Bush: 'I take responsibility' for federal failures after Katrina

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I'm not a political person(we are screwed no matter who is President), but you can't blame Bush for a natural disaster. Put the blame on the morons who built a city 10 feet below sea level. I'm suprised New Orleans lasted this long.

Just my humble opinion!!!
CPanther95 said:
I call it Bush-bashing when people blame Bush for things he has little to do with,

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person living outside of Stepford. ;)

Unfortunately, Bush has little to do with most of his actions as president, so I guess any one who criticizes him would be a BUSH-basher in your feeble opinion. Let's not forget the thousands of dead in Iraq, the tens of thousands if wounded, the WMD's that didn't exist, the children that won't have fathers coming home, I certainly can't - they live across the street from me. But hey, life's rough here in Stepford... :tombstone T.D.

Bush's education plan?? It's a joke - even here in Texas the most right-wing parents joke about it (what the hell is it called now, the TAKS test??)... Why not follow the example of the states that lead our nation in education - Iowa, Wisconsin, the Dakotas, etc., instead of dragging them down into useless quagmire of mandatory testing??? Guess that would require more thought than the current admin is capable of.
mperdue said:
Clinton was in the hotseat because he lied to a Grand Jury investigating another case against him.


Gee, $$$$ millions and and we found out that *gasp* - a man had sex with a woman. Just another NEO conspiracy that failed.
CPanther95 said:
The war, in the traditional sense, is over. The massive military presense is there to fill the role of the Iraqi Police/Military until they are equipped to fend for themselves. We toppled a regime that ruled every single aspect of Iraqi life with an iron fist - once gone, everything needed to be replaced from the ground up. Civilian government is the first priority.

The war, in the traditional sense, will be over when citizens can drive from downtown Baghdad to the airport without the presence of a speeding, massively armed convoy.
Should charges be filed?

People should call the Louisiana Attorney General office and demand charges against The Mayor of New Orleans and The Governor of Louisiana. They should not be let free of any wrong doing. The AG office number is : 225-326-6705 . He encourages calls to his office, I say call them.
also the Mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisania should both apologize and resign. They should also be charged for Negligent Homicide. I hate it, when there is hundreds of buses that could have been used and trains offering to get people out and these two turn it down and don't take action when needed then there is a problem. "I have to sleep on it", doesn't cut it.
vurbano said:
sticks and stones Comrades

FYI: anyone who expect a person who grew up under Commies to be a commie is a real ignorant idiot, vurbano.
I've noticed that you lack most of the basic education, you're really ill-informed on most of the political and/or economical topics but I really didn't expect this level of stupidity.
Anyway, most of the country now is laughing on this neocon freak show we're seeing in the White House, led by the Dumbest Ever Mighty Leader, so I can imagine you're getting really pissed now. :p .
cablewithaview said:
People should call the Louisiana Attorney General office and demand charges against The Mayor of New Orleans and The Governor of Louisiana. They should not be let free of any wrong doing. The AG office number is : 225-326-6705 . He encourages calls to his office, I say call them.
also the Mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisania should both apologize and resign. They should also be charged for Negligent Homicide. I hate it, when there is hundreds of buses that could have been used and trains offering to get people out and these two turn it down and don't take action when needed then there is a problem. "I have to sleep on it", doesn't cut it.

Who is this troll?


They stated emergency 2 days before Katrina hit the city. At least pull your acts together before you post these silly claims and try to ignite such fires.
cablewithaview said:
People should call the Louisiana Attorney General office and demand charges against The Mayor of New Orleans and The Governor of Louisiana. They should not be let free of any wrong doing. The AG office number is : 225-326-6705 . He encourages calls to his office, I say call them.
also the Mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisania should both apologize and resign. They should also be charged for Negligent Homicide. I hate it, when there is hundreds of buses that could have been used and trains offering to get people out and these two turn it down and don't take action when needed then there is a problem. "I have to sleep on it", doesn't cut it.
I do not agree that charges should be filed, but their acts were irresponsible, negligent, and clearly a dereliction of duty. They should certainly apologize and resign their positions as-soon-as-possible. Collectively, both Local and State efforts resembled that of a Ship of Fools and it is time to replace its bumbling leaders.

Speaking of Ship of Fools, perhaps the biggest tool of 'em all was Sean Penn. An apology from this scumbag is certainly in order. Nice photo shoot...A**hole!

T2k said:
Who is this troll?


They stated emergency 2 days before Katrina hit the city. At least pull your acts together before you post these silly claims and try to ignite such fires.

Unfortunately, after declaring an emergency they did nothing to avert disaster.
T2k said:
FYI: anyone who expect a person who grew up under Commies to be a commie is a real ignorant idiot, vurbano.
I've noticed that you lack most of the basic education, you're really ill-informed on most of the political and/or economical topics but I really didn't expect this level of stupidity.
Anyway, most of the country now is laughing on this neocon freak show we're seeing in the White House, led by the Dumbest Ever Mighty Leader, so I can imagine you're getting really pissed now. :p .

