BSG Season 3.5 on Scifi, 1/21/07 & 3.0 on UHD 1/27/07

I guess Ellen is not a Cylon like It was thought when Adama found her in the fleet...

Do you remember that Baltar tested her with his test and was like 'suspicious' of her? Do I remember this correctly or am I confusing it with someone else?

Can anyone named the 12 cylons models? Is it true that there are only twelve?
What happened to Baltar? Where is the episode where Laura says to Baltar, "I have been waiting fo this moment" and applies the "coup" to him.
What happened to Baltar? Where is the episode where Laura says to Baltar, "I have been waiting fo this moment" and applies the "coup" to him.

I think they were showing previews of "upcoming" shows. I would love it if Baltar gets his coup.

Re: Ellen. I think Old Tigh would have a heart attack if she shows up - and actually is a toaster :D But I seriously doubt it!
I think they were showing previews of "upcoming" shows. I would love it if Baltar gets his coup.

Re: Ellen. I think Old Tigh would have a heart attack if she shows up - and actually is a toaster :D But I seriously doubt it!

I recall that the whole blood test thing for Ellen was pretty much left unresolved, but I think we've seen all the Cylon models now, and she wasn't among them, so I'm pretty convinced she's permanently dead...
Got in on the first viewing about 20 minutes in and couldn't stop watching Friday evening, watched 2nd viewing to see the first, Loved this episode and can't wait for the HD version... How do we know the Cylons can't make new skin job models? (and could Baltar be a skin job and not know it)
I recall that the whole blood test thing for Ellen was pretty much left unresolved, but I think we've seen all the Cylon models now, and she wasn't among them, so I'm pretty convinced she's permanently dead...

Are we certain that we have seen 12 models? My brain is trying sort them all out, and I am only up to about 8.
Are we certain that we have seen 12 models? My brain is trying sort them all out, and I am only up to about 8.

Well, here's a count (obviously not in an order that may be correct):

1) Centurions
2) Raider ships (organic internals have been established to be sentient)
3-6) Four male models that we've seen thus far.
7-9) Three female models that we've seen thus far.
10) Baystar. Why wouldn't it be a "model"? Eveything "cylon" seems to be a
model of one kind or another.

That leaves two potential models that we may not have seen yet (assuming the Baystars count as a model).
Well, here's a count (obviously not in an order that may be correct):

1) Centurions
2) Raider ships (organic internals have been established to be sentient)
3-6) Four male models that we've seen thus far.
7-9) Three female models that we've seen thus far.
10) Baystar. Why wouldn't it be a "model"? Eveything "cylon" seems to be a
model of one kind or another.

That leaves two potential models that we may not have seen yet (assuming the Baystars count as a model).

Ok... maybe I am wrong, but I guess I wasn't counting the centurions or the raider ships; I thought the 12 models were humanoid. Not that this is an authoritative source, but Wikipedia says this

Ronald D. Moore has confirmed in interviews that there are 12 different models of humanoid Cylon, with many copies of each model in existence. Moore has also stated that the humanoid Cylons are not based on pre-existing humans: "The idea is not that there was likely an original human model that they were copied from. The idea was that these models of Cylon were sort of developed out of their own study of us. The Cylons on some level looked at humanity and said "You know what? There's really only 12 of you." If these are the 12, and sort of if you look at them they each represent different archetypes of what humanity is."

The humanoid Cylons appear to be responsible for command decisions. While the command structure has not been fully explored, some hints at organization have been revealed. In the Season 3 episode "Precipice", a Cylon council (made up of multiple copies of several models) appears to cast votes collectively by model, indicating that model plays an important role in the hierarchy of Cylon society.

The seven humanoid models revealed so far... :

See Wikipedia for more detail.

If this is the case, then there is plenty of room for Baltar or Ellen to be a toaster! Frackin A! :D
long_time_DNC number 10 above, took me a few times pronouncing it out loud until I realized what it meant.

Baystar. Baystar? what the heck is a Baystar?
... "Base Star" (a.k.a. Cylon "Base Ship")


though I agree with the premise the 12 are the humanoid models, I think I did notice blood-n-guts spilling from the base ships they destroyed last week - they, just like all the others, have an organic component.
Why did I type "Baystar" anyway? I know better than that. *bang head on wall*

When we saw the internals of a Base Star when Sharon went outside to check things out and set the nuke and she meets up with 4-5 duplicates of herself, I recall the interior of the ship looking vagely "Alien/Aliens"-like, and I too thought I noticed some bloody debris from the Pegasus collisions, but would've been hard pressed to positively say it was part of the base ships or parts of the inhabitants...

So, despite the wikipedia info above, until I see more models than we've seen already or some kind of solid info from the show, I'll stick with my original thoughts that we've seen 10 models thus far. :)
Here is another website that claims 12 humanoid models.

The Battlestar Wiki

I am convinced, for what what little it is worth, that the raiders, base stars, and centurions are in addition to the 12 human models. :)
Ok, after reading all that, I concur. We haven't seen 12 humanoid models yet and who knows, Ellen may yet reappear. ;)

The odd thing with Ellen was how she showed up in the first season. They said she "was asleep" on one of the ships or some medical condition(I forget exactly what it was). They planted the seed that she might not be who she says right from season 1. I think she might be a skin job!

She (Ellen) might be a skin job, though after thinking about this at work today, the material on that website said that the 12 models aren't clones of people that existed previously...if that's the case, depending on how long Tigh and Ellen were married, she couldn't be a Cylon...

It's all speculation on my part, but if she wasn't human, she never gave any obvious signals. Nothing about her was overtly suspicious other than her goading Tigh a lot into doing things he might not have ordinarily have done while Adama was out-of-commission.
She (Ellen) might be a skin job, though after thinking about this at work today, the material on that website said that the 12 models aren't clones of people that existed previously...if that's the case, depending on how long Tigh and Ellen were married, she couldn't be a Cylon...

It's all speculation on my part, but if she wasn't human, she never gave any obvious signals. Nothing about her was overtly suspicious other than her goading Tigh a lot into doing things he might not have ordinarily have done while Adama was out-of-commission.

Good point about Ellen!

But I also wonder how long that Sharon had been known to the Galactica crew.
Since the Cylon-Human "peace" had gone on for about 30 years, it's possible that Sharon could've been known by the Galactica crew for anywhere from 5-10 years. 10 years might be a bit of a stretch, but 5-8 years could be possible.

Tonight's episode was interesting!
Thoughts on "Collaborators?" I thought it was a good episode, but kind of depressing; although I thought it ended well.

I found it interesting how easily Tom gave up the presidency.

And the preview for next weeks looks pretty good. "Am I a cylon?" Right along the lines of our discussion!!

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