BSG Season 3.5 on Scifi, 1/21/07 & 3.0 on UHD 1/27/07

Here is where I see the entire Battlestar story ending up .

I still say that ultimately the Cylons and the Humans will continue to "Mate" and have the new hybrid children. They will finally settle on Earth and become the ancestors of the humans that we are today.

The entire story will have happened thousands of years ago in our time. When they do finally settle on Earth they will have two groups of Humans; the origional on the colonies ( less than 50,000 or so) and the Cylon hybrids. The cylons and the Colonial humans will continue to mate and breed out of existence the origional two strains of cylons and humans. Kind of like the neanderthal man and cromagnum man are now gone. The origional cylons will eventually lose the ability to be recycled into new bodies due to some event that hasn't happened yet, and which will end their race of beings.

The colonial humans will believe in the mythological gods and the hybrids will believe in the one true God. Sound familiar to our real history about religion? This is where we will get our mythology and our religion today. We will also get our ideas about democracy and government from the Colonial humans.

OF course our entire history of these events will be lost and we humans today won't reliaze that we are nothing more than the cumulation of Cylon Toasters and the humans that created them. This is how I see this entire story ending up eventually. Hey if it isn't the way they end up, it should be.:eureka
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The origional cylons will eventually lose the ability to be recycled into new bodies due to some event that hasn't happened yet, and which will end their race of beings.

I wonder if the last episode is starting to go there with the preacher man talking about how bad it hurt him to regenerate. He said it was his 3rd time.
He was just complaining about the post-download headache. I'm sure it's not a fun process for any of them. Imagine Caprica 6 awakening in a new body after getting a bullet in the head from that other toaster in the 2-hour season premier? That's gotta leave one heck of an impression upon awakening!

Ok, while we're at it, just what did she give up for Baltar? Respect from her peers? What?
Let me be the first to say after tonight's episode (actually only half of it so far), WOW.

I knew Adama would launch vipers, but never saw that one coming.
I thought this was interesting. Note the logo on the tail of the ship (this is during the liftoff from new caprica sequence). I am pretty sure it says "PAN GAL" and is identical in every other way to the defunct airline logo. Maybe this is a nod to the space plane in 2001?


  • pan-gal craft.jpg
    pan-gal craft.jpg
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It's really difficult to say what it says, but maybe once (if? when?) it airs on HDNet, it'll be easier to see.

Sad to see the Pegasus go... I suppose having two battlestars around would make the attack sequences a bit less suspenseful -- assuming we get more attacks from the Cylons. I'm sure they're off pondering their defeat...and really, the only reason for persuing the fleet is to enslave humanity again and get make more human/cylon hybrids... I hope we get more insight into their motivations now that Baltar is with them.

A lot to this episode, for sure. :D
I thought to myself, "he isn't going to take it into the atmosphere?!?" and suddenly the thing is dropping like a rock towards the ground! Surprised? That's and understatement. :)

Finally just got a chance to watch, I've been avoiding this thread all day! I would say that Adama certainly knows how to make an enterance! Was sad to see Pegasus go too but boy did it go out in a blaze of glory!!!

The navigators have certainly improved their precision with the FTL drives, I remember last season somebody FTL'ed a raptor directly into the side of a mountain.
I finally watched it this afternoon. Everybody is right on - an amazing episode. And the preview for next week looks great too. I am glad they are heading back to space and the search for earth! I hope Gaita (sp.) is able to demonstrate that he really wasn't a turn-coat; I liked him too much.
I couldn't quite figure this out: did Ellen Tigh commit suicide, or was she executed by her husband or by someone else (based on my interpretation of the preview of next week's episode) ?? I did not see anything either of them did onscreen that should have resulted in her death.
I couldn't quite figure this out: did Ellen Tigh commit suicide, or was she executed by her husband or by someone else (based on my interpretation of the preview of next week's episode) ?? I did not see anything either of them did onscreen that should have resulted in her death.

She was executed. Tigh was given the choice; do it himself or have it done to her. He gave her the drink.
They were talking. He gave her a cup that had something to drink in it (laced with a fast-acting, painless toxin) and she got very sleepy and he held her while she died. Whether Tigh mixed it himself or someone mixed it for him, it was clear (to me) that Tigh wasn't surprised by the result of her having a drink of it. He, essentially, aided in her execution...

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