BSG Season 3.5 on Scifi, 1/21/07 & 3.0 on UHD 1/27/07

Ron Moore needs to be more careful... TNG did an episode with a similar plot premise - "I, Borg". To infect the Borg or not infect the Borg.

Adama let Sharon and Helo off too easy, but then he didn't want to really infect the Cylons either. It was pretty obvious that Roslin wasn't too pleased with his decision either.

Baltar... He's a twisted puppy. Bet his right ear doesn't work so well anymore either.

Very good point on the "I, Borg" episode. In fact, I was in my kid's room and he has an old poster of mine on the wall with ST:TNG aliens - and "Hugh" is the borg featured..

Yeah, he cut them some slack, but Roslin really is a strange duck. She really is a politician; and cut-throat at that. Her religious side seems to cause lots of contradictions.

So say we all. :D
Roslin is interesting (and a strange duck, I agree) though. I don't know that I'd label her cut-throat though. She's not the kind of President that Zarrick would've been. He'd definitely be cut-throat. Ugly cut-throat... She's calculating and very direct. She knows when to take it easy and she knows when to be tough. She's had to learn (the hard way) how to be a politician and that's a very good point about her religious side causing her problems.

I think back to the episode when she was going to "christen" the stealth ship bearing her name. She did that just right. :)

So say we all. :D
Roslin is interesting (and a strange duck, I agree) though. I don't know that I'd label her cut-throat though. She's not the kind of President that Zarrick would've been. He'd definitely be cut-throat. Ugly cut-throat... She's calculating and very direct. She knows when to take it easy and she knows when to be tough. She's had to learn (the hard way) how to be a politician and that's a very good point about her religious side causing her problems.

I think back to the episode when she was going to "christen" the stealth ship bearing her name. She did that just right. :)

So say we all. :D

I agree that cut-throat is not the word I was looking for, but calculating and direct fits fine. She has Machiavellian traits, but I would not label her Machiavellian either; more than the ends justifies her means most of the time.
Throw her out the air lock... when Roslin first saw Caprica Sharon/ Athena... I think I will stick with her as my Avatar for a bit as she was willing to say adio's to her entire race... Good episode, I thought at first maybe Apollo would get command of a Baseship to replace Pegasus...
I found quite interested that Athena was inmune to the virus because Hera had passed the DNA necessary to her system. The cylons look humans and may have DNA like humans but have yet to develop inmunity to viruses that humans have been able to fight after years of "re-generation." Isn't this quite a concept? On the one hand, BSG could develop biological weapons to counteract the cylons. Even though ADAMA seems to be quite adamant about not using these type of weapons. On the other side of the coin, if the Cylons find out about this information, they may use Baltar or Hera to get all the DNA necessary that they will need to counteract this thread.

One question remained a "mystery" how did the starbase explode? Was it really self destruct? If it was, there is a flaw in this episode. After the Virus spread nothing was moving or working. To me Athena "somehow" made the starbase "self-destruct". If you think about it, she is caught in the middle of two families --- cylons and humans. She wants to do the correct thing for both and after all it is "only human" to feel the way she feels.

One more thing... how is Helo/Athena going to be seeing by Adama from now on... Has the trust broken? It will interested to follow this.

Baltar.... Baltar... more hints that he could be part of the 5 cylons not mentioned yet? or could he developed to be one of NBC's Heros? It looks like "six" in his imagination or projection is trying to push his mind to where no "human has traveled before"...

So say we All....
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><!-- google_ad_section_start -->BATTLESTAR GALACTICA NEWS: Source- Gateworld
Time slot change in the winds for BSG?

Saturday - November 11, 2006 | by Darren Sumner SCI FI may be planning a significant change to Battlestar Galactica's time slot in an attempt to significantly improve the series' slipping Nielsen ratings, TV Guide's Michael Ausiello.

"Rumor has it that something big is brewing behind the scenes that could go a long way in boosting the show's ailing Nielsen's," Ausiello wrote in his November 8 column. "It concerns the show's time slot."

