"simple" way to double the count?
Let us know how that works out.
I would try for 20, to double the existing count, but any increase is good.

My magnets may be smaller, should we want to shoot for 30.
Edit: just saw your picture. If you get the double-count trick to work, we'd be done. :up
You and I talked on the phone, via text message, and via PM here on the forum.
I also PM'd Pendragon , since he's running at least one Ajak 180.
I was trying to promote an idea you gave me: two reeds in quadrature.
Basically, glue another reed to the existing housing.
Position it so it closes and opens half way between clicks of the original reed.
Now, just run one more wire back to a modified Vbox.
(this avoids having extra electronics at the motor)
In his Birdview thread, Pendragon mounted an exclusive-or (XOR) gate next to his shaft encoder on the worm gear.
The encoder put out two signals in quadrature, and the XOR gate combined them, doubling the count.
Anyway, I thought that might give the biggest bang for the least fabrication, and I wanted other forum members to have something to think about.
I'm getting a blown up Vbox from another member.
Even though it may be beyond repair, it -might- be a good test bed for the XOR mod.