BSG Season 3.5 on Scifi, 1/21/07 & 3.0 on UHD 1/27/07

Where's the discussion on last night's pretty darn good episode?

I'll start. stop now if you haven't seen it...

1) They confirmed the 12 humanoid models; plus the centurions and raiders.

2) What they heck was the "hybrid" talking like a computer? Is she one of the other five? Or is she kind of like a Borg queen? I watched the scene twice, but am still uncertain.

3) Baltar can "see" the projections that Number 6 described. His conclusion that he could be a cyclon seemed reasonable. But I still agree with the earlier comment in this thread about why would Number 6 need to steal the codes from him if he was a toaster.

4) Interesting how Apollo got six-pack abs in such a short time :D I wish I could do that from jumping rope.

5) The Starbuck and Tigh stuff was interesting; I liked how the Old Man dealt with it.
Where's the discussion on last night's pretty darn good episode?

I'll start. stop now if you haven't seen it...

1) They confirmed the 12 humanoid models; plus the centurions and raiders.

2) What they heck was the "hybrid" talking like a computer? Is she one of the other five? Or is she kind of like a Borg queen? I watched the scene twice, but am still uncertain.

3) Baltar can "see" the projections that Number 6 described. His conclusion that he could be a cyclon seemed reasonable. But I still agree with the earlier comment in this thread about why would Number 6 need to steal the codes from him if he was a toaster.

4) Interesting how Apollo got six-pack abs in such a short time :D I wish I could do that from jumping rope.

5) The Starbuck and Tigh stuff was interesting; I liked how the Old Man dealt with it.

1) Definately things that make you go hmmm. "not allowed" to discuss the other 5 models?? Or else what...they get banned, ala DBSTalk?

2) I *think* the hybrids are pretty much the heart and soul of the Base Star navigation system. Half humanoid/half machine

3 and 4 and 5)Yepper...pretty much sums up my thoughts
This is why BSG is the best show/series of all. Moore does not waste time in lazy stories and every episode I have seen so far has always something unexpected that you could not think of. I start with the 12 models. Only 7 revealed to Baltar and the other 5 are top secret that even the 7 models won't discuss. Which are the other 5 models? Could it be high officials within Galactica? or could there be only 7 and not 12? The cylons have been known to lie. So this may be a trick. More intriguing is this virus that infects the cylons. In the highlights Galactica/humanity deals with the idea of using the virus against the cylons and destroy them... Wow! Ok so what is this virus? Who put it there? What is the significance of it?

How about Baltar? Does he get inmunity (Moore asked the ?) as well? Very intriguing the "projection" of the cylons and Baltar's projection. What is the link or relation? Can Baltar's projection be one of the 5 models --- human with cylon technology gradually developing in him? Could he be one of the 5 secret models? Six asked him the question when he was talking about the projection.

I said before that Starbuck should not be in uniform... she is a loose cannon and so is Tigh. I do not care if neither joins BSG.... To me the central character of the show is Baltar. As much as I "hate" him in the show, he is stealing the show. It looks we get to know more with Baltar in the show. The "hybrid" is quite a concept.... Could it have been borrowed from the Matrix.... I want to see where Moore takes this idea.
Just watched and I have to agree. This show just gets better and better. The hybrid story was very interesting. And were Baltar and 6 trying to hide the existance of the probe in the base star? Neither seemed to say anything about it. I think Starbuck might bounce back but I half expected the episode to end with Tigh with a gun in his mouth, fade to black.....BANG.

The thing I don't quite get as I've now watched the latest ep twice: the virus. Is it a biological virus or a computer virus? If biological, then I could see the concern about any Cylons going aboard the infected base star, but why be concerned about the reincarnation ship? If a dead Cylon's conciousness is downloaded into a new body, it's a data stream, right? A biological virus isn't going to travel on a data stream. If it's a computer virus, then sure, I see the problem. We don't know enough about it yet...but I'm suspecting it's a technological virus, as the raider ships and the centurions were affected as well, but then I have to ask, why wasn't Athena (Sharon) affected? Not long enough exposure/proximity?

When the #6 was in the cooridor, telling Baltar about projection, we never saw Baltar in her vision of the forest. We just saw that other Cylon guy in her forest as he walked by in the cooridor. We were never given any indication that Baltar saw the forest she was imagining. However, Baltar obviously has been projecting since the pilot episode. Is he one of the models we haven't seen yet? We don't know yet, but it's being hinted at. Do the seven models we've seen know who the other 5 models are? Maybe not. Is the hybrid a model? She's the heart of the base star and definitely part machine, part humanoid.

Tigh's going to drink himself to death, but not before he does more damage to Adama's command.

