any better than they. In this country 911, 4 years ago, should have raised a "red flag" and at least have a better response to catastrophes. Remember we, the US citizens, paid the government to ensure our security. I do not think I feel that secure.

OK - I'm 100% in agreement. We should expect a much better performance from the Federal Government - especially since the response required by Katrina was more a matter of scale and coordination than it was hampered by issues that are potentially even more complicated (chemical spill, etc.). However, the focus should be primarily on the local and state performance which if still lacking next time will prevent even an extremely efficient FEMA from doing much to help.

I'll say this though, we may hold FEMA harmless because their plans were neutered by the state's handling of the disaster - but nothing about FEMA's response or what they communicated gives us any indication that had the state handled things 100% correctly - FEMA would have done their part efficiently.

....and that needs to be fixed or we're going to learn every damn lesson the hard way - one crisis at a time.
He apologized for the "Federal Government" not the White House. big difference there. also the Mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisania should both apologize and resign. They should also be charged for Negligent Homicide. I hate it, when there is hundreds of buses that could have been used and trains offering to get people out and these two turn it down and don't take action when needed then there is a problem. National Gaurd should have been activated by the governor 3 days before landfall. As for FEMA, they could have been more prepared for this but also understand FEMA is not a 1st response agency. That would be the mayor and the governor job to react first not federal. For those people that are not shooting, raping, stealing, etc (Food is one thing though). you are in my prayers, for those that has taken advantage of this should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and I have nothing for you. It will take real people to take and make things really happen without trying to be soft about this. there was no excuse on the part of the local and state officials and none should be toleranted !!! :mad:
CPanther95 said:
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person living outside of Stepford. ;)

No, not the only one. I'm also Republican, and vote that way most of the time too. I voted for Reagan twice (no surprise), but I also voted for Clinton twice :shocked . I thought the whole Lewinski/impeachment mess was a stupid waste of time and don't think Clinton was a bad president. Yes I voted for Bush twice, but supported John McCain in the 2000 primary and you couldn't have payed me enough to vote for Gore or Kerry. I'm one of the voters that the Dems need to win the presidency and I try to keep an open mind, but the "poor loser" and "blame Bush for everything" attitudes that many on the left espouse make me tune out and walk away. The dems need to stop replaying the last two elections and start looking inward and forward if they are to have any hope in 2008. IMO

It will be interesting to find out how the charges against the nursing home owners goes. 34 patients died in a single nursing home.

The official plan is for all of those patients to be evacuated by the city (and state if necessary) - 24 hours prior to declaring a mandatory evacuation.
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Strange T'ings (sic) Afoot

Ya know, it's sort of funny...

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