Yeah, I've stuck with my MicroHD for my everyday recording and watching. Too big a learning curve on the A3 for me so far, but I'm working on it slowly hoping for better firmware.
Watching live satellite, it's OK. So far as I can tell. I haven't spent a great deal of time just staring at the screen yet, I'm jumping all around between several sources watching different things.
As an experiment last night I hit the record button during Lost in Space (I love sappy, silly, campy stuff like that) then I set timers to record HR Pufntsuf and Land of the Lost (from my childhood, still love em!) and then Green Hornet and Man from UNCLE. I like the Sci-fi and the Spy-fi stuff too. Really disappointed in how the recordings came out. They play back on my Mac but not so great. The playback on the A3 is just useless.
I have no idea why because when I watch it live it looks excellent.
I ordered a pair of C2WPLL's from Titanium but they won't ship until after the 20th so it's going to be the end of the month before I get them.
I plan to replace the C1PLL that's in my BUD then I can setup the the MicroHD to record these shows (which by the way it has been recording stuff for me for MONTHS with nary a single glitch or hiccup. Very reliable STB and it does an excellent job. It's a bit lacking in features but that's fine because it more than makes up for it in reliability and performance.
So I'm going to fall back to the MicroHD for recording and the A3 will be just for live TV and whatever else. The learning curve on it is HUGE. There are a lot of things that seem to be missing or maybe just overlooked. Several things need outright fixing. Recording/playback is a biggie... I put a disk in it so I could do exactly that.
Maybe they'll get things sorted out somewhere down the line. I hope so. I had high hopes for this thing. For now it's going to the back burner. I have other things to focus on anyway.
Turns out I will be moving after all so I get to move my dishes and do them all over again.
edit: Here's a video I took with my iPhone 5 of the playback of previous recordings.
The hiccups are not at all from the iPhone, it's purely from the A3.
Also I set to record the Man from UNCLE for one hour but it only recorded 15 minute of it.
I wasn't watching while it recorded so I don't know if any error messages came up during the failed recording.
There are about 6 minutes of various recordings here, the Green Hornet was pretty bad too, about the time they were prying open the safe. On the Man from Uncle, it goes into slow motion, then speeds up then rewinds and plays back a bunch of times. I assure you, I am not playing with the controls, this is doing it on it's own. The audio is out of sync in several places too. It's just all kinds of messed up.
However, one good thing I did just stumble across, the timer manager !! WOO HOO!!