Starbuck will probably be ok. I think she needed a kick in the butt from Adama to make a choice - wallow in self-pity or get on with her life.
The thing I don't quite get as I've now watched the latest ep twice: the virus. Is it a biological virus or a computer virus? If biological, then I could see the concern about any Cylons going aboard the infected base star, but why be concerned about the reincarnation ship? If a dead Cylon's conciousness is downloaded into a new body, it's a data stream, right? A biological virus isn't going to travel on a data stream. If it's a computer virus, then sure, I see the problem. We don't know enough about it yet...but I'm suspecting it's a technological virus, as the raider ships and the centurions were affected as well, but then I have to ask, why wasn't Athena (Sharon) affected? Not long enough exposure/proximity?

I think it has to do with the apparatus that was brought in to the star base. Baltar said it was humanoid... when I first saw I thought it was a nuclear bomb but Baltar confirmed that he had never seen it. I like your analysis about the Virus... It may be both biological and data stream. If it is biological what is the main source of transmittion? Air? I do not think it is biological since in the "highlights" of next week episode, the humans look like they took control of the virus so it may not affect them.

To me the whole thing is that cylons are not necessarily just machines. They are more than machines and their "tech/human" combination may trigger something that we do not understand. This has raised the question within the cylons? As they can't experience "love" or know what a "soul" is --- in spiritual sense.

Numerology/Religion: In the Judea/Christian religion numbers are important. The number "7" is considered the "perfect" number. 7 days of creation, 12 is the 12 apostles, 12 is also the 12 original tribes of Israel. Also, in the cylons we have made known the 7 models.... these maybe the seven (in representation of the perfect).... Also look at the Stars constellation where they found the virus... The LION and the blinking star. The LION represents one of the 12 tribes in Judea tradition... The LION of Juda. Lots of religious references... Remember the Mesiah is supposed to come from one of these tribes... Maybe Hera is the messianic promise of the cylons... coming from one of their model --- one of the tribes....
Yes... lots of religious symbols; something that has been true about Galactica since the original series. Wikipedia makes the case that Glen Larson's Mormon background played a large role in much of the symbolism and organization of the show.

For example, "A Council of Twelve, headed by a president, governs the colonies. A president who is assisted by two counselors and a Quorum of the Twelve Apostles preside over the Mormon Church."

It strikes me that there is a lot to flesh out in the remainder of this season. It makes for VERY good television, that is for sure!
I think Athena knows what love is. I think she has genuine feelings for Helo. That particular #6 that hangs around with Baltar...she feels something for him. Half the time, I'm not sure either of them knows what they (Baltar and that certain #6) feel for each other though. ;) Baltar is too busy watching out for his own interests/life that I'm not sure he can feel much for her except some weird form of confused lust/love. Baltar is also capable of murder, as we saw when the dying #6 started yelling at Baltar about what he'd do - which, interestingly, is exactly what he did - lie to them when he got back aboard. If the guy is a Cylon, he's incredibly messed-up.

I thought of a bomb too when I first saw it, but I'm sure they wouldn't have brought it aboard if it were leaking radiation. For it to have disabled/killed everyone on board as well as the raiders and centurions (who are entirely mechanical, as far as we know), it would have to be a technological virus. I'm pretty convinced of that now. Which then begs the question: in the humanoid models, how much is flesh and blood and how much is mechancal? I would think that, by the looks of things, they did an autopsy on the original Boomer, but we've never been told what the findings were.

Anyway, if it's a technological virus, Athena best stay away from it, unless the infection is systemic in nature, inasmuch as it must get into their computer/hybrid system and is then spread from there to the remainder of the units. Whatever it is, it acts fast, since the only transmission the Cylons received was said to be garbled and didn't make much sense.

There's a depth to this show that you don't find in sci-fi/drama/action shows. I agree, it makes for very good television.
Anyway, if it's a technological virus, Athena best stay away from it, unless the infection is systemic in nature, inasmuch as it must get into their computer/hybrid system and is then spread from there to the remainder of the units. Whatever it is, it acts fast, since the only transmission the Cylons received was said to be garbled and didn't make much sense.

How do you interpret Athena's response when they jumped in and found the base stars? Was she just shocked that there were toasters there, or was her being in proimity to the "virus" having an immediate impact on her. I need to watch that scene again, but it seemed like she almost immediately stopped being coherent. Or something.
Athena quoted some sort of Colonial scripture before they jumped-out, but I think she was taken aback at seeing the disabled base star and raiders floating about...she (I don't think) was in close enough proximity to the virus source to become infected. They were in flight suits/helmets inside a raptor and weren't in the area very long. We don't know how the virus is spread yet either. Contact with others infected, proximity, connection to the base star's data system, radio transmission...not enough info yet...but I'm guessing she's fine for now.
Interesting episode. You know they couldn't kill off all the cylons, wouldn't have much of a preface for the show! :D

But how about Baltar? Who else could get tortured and have sex AT THE SAME TIME!
Ron Moore needs to be more careful... TNG did an episode with a similar plot premise - "I, Borg". To infect the Borg or not infect the Borg.

Adama let Sharon and Helo off too easy, but then he didn't want to really infect the Cylons either. It was pretty obvious that Roslin wasn't too pleased with his decision either.

Baltar... He's a twisted puppy. Bet his right ear doesn't work so well anymore either.

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