BSG Season 3.5 on Scifi, 1/21/07 & 3.0 on UHD 1/27/07

Well, we all know the pretend swear words are ok with the FCC, its the real ones that bother them :D I wonder if it won't be muted when its on Universal HD?

I would guess that UHD won't censor it (though I wouldn't put money on it) and same here...can't wait to rewatch this season in HD! :)

I was sort of just keeping track for myself the variants of "Frack" that were used in the first season, just to see what they'd try to get away with. Between the mini and first two seasons, they pulled out all the variations:

"Stupid Fracker"
"Frack You"
"Frack Me"
"Frack It"
"You're Fracking Nuts"
"Frack This"

and a few other variants...

The only one I've yet to hear is "Frack Off". ;)
I think I have figured out the perfect TV for the Scifi BSg... My Sammy 27" HD I had in one of my campers had a major flaw.. no volume and volume menu showing on set, (have not got fixed yet) so I bought a $327 20" Lcd Edtv set from wally world(it will accept 1080i but not 720p input) BSG looks pretty good on it, SD looks good and HD looks even better... (just returned from camping and watched BSG last night on it (actually only missed before credits))
Is that the Sammy that took a tumble a year or so ago? Nice to hear that a 20" set makes SD BSG look better. :)

USA Network doesn't bleep/mute much includging "god damn"...heard it a numerous times during their broadcast of U-571 a week or 2 ago...
Yup, I've been too busy to find a repair man... When I do get it fixed it gos into a bedroom( where I originally bought it for ;)) The LCD makes a perfect TV for the camper as it is light and takes up much less space... back Ot, It sounded like Tigh doesn't want to be the XO anymore...
dfergie said:
I missed first ten minutes, enjoyed the episode.. looked like the word Bull S**t was muted...
*Sigh* How could they not put in "felgercarb" instead? That worked in the original BSG...
I think I have figured out the perfect TV for the Scifi BSg... My Sammy 27" HD I had in one of my campers had a major flaw.. no volume and volume menu showing on set, (have not got fixed yet) so I bought a $327 20" Lcd Edtv set from wally world(it will accept 1080i but not 720p input) BSG looks pretty good on it, SD looks good and HD looks even better... (just returned from camping and watched BSG last night on it (actually only missed before credits))

It is looking EXCELLENT on my 34" XBR HD CRT. I have it in OAR, so it has four black bars, but the picture is better than it has ever been. I am curious if Dish is giving more bandwidth to Sci Fi or if they have tweaked the compression.
Back to the substantive discussion, I finally was able to watch the full episode. I thought it was good; I liked getting the back-story about the period before the original attack on the twelve colonies. And it looks like Tigh's exile to his quarters might be slowly coming to an end.

I noticed that we have to wait two weeks until the next episode (which I figured would happen). I am looking forward to watching Kara kick Lee's ass in the ring. :D
Was Adama packing, or unpacking, at the end of ep? I'm assuming unpacking, since Roslin refused to accept his resignation.

I agree, I think Tigh's exile may be coming to an eventual end (how soon is anyone's guess), but Adama seems to still want him as the X.O., which leaves me wondering where that leaves Helo?

D'Anna (#3?) is an odd one. Weird dreams. Has a Centurion blow her away and then ressurects and spouts some really weird stuff. What's her deal anyway?

A two-break is a drag, but I too figured that would happen.
Was Adama packing, or unpacking, at the end of ep? I'm assuming unpacking, since Roslin refused to accept his resignation.

I agree, I think Tigh's exile may be coming to an eventual end (how soon is anyone's guess), but Adama seems to still want him as the X.O., which leaves me wondering where that leaves Helo?

D'Anna (#3?) is an odd one. Weird dreams. Has a Centurion blow her away and then ressurects and spouts some really weird stuff. What's her deal anyway?

A two-break is a drag, but I too figured that would happen.

He was unpacking.

I agree about #3 (heck, I didn't even know her name!). The cylon stuff in this episode was - as is often the case - hard to interpret.
D'Anna (#3?) is an odd one. Weird dreams. Has a Centurion blow her away and then ressurects and spouts some really weird stuff. What's her deal anyway?

