BSG Season 3.5 on Scifi, 1/21/07 & 3.0 on UHD 1/27/07

Here's a question: where'd they get a dog?

2 seasons and not a single sight of any 4-footed animals anywhere in the fleet and last night, they turn up with a dog, no explanation.

I love dogs, no problem there, but they never mentioned any animals being in the fleet before, not that I can recall.

Bobabird: I think they had him put on some off-season weight for this season to help give us a sense of time passage. Actors do that all the time for parts.
I noticed that Apollo looks a bit thinner in the previews at the end of the episode. I about fell over when I first saw him in the episode. "Soft" - now that is being kind.

And what's the point of the cliffhanger ending if you are going to show characters who could have just been killed! :D
Yeah, "soft" was being kind, for sure. :D

I gotta agree...someone didn't plan the trailer very well, considering the way the episode ended. Despite that, it didn't ruin anything for me and for a season premier, it was one of the best season openers I've seen in a very long time.
long_time_DNC said:
Yeah, "soft" was being kind, for sure. :D

I gotta agree...someone didn't plan the trailer very well, considering the way the episode ended. Despite that, it didn't ruin anything for me and for a season premier, it was one of the best season openers I've seen in a very long time.

Yeah it was excellent. I am glad I watched the webisodes; it at least made the suicide bomber guy's decision make sense.

My only complaint is about PQ. I know the PQ was supposed to have kind of harsh light on New Caprica, but when you add to it the over-compression that Dish does to SciFi, it really made me wish that BSG was available for download like SG:Atlantis is (The PQ of the episodes I watched from purchasing them through Amazon was almost DVD quality).

So what do you guys think they'll do to Tigh? Give him an eye patch?
Tigh with the missing eye seems a tad...too convenient? Uh-uh...I'm not buying it. I really have to wonder if there is something going on there. Possible Cylon bug or implant?

As to Jamie with the belly; prosthetics dude. LOL It takes 3 hours for the special FX/makeup people to put that fat-gut on him.
webbydude said:
Tigh with the missing eye seems a tad...too convenient? Uh-uh...I'm not buying it. I really have to wonder if there is something going on there. Possible Cylon bug or implant?

As to Jamie with the belly; prosthetics dude. LOL It takes 3 hours for the special FX/makeup people to put that fat-gut on him.

I figured it was prosthetics, but it has not been unknown for actors to gain weight for a role; i.e. Tom Hanks for League of their Own; the woman (name is escaping me right now) for the Bridget Jones films; but I am assumuning its all hollywood special effects for BSG. Regardless, he looked good and plump - and quite realistically so.
Bamber reminded me of what I see every time I look in a mirror. Time to get back on my diet. Yuck!
Sean Mota said:
Anyone was able to download the Podcast as MP3 file. I couldn't. If you did let me know.

BTW...thank-you for the link. I did NOT know there were "webisodes" that led up to the 1st episode of 3.0 :)

Not going to give anything away to what few people who have not seen it, but it certainly does give some background as to what Duck was feeling and why he did what he did in episode 1.
webbydude said:
Tigh with the missing eye seems a tad...too convenient? Uh-uh...I'm not buying it. I really have to wonder if there is something going on there. Possible Cylon bug or implant?

As to Jamie with the belly; prosthetics dude. LOL It takes 3 hours for the special FX/makeup people to put that fat-gut on him.
The only reason I don't quite buy that is because of what Ellen do. If the missing eye were a bug/implant, why ask her to do that? She's already about"collaborative"...(that's being delicate) as she can get, so I don't think there'd be much need to test her on that issue...
It's funny you mention that part about Ellen. Me and the g/f had a debate on that matter. To sum up the convo (2 hours!! LOL), we pretty much agreed that the "skin-job" Cylons are obviously out to propogate the human/Cylon hybrids. Hence, their attempt at peace. Granted, their definition of it involves a lot of psychological conditioning (Kara, anyone??)
webbydude said:
It's funny you mention that part about Ellen. Me and the g/f had a debate on that matter. To sum up the convo (2 hours!! LOL), we pretty much agreed that the "skin-job" Cylons are obviously out to propogate the human/Cylon hybrids. Hence, their attempt at peace. Granted, their definition of it involves a lot of psychological conditioning (Kara, anyone??)

Good points, webbydude. I can't discuss BSG with the wife; she has ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST in watching. :D
I agree...the "skin-jobs" are trying to create (and have succedded at least once, for certain) in creating a hybrid. Kara's situation is definitely one of brain-washing/psychological manipulation, but I don't think she'll ultimately buy into it. She knows that guy and how he messed with her mind before. That's all that's going on now...he couldn't get her to buy into it after 5 attempts, so he's pulling another trick on her - going for childhood sympathies and "motherly instincts". Executions of dissidents isn't going to endear anyone to the Cylons, least of all Kara, regardless of what mind games they play on her.

When it comes right down to it, the Cylons tried to exterminate all of human-kind using nukes. It wasn't a battle to subdue them and then say, "let's be friends, ok?" It was an outright attempt at genocide.

I don't think most of the humans left on New Capica and out in the remainder of the fleet are going to be forgetting that anytime soon. I think Kara is just playing along because obviously the tactic she's been using hasn't been working...and she's just waiting for the right opportunity now... That's my hopeful speculation. :)
Maybe this comment belongs in the Pit, but the episode also served as a modern-day civic lesson for my 13 year old when him and watched it together on the DVR.

Waaaaaay too many parallels with what's going on in Iraq. I won't go into too much detail (*cough, cough*...suicide bombing...religious integration...etc), but suffice to say it did generate a lot of the, " the Iraqi's may feel a bit like the Colonials, Dad?". Is Ronald Moore trying to inject some of his own political beliefs?
I thought about the modern-day parallels to the situation in the middle east as well when watching it.

I didn't think Moore was trying to be overtly political about it though. It was a logical plot device - how do you get to Baltar - get someone close to him who's wearing a bomb. Roslin pointed out the obvious problems (both moral and political) with Tigh's plans, which echo the socio-poli-religous situations in the middle east.

Was Moore making a statement? Not necessarily. The situation on New Caprica just looks very similar in many respects...
Call me shallow, but I never really understood *why* someone would wear a bomb and kill themselves; at least until viewing the episode. A total 180 degree shift in thinking on my part.

I guess that's why I like this show so much. It hinges more on drama...and less on action. To paraphrase the Oldsmobile commercial, "this is not your father's BSG" (not an entirely fair comment since I'm old enough to remember viewing the original when it was 1st televised...LOL).

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