Galactica's ratings for the new third season have been down, since the show was delayed to a fall premiere and moved from 10 p.m. to 9 p.m. (Eastern and Pacific) on Fridays. The show was also separated from its previous lead-ins, Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis -- both of which suffered similar ratings slips when new episodes aired in the summer.

A significant change in the show's time slot could even mean a switch to a new night.

Thirteen episodes remain in the show's third season, which SCI FI is airing straight through without rerun breaks. Galactica is one of the network's most important -- and most expensive -- original shows.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><!-- google_ad_section_start -->BATTLESTAR GALACTICA NEWS: Source- Gateworld
Time slot change in the winds for BSG?

Saturday - November 11, 2006 | by Darren Sumner SCI FI may be planning a significant change to Battlestar Galactica's time slot in an attempt to significantly improve the series' slipping Nielsen ratings, TV Guide's Michael Ausiello.

"Rumor has it that something big is brewing behind the scenes that could go a long way in boosting the show's ailing Nielsen's," Ausiello wrote in his November 8 column. "It concerns the show's time slot."

Galactica's ratings for the new third season have been down, since the show was delayed to a fall premiere and moved from 10 p.m. to 9 p.m. (Eastern and Pacific) on Fridays. The show was also separated from its previous lead-ins, Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis -- both of which suffered similar ratings slips when new episodes aired in the summer.

A significant change in the show's time slot could even mean a switch to a new night.

Thirteen episodes remain in the show's third season, which SCI FI is airing straight through without rerun breaks. Galactica is one of the network's most important -- and most expensive -- original shows.


I'm really surprised that the ratings are slipping, I think this is the best season by far!

I also think they should've left SG1 and SGA as lead-ins to BSG. That was a good Sci-Friday line-up. Now, with the exception of BSG, Sci-Friday pretty much sucks.

Just from my perspective: I used to watch Sci-Fi on Friday nights from 6-9. Now, I watch it from 6-7 and then find a movie to watch.

If they move BSG to another night, I'll just DVR it and time-shift it to Friday night anyway.

I agree, I think this season is the strongest so far. I just think that Sci-Fi has tinkered with the line-up too much and put on weak leading/trailing programming. They hosed-up Sci-Friday and if they want to fix it, get SG1/SGA back on Friday.

Just one opinion...
I also think they should've left SG1 and SGA as lead-ins to BSG. That was a good Sci-Friday line-up. Now, with the exception of BSG, Sci-Friday pretty much sucks.

Just from my perspective: I used to watch Sci-Fi on Friday nights from 6-9. Now, I watch it from 6-7 and then find a movie to watch.

If they move BSG to another night, I'll just DVR it and time-shift it to Friday night anyway.

I agree, I think this season is the strongest so far. I just think that Sci-Fi has tinkered with the line-up too much and put on weak leading/trailing programming. They hosed-up Sci-Friday and if they want to fix it, get SG1/SGA back on Friday.

Just one opinion...
Very well said!
Yup, with the exception of BSG, friday's are weak for me too now. The stargates had me watching scifi all evening. Now with just BSG, I may or may not watch it live. Heroes is a repeat of the previous monday night episode and certainly isn't a draw. Threshold was on friday briefly, but as a repeat show from last year and one with no conclusion I'm glad they took it off. I have no desire to watch it again. Dr. Who is a great show, but many die hard fans like myself have already watched it as well (multiple times even).
I also think they should've left SG1 and SGA as lead-ins to BSG. That was a good Sci-Friday line-up. Now, with the exception of BSG, Sci-Friday pretty much sucks.

Just from my perspective: I used to watch Sci-Fi on Friday nights from 6-9. Now, I watch it from 6-7 and then find a movie to watch.

If they move BSG to another night, I'll just DVR it and time-shift it to Friday night anyway.

I agree, I think this season is the strongest so far. I just think that Sci-Fi has tinkered with the line-up too much and put on weak leading/trailing programming. They hosed-up Sci-Friday and if they want to fix it, get SG1/SGA back on Friday.