Found this episode very intriguing but with lots of more question than answers (as always :) ). The story line of the pilot that escaped from the cylons is kind of weak. I kept asking myself why would the cylons let one prisoner go... to demoralize Adama... That is kind of a weak strategy by the cylons. Especially since they knew where to send him so that he can be rescued. The other part that intrigues me is that the 7 cylons have always expressed anger and sorrow for cylons that died on the hands of the humans. Six has been very critical about this in her conversations with Baltar. Yet they do not mind sending raiders on a suicide mission since we know that they cannot be resurrected! Kind of a double standard.

On D'Anna (or whatever her name is). I found it amusing that Baltar not only survived the accussations against him but was sleeping with both! Damn Baltar... is he taking Viagra or a cylon-viagra to keep it up!!!! :hatsoff: Now D'Anna. It is funny that she made the conclusion from her dream to get shot. There have been various reports of people dying momentarily in the OR/ER and seeing lights and others visions. Is that was happening to D'Anna. Maybe? After all humans have experienced this, why not the cylons?

Going back to the Pilot Prisoner... I found his clearance (from the Doctor) that he was not a cylon kind of weak. The doctor compared his DNA to the DNA stored in the database. But wait a minute aren't the cylons able to replacate DNA. So where is the test that the Pilot is not a cylon. Unless someone can explain to me this better, I have to say this is weak! I have to hear MOORE commentary and hear if he comments about this. I mean with this type of test we can take every military personnel and make sure that they are not cylons, correct? I am sure the civilian population was also tagged with DNA before the war. I just found this too weak. Unless there is more to this and later on we are going to find out the real story line.
Cylon-viagra. I like it!

I am thinking that they made a bit of a goof with the quick medical test; maybe I am wrong, but wasn't it a time intensive test when Baltar was doing the cylon tests in season 1?

The only problem with simply checking DNA is you have to be sure that the person was NOT a cylon the first time they were tested. Since he said "the DNA" matched the DNA on record, would not that mean that if they were to test Athena's DNA with that of Boomer on record, it would be the same.
No doubt about it, this was a fairly weak episode in just about every respect. The DNA test, as has been pointed out, isn't conclusive evidence. The only thing we can presume at this point is that Bulldog is human because it hasn't been established yet how soon the Cylons began infiltrating colonial society with humanoid models. There's still a lot we don't know about the Cylons.

The raiders were sacrificed in order to get Bulldog back to Galactica (and I don't think we've seen the last of him yet), but as was established in the episode "Scar", even the raiders are ressurected. I don't think the Centurions are, however. There's been no evidence that they are anyway.
Battlestar Moves To Sundays

Battlestar Moves To Sundays

SCI FI Channel's award-winning series Battlestar Galactica will move to a new timeslot starting Jan. 21, 2007: Sundays at 10 p.m. ET/PT, following the premiere of the new original series The Dresden Files at 9 p.m.

Battlestar Galactica has been airing episodes of its current third season on Fridays at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

The current season picks up the story of the ragtag fleet of human survivors as they flee the Cylon menace. Executive-produced by Ronald D. Moore and David Eick, the series stars Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff, James Callis, Tricia Helfer and Grace Park. —Patrick Lee, News Editor
SOURCE -Scifiwire
Battlestar Moves To Sundays

SCI FI Channel's award-winning series Battlestar Galactica will move to a new timeslot starting Jan. 21, 2007: Sundays at 10 p.m. ET/PT, following the premiere of the new original series The Dresden Files at 9 p.m.

Battlestar Galactica has been airing episodes of its current third season on Fridays at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

The current season picks up the story of the ragtag fleet of human survivors as they flee the Cylon menace. Executive-produced by Ronald D. Moore and David Eick, the series stars Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Jamie Bamber, Katee Sackhoff, James Callis, Tricia Helfer and Grace Park. —Patrick Lee, News Editor
SOURCE -Scifiwire

I am guessing this is because the Gates will be back, and they want to use BSG's strength to increase ratings on another night.

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