BSG Season 3.5 on Scifi, 1/21/07 & 3.0 on UHD 1/27/07

I liked this episode more than I thought I would.

Damn. Adama threw one helluva first punch at the Chief! :D
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I liked parts of it better than I thought I would. The whole "Apollo loves Kara/Kara loves Apollo" thing got a bit old pretty quickly. We know there's been some on-again/off-again thing going on between them for a long time now, so that was no big surprise. Adama/Roslin was a bit of a surprise though.

Overall though, not a really outstanding episode. I'd give it a 6.5/10. It tied up a few loose ends, opened up some more Apollo/Kara plot threads. Other than that, it didn't really go anywhere.
I liked parts of it better than I thought I would. The whole "Apollo loves Kara/Kara loves Apollo" thing got a bit old pretty quickly. We know there's been some on-again/off-again thing going on between them for a long time now, so that was no big surprise. Adama/Roslin was a bit of a surprise though.

Overall though, not a really outstanding episode. I'd give it a 6.5/10. It tied up a few loose ends, opened up some more Apollo/Kara plot threads. Other than that, it didn't really go anywhere.

Yeah, the Adama/Roslin thing caught me off guard, but I can't see how either of them would allow anything to happen as long as he is the Admiral and she is the president.

Plus, we don't need a soap opera anyway. We need a SPACE OPERA with lots of shooting - and action - as Vurbano said! :D

I thought the boxing was good; even though if I WAS the admiral, there is NO way I would have allowed my fighter pilots to fight without head gear. As someone who kick boxes, I can attest that you can get knocked pretty silly with head gear on, but have far less risk of injury. Of course... that does NOT make for good tv. :D :D
I agree, enough of the "Lovestar Galactica" stuff already. :D

Had the Cylons not found New Caprica, I think things between Adama and Roslin would've been been much different, but you're right, she's the President and he's the Admiral and that's all there is to it.

Good point on the head gear too, but no, it wouldn't have made for "good tv". :D
I got a kick out of this post from tivocommunity by busyba
The whole time I was wondering who exactly came up with the bright idea of having a drunk with one eye be a boxing referee?
At one point we actaully see him take a swig of his flask in the ring!
This was actually quite a good episode. Her call-sign was "Race Track", right? And why do the last 5 Cylon models seem to exist in a really weird place?

Agreed, good episode. Baltar had some balls sticking his hand in the hybrid's pool. Have to watch again and try to make sense of her ramblings.
Yes, good episode - but the previews for next week look even better. Wouldn't you like to see the Cylons give up Baltar? I know... not gonna happen!
man, i sure hope they don't end up doing something really stupid like...

put baltar up on top of a really tall pedestal and have some dork with blinking lights in his head constantly refer to him as "Imperious Leader"

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