Yet another wasted great outing for our starting pitching..Gotta love it.. Leyland pulls another wrong string. Come on lets here it..JV threw 119 pitches..Had to pull him..
Yet another wasted great outing for our starting pitching..Gotta love it.. Leyland pulls another wrong string. Come on lets here it..JV threw 119 pitches..Had to pull him..

Ya, I about fell out of my chair when he pulled him out going into the ninth ....
And brought in Jon er Rodney to give up 2 runs.

fwiw, the Tigers bats are finally waking up .... where they were the rest of the game, I have no idea.

Santanta pitched very well as well, had only given up 4 hits (like JV) into the ninth.

LA wins 2-1.
Well unlike the Tigers, the Angels, twins, White Sox, Yankees and Red Sox are much more patient hitters, and that is why we will not win anything. Granderson has a chance to tie the game, gets to 2-0 and swings at teh next pitch and pops it up..That pitch may have been a ball, but even it wasnt the guy was not close to the plate on the first two pitches..YOU DONT SWING CURTIS!!!!!!

Yes Santana threw well, but the way our bats are going, anyone will look good at this point. Santana had been rocked since his return..But hey if you need a cure for your pitching woes, come play the TIgers!!!!

As for Leyland he does that crap all the time. Yet he lets Jackson throw 132..I just don't understand this guy.. I am so glad he did not get his extention this year..
Well unlike the Tigers, the Angels, twins, White Sox, Yankees and Red Sox are much more patient hitters, and that is why we will not win anything. Granderson has a chance to tie the game, gets to 2-0 and swings at teh next pitch and pops it up..That pitch may have been a ball, but even it wasnt the guy was not close to the plate on the first two pitches..YOU DONT SWING CURTIS!!!!!!

Yes Santana threw well, but the way our bats are going, anyone will look good at this point. Santana had been rocked since his return..But hey if you need a cure for your pitching woes, come play the TIgers!!!!

As for Leyland he does that crap all the time. Yet he lets Jackson throw 132..I just don't understand this guy.. I am so glad he did not get his extention this year..

but, that doesn't mean he won't be back .
I think I heard earlier that it depends what type of year the team has, as in win division or be close, he stays ? Out of contention he;s gone .... would be my guess.
Yea they can let his ass go as far as I am concerned..Hell for what Knapp has done with this staff, Hire him for the job, I cannot stand Leyland..Never really could so maybe I am the wrong one to judge him.
Yea they can let his ass go as far as I am concerned..Hell for what Knapp has done with this staff, Hire him for the job, I cannot stand Leyland..Never really could so maybe I am the wrong one to judge him.

On the other hand, I've always liked him :)
Of course he lived and family still does, about 10 minutes from me ....
I've followed his career too :)
Yea they can let his ass go as far as I am concerned..Hell for what Knapp has done with this staff, Hire him for the job, I cannot stand Leyland..Never really could so maybe I am the wrong one to judge him.

Well unlike the Tigers, the Angels, twins, White Sox, Yankees and Red Sox are much more patient hitters, and that is why we will not win anything. Granderson has a chance to tie the game, gets to 2-0 and swings at teh next pitch and pops it up..That pitch may have been a ball, but even it wasnt the guy was not close to the plate on the first two pitches..YOU DONT SWING CURTIS!!!!!!

Yes Santana threw well, but the way our bats are going, anyone will look good at this point. Santana had been rocked since his return..But hey if you need a cure for your pitching woes, come play the TIgers!!!!

As for Leyland he does that crap all the time. Yet he lets Jackson throw 132..I just don't understand this guy.. I am so glad he did not get his extention this year..

For a Tigers fan in Detroit, you seem to be more negative than positive.
I guess Rodney had to blow sometime. 22 straight appearances without blowing the lead, what else could you ask from a closer? For the record, I would have let Verlander pitch the ninth. Fortunate for us the rest of the division is playing bad ball also.

It will be interesting to see the "finesse" Bonderman on Monday. He says he's been picking Kenny Rogers' brain to learn how to be a "finesse" pitcher. His fastball is topping out about 90 MPH. I sure hope he has mastered the change-up. He'll need it.

The bats are sleeping and Cabrera is hurt. Going to be a tough week.
Read a article today in the paper, sugesting that its not out of the relm to release Maggs?

I doubt they would do that .... till Cabrera is healthy at least, could be a trade deadline move thou.

I hate to see him go, but he use to hit to the opposite field alot, particularly in his Batting Crown year and since , seems to not hit either way.
They should change this thread's name to "Tigers chat"...

Originally we (Paul and I ) decided to make them (The AL Central) according to the division instead of having a separate thread for each team like we had some of last year, this way it invited everyone to join in ... unfortunatly mostly only Tiger fans are posting, although there are some others that are posting here as well :)

Were hoping everyone contributes and continues to enjoy posting in the MLB AL Central thread :)


OK, who actually PLAYS sports?

Shaq once had a video game of his own- a fighting game!
