Did you change the switch configuration and add the power inserter as we discussed? I would expect continued problems with the set-up's high current draw that far exceeds any STB. Something is definitely wrong when the resistance drops to 23ohms and the current consumption skyrockets.
No, not yet. I'll probably tie into that tomorrow. I was out messing with it today but then I got blindsided with some unwanted news and I just threw everything in the blue box and called it quits for the day.
My ASC-1 should be here tomorrow so there's that happening soon.
The power inserter thing, I'm not sure how to go about that. I looked at some photos the original owner posted when he put them up for sale to see how to connect them up.
I reconnected them to the same as the original sellers photo.
I believe I see how they are to be used. I've never seen that power inserter used before so it was a mystery to me.
One problem I see with this is that it needs to be powered by 110. I have the original wall wart for them but there's the problem of having power OUT THERE.
I don't.
I'm trying to acquire a fancy above ground waterproof box and I had intended on digging up my underground PVC and put all new 4" PVC and run an extension cord through the pipe up into the enclosure.
But if I'm moving to a different home in a few months, I don't want to go to all that trouble. The other option I suppose would be to run two wires all the way from the LNB into the house. I'm not sure that's a good plan. Also it involves having to dig up and replace the PVC. So I guess until I'm told otherwise, I'm shouldn't make any gigantic efforts to change things around if I'm just going to rip it all out soon.
I don't really know what to do now. I guess just sit on all my stuff and wait to see if I move or not.
Maybe putting the ASC-1 inline will help for the immediate future without having to make any big changes?
Since my C-band is already up and somewhat usable it won't hurt anything at all to put a motor controller on it since that's only switching a few wires from the G-box to the ASC-1.
Also, I think I'm going to move my meter over to in front of my TV screen so I can record both the meter and what the screen is doing at the same time.