Just one opinion...

Joe - I agree except that they are trying to provide coverage of shows that have small seasonal runs, so if they did all three together, they would quickly run out of shows. Thus, by running 10 weeks of the Gates, then a late start to BSG, they have new stuff continuously. I am guessing that we'll get all three when the Gates return in January.
Regarding the new night, I certainly hope SciFi doesn't think that they should compete with Thursday. Wednesday would be the best in my household, but then again, there is the DVR to time-shift.

I need to read some of the past pages of this thread so I don't re-hash something that's already been brought up.

Added: Okay, so I wasn't imagining it when Sharon/Athena went bonkers in the vicinity on the disabled Base Star. I thought she was affected by the virus, but maybe the Ship was going crazy and she was picking up on it over CYLN radio. (I mean, there has to be some "subspace" channel that keep the Cylons connected to the Resurrection Ship, right?) When the boarding party jumped in later and I saw Athena, I thought I must have been mistaken about Athena being on the other mission. Could there be another Sharon on Galactica?

Making the Cylon Base Stars "intellegent" via the hybrid is an interesting twist. We've seen the downside to having a wetware Ship's computer (a-choo) but imagine if the Ship develops a distinct personality. (No, I don't want to go into battle, and you can't make me!) Science Fiction is full of Ships with personalities (Dora comes to mind as one of my favorites) and even the Guild Navigators from Dune could be likened to the Cylon hybrid. But you have to wonder if it's really that efficient to have neurons instead of silicon or optical relays running your ship.
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Regarding the new night, I certainly hope SciFi doesn't think that they should compete with Thursday. Wednesday would be the best in my household, but then again, there is the DVR to time-shift.

I need to read some of the past pages of this thread so I don't re-hash something that's already been brought up.

Added: Okay, so I wasn't imagining it when Sharon/Athena went bonkers in the vicinity on the disabled Base Star. I thought she was affected by the virus, but maybe the Ship was going crazy and she was picking up on it over CYLN radio. (I mean, there has to be some "subspace" channel that keep the Cylons connected to the Resurrection Ship, right?) When the boarding party jumped in later and I saw Athena, I thought I must have been mistaken about Athena being on the other mission. Could there be another Sharon on Galactica?

Making the Cylon Base Stars "intellegent" via the hybrid is an interesting twist. We've seen the downside to having a wetware Ship's computer (a-choo) but imagine if the Ship develops a distinct personality. (No, I don't want to go into battle, and you can't make me!) Science Fiction is full of Ships with personalities (Dora comes to mind as one of my favorites) and even the Guild Navigators from Dune could be likened to the Cylon hybrid. But you have to wonder if it's really that efficient to have neurons instead of silicon or optical relays running your ship.

Welcome to the discussion Foxbat!

Good questions; I need to mull over the question of the "intelligent" base-ship. But we have known for a long time, since season 1, that the raiders were part organic - witness Kara's figuring out how to control one. The question for me is how different is the hybrid from the raider; in my mind, pretty significantly.

More to write, but have to head off for a stinking meeting off campus this morning, so this will have to wait until tonight. :(
Joe - I agree except that they are trying to provide coverage of shows that have small seasonal runs, so if they did all three together, they would quickly run out of shows. Thus, by running 10 weeks of the Gates, then a late start to BSG, they have new stuff continuously. I am guessing that we'll get all three when the Gates return in January.

They managed to stagger-run SG1, SGA and BSG for two seasons and were getting great ratings. As I often say at work, if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it. Well, it looks to me like Sci-Fi got into a tinkering mood and broke Sci-Friday. Now they're trying to fix it. To my way of thinking, the fix is fairly obvious. I would imagine the hybrids at Sci-Fi aren't even thinking that way. ;)

'Nuff said. Back to BSG. :)

Baltar isn't dead, but I would imagine he has a whole new appreciation for pain. :)

The episode coming up this Friday looks like Adama is going to get his lesson in torture (or so it appeared).

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