2011 SEC Football (Home of 7 of 13 BCS Championships including the last 5)

NOO I'm not Jealous of the SEC...not one bit at all and I'm basing everything I'm saying off of last nights game not the season... if I had to go by the season then yes LSU is still #1 in my book. I'm talking about whatever I saw this weekend...but AGAINNNNNNN I pulled for LSU and was happy they won - just a sloppy boring game is all and way over hyped to me and many others it seems.

This makes absolutely no sense. You would base who deserves to be in the championship game, not on how they played the whole season, but by your perceived shortcomings in a single game (that they still won). Then admit that for the whole season, they are the best team. Ok.........
This makes absolutely no sense. You would base who deserves to be in the championship game, not on how they played the whole season, but by your perceived shortcomings in a single game (that they still won). Then admit that for the whole season, they are the best team. Ok.........

You missed this point also... I'm just basing this week on this week, not a final outcome. I'll be curious to see what the computers have each top 10 team this week as they seem to be more spot on than the voters IMO.
If Stanford beats the Ducks this weekend, they will jump to three.
PAC 10 has a championship game which is in the favor of the Cardinals......for now.
You missed this point also... I'm just basing this week on this week, not a final outcome. I'll be curious to see what the computers have each top 10 team this week as they seem to be more spot on than the voters IMO.

I dont think anyone is missing the point. I think you are not making it clearly.

You say one thing, then dispute it in the next post.
Its official. Alabama #3 in the BCS LSU #1.

With those number, if Bama wins out and Oklahoma beats State, it may very well, and looks like, we might have a rematch.

Yes I am wishfull thinking, but still. I dont see anything besides another loss that will Drop bama. Of course if oky state wins, then they are in. Stanford, maybe not.
If Stanford beats the Ducks this weekend, they will jump to three.
PAC 10 has a championship game which is in the favor of the Cardinals......for now.

Thats possible. It would have to be in the human polls though. The computers have Bama way ahead. who knows.
With those number, if Bama wins out and Oklahoma beats State, it may very well, and looks like, we might have a rematch.

Yes I am wishfull thinking, but still. I dont see anything besides another loss that will Drop bama. Of course if oky state wins, then they are in. Stanford, maybe not.

If Stanford beats Oregon next week they have to jump Bama. No way they dont. So you need Stanford and OK S to lose before any chance of rematch.
I would agree that they should. I dont know if they will though. The computers have them 7th.

Side note, they have officially said Missouri is in the East. Makes little sense geographically, but it was the best way to keep competitive balance and keep the old rivalries.
Question...say LSU, OSU, and Stanford all win out, but only Stanford wins their conference championship. Should a 1 loss Alabama - that didn't even reach their conference championship to risk losing it - go to the BCSCG over a 1 loss LSU (who Bama lost to), and/or a 1 loss OSU? Or would an undefeated Boise State make this a moot point?
We went to a wedding Saturday night, and I managed to not hear the score. I watched the game Sunday morning and...for the love of all that is holy...that was one ugly football game. Oh my goodness.

If I wasn't able to fast forward through commercials, I might have been forced to stab myself with my butter knife to stay awake. It will be a travesty if these two teams meet again in the championship game.

Amazing how you can have two sets of opinions. Some were on the edge of their seats, some were bored to tears.

I still say that was top notch, smash mouth football. You dont see it much anymore.
Depends on if you had an stake in the game.

And apparently if you are an SEC proponent, or not.

I dont know. Our electrician at the mill just left. He told me that he had not watched a game in several years, but decided to catch this one. He raved about it, and said it was one of the best he had seen.
I asked him why, and he mentioned the physical nature (and the defense) of it moreso than others.
I watch games all the time I have no stake in...especially this year because of Ohio State.

Last week it was Stanford/USC. THAT was riveting, and not only did I not care who won, I'm one of the few who watched who did not appreciate the 1 million times they showed the USC Song Girls. :D

This was just boring. I've seen a lot of good games this year...but LSU/Alabama was not one of them.

All offense, no defense in the USC/Stanford game. Yeah, it can be flashy, but it leaves me cold to a point.
I like a good smashmouth game, especially considering the hype these defenses had on them. Had both teams gone out and scored 40+ points a piece, IMO, it would have taken something away from it.
All offense, no defense in the USC/Stanford game. Yeah, it can be flashy, but it leaves me cold to a point.
I like a good smashmouth game, especially considering the hype these defenses had on them. Had both teams gone out and scored 40+ points a piece, IMO, it would have taken something away from it.

It's not about offense or defense. It's about being an interesting game.

Question...say LSU, OSU, and Stanford all win out, but only Stanford wins their conference championship. Should a 1 loss Alabama - that didn't even reach their conference championship to risk losing it - go to the BCSCG over a 1 loss LSU (who Bama lost to), and/or a 1 loss OSU? Or would an undefeated Boise State make this a moot point?
If the Cowboys win out, they win the Big-12. There is no conference championship in a league with only 10 teams. The last game of the season is with the Sooners, and the Cowboys have a good shot at winning in Stillwater this year. OU has lost their two biggest offensive weapons in consecutive weeks.

If the Cowboys get in the BCS with LSU, that would be a matchup of the irresistable force versus the immovable object. Not that I wish a game against LSU in New Orleans for my worst enemy. I think maybe I'd prefer LSU and Alabama to play again.

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