I've been toying with the VBoxes and the AJAK. It occurredto me there is a very unique feature available on a VBox with a 10 count AJAKsensor. When you reset the VBOX it goes to count "1000" which isin the middle of its 2000 count range. It displays this as " 000. " with theperiod indicating a count over 1000. So if you do a reset at100°0W, then your counter display will be in sync with the orbital positionnumbers. For example, 101.0°W would display as 010. On the VBox. The Canadiansat 107.3°W would display as 073., 97.0°W would be 970 , 99W = 990, 61.5W= 615 125W = 250. And so on JBecause the Earth is not a perfect sphere there will be some irregularities inthe count but close enough for a person to tell where the dish is aimed bylooking at the positioner numbers.
To reset the positioner to 100.0°W, first move to 101.0W andperform a reset, then move 10 clicks to the east and perform another reset. Youare now set at 100.0W with the display showing 000. Move ten clickswest and you are watching 101.0W and store the position….rinse and repeat J