It isn't a World War until the major powers get involved. Before that, it's just a regional conflict.
T2k said:Ignorance is blessed on your side, pal. As I said, ask if you don't get something. I was talking about the fact that these incompetent neocon freaks were simply too stupid to look further than their long-awaited dream, the Iraqi intervention, that's wwhy they were stupid enough to break down everything Clinton has built in the nat'l security council. Arrogance, oversight, stupidity - these things caused that this administration was sleeping at the wheel when 9/11 was under way..
CPanther95 said:It isn't a World War until the major powers get involved. Before that, it's just a regional conflict.
CPanther95 said:The difference is the majority of Americans do not want to be beholden to the Security Counsel. The UN is a corrupt, anti-American organization that should be disbanded. If not, let them hold their little meetings and complain about the US and we'll keep paying the tab and let them feel important.
We will continue to act unilaterally, as we have throughout our history, even under Clinton - to protect what is in our best interests and for what we believe is in the best interest of the world we live in.
Deal with it.
muahahahahahaaaa!!!CPanther95 said:It isn't a World War until the major powers get involved. Before that, it's just a regional conflict.
T2k said:Hahahaha, this is good. Another funny comment - pal, nobody can live alone. Not even America, as the last 4-5 years perfectly showed us. .
T2k said:Hahaha, this is funny too. Clinton as poor president? Financially, perhaps, compared to the stock-cheating, Hitler-friendly Bush family.
Domestic: excellent, security: excellent, foreign: good.
Correct me if I'm wrong but after the pathetic, catastrophic balance sheet he got from Bush Sr., he gave this current imbecile Bush a positive bottom line, a surplus, biggest ever in history - which this idiot burned within a year, thanks to his incompetency. (During his whole life he was always a retard, always saved by his rich family, so noothing new here).
T2k said:I'm pretty sure Kissinger will be tried and convinced for crimes against humanity, as a war criminal.
T2k said:Impeached by who? Its own corrupt party? Or the other corrupt, impotent party? Don't be ridiculous.
T2k said:We are in the middle of a war which we started against country which never attacked us, never declared to be at war with us, which, in fact, we supplied with weapons including chemicals, advisors, everything under Reagan and which we didn't have any diplomatic relationship since first Gulf War.
T2k said:They are *NOT* fighting for ME. They are fighting for the *oil companies'* stable income for the next decade - that's NOT my interest.
SUV? Are you serious?
T2k said:I'm against thes ridiculous, narrow minded Christo-fascists hypocrats like Pat Robertson and co. I *hate* these idiots, they have nothing to do with Christianity, these are some sinister warmongers on a constant atrocity campaign against everybody who doesn't share their extremely intolerant view.
They are exrteme extremists - we should handle them accordingly.
T2k said:Oh,stop this BS> There were *MANY* sign of what's going on, field offices were in panic mode already in August because they *knew* something will happen as early as September - and the administration didn't do sh*t.
T2k said:Suure. May I ask what the f**k the Lousiana NG is doing in Iraq, the Middle-East??? Or the Mississippi one?
So much for the mayor or the governor, let alone the former horse association president FEMA-chief, hired 2 years after 9/11 as emergency tzar.
Ridiculous. Another example of the incompentent, corrupt administration. Pfew.
T2k said:Unfortunately it's the CIA, so it's hard to believe, especially when all the mainstream sources all over the world says 'rougly one-third'. Besides this it should be compared to the population, not to the GDP.
vurbano said:Comrade, if your communist systems are so much better than the US why did we beat you to the moon? Let me emphasize somthing. The US would have developed whatever innovations we needed if germany hadnt. But I have to agree on the Europeans being the experts on killing people. No wonder they hand a great hand in developing weapons of mass destruction. Given their history of murdering people it makes sense. Some system you have over there.![]()
Michael-Berlin said:does anyone know how the 2nd world war has begone?![]()
Matt said:Well, since Michael asked, when WWII started - WWII stands for World War CPanther, in case you didn't know - it started Sept. 1939 and not as stated in 1941 as it is still taught in the USA.
T2k said:Ignorance is blessed on your side, pal. As I said, ask if you don't get something. I was talking about the fact that these incompetent neocon freaks were simply too stupid to look further than their long-awaited dream, the Iraqi intervention, that's wwhy they were stupid enough to break down everything Clinton has built in the nat'l security council. Arrogance, oversight, stupidity - these things caused that this administration was sleeping at the wheel when 9/11 was under way..
W_Tracy_Parnell said:Yeah, eight years of Clinton and eight months of Bush. It's easy to see who is more responsible. No doubt the 9/11 plot was already underway before Bush was even in office.
Matt said:Probably both have their share. I even would go further and doubt at the moment if any of the 2 parties have a serious interest in it's people and putting instead pure individual interests on top of their "shopping list".
What I'd like to hear - is something about Mr.Powell's interview at ABC on Friday, regarding his presentation at the Security council - the "facts" he delivered then and what he knows today. I guess it still can be found on abc's website.
both is correct.W_Tracy_Parnell said:Well it all traces back to the first world war of course. But I would say that WWII as a world war really began in 1939 when Germany invaded Poland.
Why do you ask?
have you seen what nations supports the US? Most of them are very poor countries ... and AfghanistanW_Tracy_Parnell said:How are we "living alone"? Over 30 nations have provided support for the effort in Iraq.
Michael-Berlin said:have you seen what nations supports the US? Most of them are very poor countries ... and AfghanistanA country which was the enemy of the US just one year before
Well ... the UK was on your side ... but the UK is just a state of the US in Europe
And what was happen to your "supporters"? The terror was comming into their countries! Madrid, London ... maybe Rome soon? I don't hope! That's a nice way to hold the terror out of your own country![]()
Matt said:Very low blow vurbano - not by just calling somebody a comrade, just because he has a different opinion.
Reaching a goal is one thing - white washing Nazis - like Wernher von Braun and many others just to reach the goal is the other very dark side - not just doing it once but over and over again.
one supposedly member of the group in Hamburg you are talking about actually got caught - unfortunately the judge had to let him go - the CIA refused to send the required prove to Germany - citing "security reasons"CPanther95 said:Truthfully, I would say that World War II probably started with the Treaty of Versailles. The French, much like today, were full of themselves with a false sense of power and shoved a treaty down the throats of the Germans that couldn't possibly have remained long-term.
Michael-Berlin, to suggest that the American government planned and carried out 9/11 is just ridiculous. We all know it was planned in Hamburg years earlier.![]()
agreed - it's not. I am not 1% as fast.W_Tracy_Parnell said:And T2k is not calling anyone names? Why is it ok for him?