I beileve that the real hatred growing is in he heats of the american people at the democrats trying to use human tragedy as an opportunity for political gain. You seem to be the one of those with that most basic misunderstanding of the events.
T2k said:
Who is this troll?


They stated emergency 2 days before Katrina hit the city. At least pull your acts together before you post these silly claims and try to ignite such fires.

cablewithaview should ignore your name calling. Besides he is dead right. The governor and the mayor of new orleans failed to execute their own evacuation plans and are soley responsible for the deaths attributed to flooding in new orleans.
jakesnake3037 said:
I'm not a political person(we are screwed no matter who is President), but you can't blame Bush for a natural disaster. Put the blame on the morons who built a city 10 feet below sea level. I'm suprised New Orleans lasted this long.

Just my humble opinion!!!
Stick around and you'll see some of these left wingers blame him eventually.:rolleyes:
redhawk said:
Bush's education plan?? It's a joke - even here in Texas the most right-wing parents joke about it (what the hell is it called now, the TAKS test??)... Why not follow the example of the states that lead our nation in education - Iowa, Wisconsin, the Dakotas, etc., instead of dragging them down into useless quagmire of mandatory testing??? Guess that would require more thought than the current admin is capable of.

The Bush/Kennedy education plan IS a joke. It hardly resembles Bush's original plan - which didn't go far enough with vouchers - and became even more watered down after the compromises made to get broader bipartisan support. It served very little purpose except to add $60 Billion to the federal involvement in education when they should have very little to do with education at all.
CPanther95 said:
Unfortunately, after declaring an emergency they did nothing to avert disaster.

Because they couldn't. That's the point: Bush not only hijacked half of the State NGs but his retarded blatant incompetence also created a completely and utterly dysfunctional FEMA.
Bush - err, Cheney, of course, Bush is waaay too stupid to come up with any coherenty idea - had his very sinister plan that he pushed at all cost, namely to privatize the emergency services. It started with melting the always standalone top-level agency - which, let's not forget, after the '92 Andrews scandal has been completely reformed and praised by both parties during the Clinton era - the FEMA into the utterly clueless and preposterously loser DHS.
In a February 2004 survey of FEMA personnel, 80 percent said FEMA had become "a poorer agency" under DHS...
Then appointed two FEMA directors witthout any kind of experience in disaster management, solely because their close personal ties to Bush - this was the most reckless, dangerous thing this idiot could do to the nation's emergency network.
Bush should stand a trial some day and I'm sure he will go down on the toilet of the history as the most horrible, most damaging ravaged lunatic.

Let's see the facts:
First was Joe Allbaugh, Bush's chief of staff in Texas. Wow, how touchy - last time I see these things, this kind of yelling and blatant appointment of your personal buddies and licking servants, pushing aside inexperience and only maintaining corruption, personal connections was the Commies during the 80s in Eastern and Mid-Europe.

Then came Allbaugh's handpicked successor, the biggest loser EVER, M. Brown - he's the most outrageous example of this berserk corruption and cronism of the Bush freak show, so-called "Administration": he was an official with the International Arabian Horse Association before coming to FEMA.
It sounds completely lunatic and one could think it's impossible - and IT IS TRUE! He was a f*cking horse association bureaucrat, managing *TWO PEOPLE* as his staff before he jumped to the top of the national emergency network!
The only bigger staf he ever seen was city of Edmonton where he was an associate to the city manager...

This is unbelievable and itself this thing alone should be enough to send Bush to trial - he indeed caused hundreds of deaths by handpicking his buddies with absolutely no experience to lead FEMA, the first responder network in catastrophic situations.

Besides this Bsuh constantly decreased the budget of not only the Gulf coast emergency essentials but the FEMA's budget as well, by diverting it to finance his lunatic war in Iraq.

All these things essentially rendered FEMA to this completely dysfuntional, zombie-like status, therefore "helped" to create this 3rd World situation in Lousiana.
I'm 100% sure there were things the mayor and the governor could have been much better at, no question about it but it's more than obvious the biggest blame goes for the systematic destruction by the utter incompetence and unscrupulous corruption and cronism of Bush and his loser buddies of the federal emergency services, first and foremost FEMA.
T2k said:
Because they couldn't.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

New Orleans Mayor and Louisiana Governor Clueless

Here is a list of what the Mayor of New Orleans did and did not do.

*He spent most of his time blaming President Bush rather than leading;
*He did not follow the New Orleans Emergency Disaster Plan;
*He waited too long to decide whether or not to make the evacuation mandatory - until it was too late (Bush had to ask the Governor to evacuate the city - not the Mayor);
*He failed to utilize hundreds of city-owned buses to evacuate residents;
Unused Busses
The buses were parked 1.2 miles from the Superdome.

