Bush: 'I take responsibility' for federal failures after Katrina

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riffjim4069 said:
I believe T2k and Matt may be one and the same person. It is hard to imagine two separate individuals sharing such similar subversive and deviant idealogy. They appear to be a Clintonesque version of the Bobbsey Twins; a classic example of what living in a Village of Fools and force feeding your children Kool-aid will produce. :rolleyes: Yikes!

Anyway, I feel this thread has served its purpose and should be closed before it goes over the deep end.
give me one example, where any of my post is "subversive" ???

Looks like you just rolled your "give me a word" dice and that came up :D
T2k said:
Suuure. That's why you pay taxes, that's why you have the great country, right?

You guys are the most pathetic hypocrites, seriously. I always knew it but it never stops amaze me, how utterly defected the extreme-right's world view...

I pay taxes so the USA can protect myself and my family primarily. Hopefully after that the Fed Gov stays the hell out of the way...otherwise we have socialism. I am all for helping the underprivledged, but, needless handouts only cause dependant populations and a repeating cycle of poverty. Matt...comrade...self responsibility, or people actually being r-e-s-p-o-n-s-i-b-l-e for their own actions must just scare you.

and we have the greatest country on earth because we are FREE not becasue we pay taxes or expect a Gov. to run our lives.
The Federal Government should protect our right to strive for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - not provide life, liberty, and happiness.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
Well, if Nagin had used those buses maybe they could have left.
I cant believe someone could still be asking that question. But you left out "in a timely manner", like 72 hours ahead of the hurricane making landfall.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
Well, if Nagin had used those buses maybe they could have left.
Absolutely! The Nagin Doctrine says that school busses, and even cattle cars for that matter, are adequate and reliable transportation to shuttle voters to and from the polling booths. However, only a fleet of custom Greyhound busses and well-maintained limousines are sufficient in order to evacuate the city of New Orleans from impending doom. Actions (or inactions in this case) speak louder than words Mayor Nagin.
mperdue said:
Clinton was in the hotseat because he lied to a Grand Jury investigating another case against him.



How easy you all forget about the boozing, coke-nosed, womanizing reject you now call Mr. President........

But hey, if you can get away with two standards, more power to you.
CPanther95 said:
The Bush/Kennedy education plan IS a joke. It hardly resembles Bush's original plan - which didn't go far enough with vouchers - and became even more watered down after the compromises made to get broader bipartisan support. It served very little purpose except to add $60 Billion to the federal involvement in education when they should have very little to do with education at all.

Bull, Bush's plan was the joke, vouchers are just another way to give welfare to the rich - what ever happened to people taking responsibility for their own choices. Why should any parent expect others to pay for their choices??? Don't care to take any responsibility for your community - let others pay your way - that's the Republican way.... Geesh...
riffjim4069 said:
It is not a dirty thing until you commit Adultery, which is a violation of marriage vows...disrespectful of your spouse...selfish...and IMO demonstrates a lack of moral character. Also, the last time I checked Adultery was a criminal violation of Article 15 of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice and against the law in several states. It's hard to respect a two-faced, cheatin', lying Commander in Chief when service members receive a Court Martial or other disciplinary action for such conduct. Hmmm. A service member gets caught with his pants down and receives a dishonorable discharge. Bill Clinton gets caught with his pants down and Monica Lewinsky receives his dishonorable discharge. It's nice to see our former President held to such a low standard of personal conduct. I know...it's just sex. !sadroll

Glad to know you think so. Mr Bush has a well known history of drug use and womanizing, and his claims of being "Born-again" don't fly -METHODISTS DON'T DO THAT SCHTICK! :yes :yes :yes
redhawk said:
sh*t your an easy target -snip-
But hey, if you can get away with two standards, more power to you.
Sorry Troll but I don't even own "an easy target" so I can't sh*t mine nor would I sh*t anyone else's.

Also, I don't like Bush any more than I like your buddy Clinton so there's no double standard here.

redhawk said:
Bull, Bush's plan was the joke, vouchers are just another way to give welfare to the rich - what ever happened to people taking responsibility for their own choices. Why should any parent expect others to pay for their choices??? Don't care to take any responsibility for your community - let others pay your way - that's the Republican way.... Geesh...

Welfare to the Rich? That's the BS - is that the standard mantra for any program the left-wing doesn't agree with?

My school district in PA spent almost $8000 per kid per year for education. The $1200 a year vouchers proposed were shot down by the socialists at the NEA. That would have been $6800 going to the school district to be used on the kids that remained at the public school - for every child that went the private route.

The issue is a bunch of lazy teachers that do not want their jobs to be tied to their competence (and no, testing is not the answer either) - and high paid administrators at each school district stuffing their faces at the public trough. The real victims of no vouchers are the inner city poor who can't afford to send their kids to a decent school, and the public school system can't offer them a safe or effective way to educate their kids no matter how much money you throw at them.

When my kids were in elementary school in PA, the Catholic schools in Philly were charging $600 - $800 a year for school - and offering inner-city kids a real education for a fraction of the cost of the public schools.

If more money and less kids won't benefit the public school system, then scrap the whole thing and start over.
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Strange T'ings (sic) Afoot

Ya know, it's sort of funny...

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