The Governor fared no better.

*She provided no leadership whatsoever in this crisis (except perhaps when she cried on T.V.);
*She refused the Bush Administration's request for a federal takeover of the evacuation;
*She admitted on Saturday that, "We did not have enough resources here to do it all;
*Yet she failed to request additional guardsmen from neighboring states;
*She also failed to deploy the Louisiana National Guard before Katrina's landfall;

As pointed out elsewhere - the First Responders are local. There was no local leadership, and now they are desperately trying to cover their rear-ends.

The following is a timeline of events:

(Saturday, August 27, 2005 early)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announces New Orleans may be directly hit.

(Sunday, August 28)
President Bush calls Governor Blanco and urges her to evacuate the endangered areas. Publicly, he urges all those living in the path of the hurricane to put their personal safety ahead of all other concerns. He even takes the unprecedented step of declaring states in the path of the oncoming storm federal disaster areas ahead of time.

(Sunday, August 28 at 10 PM)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts the path of the hurricane.

(Sunday, August 28 at 10:48 PM)
New Orleans Mayor orders evacuation - yet he doesn't move the buses (see picture), and does NOT ask that the 1,500 Guard troops that have been called up, be deployed.

(Monday, August 29 at 6:10 AM)
Katrina makes landfall

National Hurricane Center Director Max Mayfield warns that New Orleans would be pounded throughout the day Monday, and that Katrina's potential 20-foot storm surge was capable of swamping the city.

(Tuesday, August 30th, morning)
Some pumps begin to fail, and the first two levees break. Eastern evacuation routes are washed out. The LA Times reports that inmates have taken over the City Jail.

CNN(Tuesday night)
A day after Hurricane Katrina dealt a devastating blow to New Orleans, Mayor Ray Nagin blasted what he called a lack of coordination in relief efforts for setting behind the city's recovery.

"There is way too many fricking ... cooks in the kitchen," Nagin said in a phone interview with WAPT-TV in Jackson, Mississippi, fuming over what he said were scuttled plans to plug a 200-yard breach near the 17th Street Canal, which is allowing Lake Pontchartrain to spill into the central business district.

(Wednesday, August 31 8:30 AM)
The water from Lake Pontchartrain continues to flow through the now 500-yard breach in the 17th Street Canal.

(Wednesday, August 31 at 8:04 PM)
In the face of looting, rape, and murder, Nagin finally declares martial law with respect to Miranda rights only, but not to "shoot to kill. During this period, police are attacked by armed gangs of thugs - eventually 200 New Orleans police officers resign, rather than return to their job.

(Thursday, September 1)
Three-and-one-half days after the events began, Governor Blanco finally uses her emergency authority to commandeer school buses to rescue the flood victims, after the city has been in anarchy for days, and dead bodies are piling up in the streets.

Unfortunately, all the school busses in New Orleans that could have been used are under water.

This was a failure of local authority. They made the wrong decisions (which you may or may not blame them for, since hindsight is 20-20), but more importantly, they waited too long to make any decisions.
vurbano said:
(Sunday, August 28)
President Bush calls Governor Blanco and urges her to evacuate the endangered areas. Publicly, he urges all those living in the path of the hurricane to put their personal safety ahead of all other concerns. He even takes the unprecedented step of declaring states in the path of the oncoming storm federal disaster areas ahead of time.

LOL vurbano - even when you dump 100 Gallons of bleach on this "president" you won't get him clean.
All he did was issuing an Emergency Declaration for THE NORTHERN parts of Louisiana as I tried to show you last week already.
Keep up defending those crooks and liars and more and more will realize what their definition of "compassion" is.
Matt said:
vurbano said:
(Sunday, August 28)
President Bush calls Governor Blanco and urges her to evacuate the endangered areas. Publicly, he urges all those living in the path of the hurricane to put their personal safety ahead of all other concerns. He even takes the unprecedented step of declaring states in the path of the oncoming storm federal disaster areas ahead of time.

LOL vurbano - even when you dump 100 Gallons of bleach on this "president" you won't get him clean.
All he did was issuing an Emergency Declaration for THE NORTHERN parts of Louisiana as I tried to show you last week already.
Keep up defending those crooks and liars and more and more will realize what their definition of "compassion" is.

the issue is evacuation which is the responsibility of the governor and mayor. The dead bodies in NO are not the result of one parish being declared eligible for aid a day before another. They are the direct result of a mayor leaving helpless people to die after being given 72 hours notice of a state of emergency. Save your bleach for Nagin, he's going to need a 10,000 gallon swimming pool of it.
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Strange T'ings (sic) Afoot

Ya know, it's sort of funny...

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