10,000 dead?

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CPanther95 said:
Truthfully, I would say that World War II probably started with the Treaty of Versailles. The French, much like today, were full of themselves with a false sense of power and shoved a treaty down the throats of the Germans that couldn't possibly have remained long-term.

Michael-Berlin, to suggest that the American government planned and carried out 9/11 is just ridiculous. We all know it was planned in Hamburg years earlier. You weren't there were you? :D
I'm watching this Al-Quaida-sh*t in Hamburg right now on RTL TV and I'm recording it. What a big sh*t! "Al Quaida has released a Video-CD in the late 90s" ... LOL ... with the burning WTC on the cover? In the 90s? Of course! Because the flames of that burning towers were exactly the same flames on the same parts of the towers as on 9/11! :D

I don't say that Bush is like Hitler. Bush is just a puppet. But everything is possible. Maybe companies like Halliburton and/or others were the real planners and executers of 9/11 ;)
Michael-Berlin said:
It's 6:15am in Berlin and I have to work outside in a few minutes ... cya in 8 or 9 hours ... please wait 'til then for my next answers :D

maybe :D
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
I didn't see the whole thing but he said something to the effect that it's a "black mark" on his record. But all anyone had to go on was the intellegence and perhaps it was not as good as it should have been. That's why it kills me when people use the "Bush lied" argument. Why in the world would Bush and Colin Powell (who is a modeate BTW) knowingly lie only to be caught later. Answer-they didn't the intellegence was bad. But I believe the true story of WMD will be told over many years. After all-he had them and used them so where did they go? Either his stock was greatly overestimated all along and he just had chemical weapons as used on the Kurds, or they went somewhere.
I only read it and what I liked, that here is somebody who stands up for something and admits he was wrong - that alone deserves a lot of respect - when was the last time, we heard that from a politician?
Me - not a military person at all - when he talks about Honor and loyalty I actually can understand and feel it.
On the other side - I just saw some picture of Mr. Bush visiting the South again - the same set of pictures - in the middle of firemen - same as on 9-11.
If he would have any form of respect, in that case the firemen and all the people, who actually worked in many ways to save people - deserve to be alone on THAT picture - and him maybe on page 24.
A humoristic writer in todays Austin Statesman had a punch line I liked:
"While the pumps in New Orleans stopped pumping, Ms. Rice was shopping in New York City on Wednesday - looking for some pumps to fit her feet."
Matt said:
If he would have any form of respect, in that case the firemen and all the people, who actually worked in many ways to save people - deserve to be alone on THAT picture - and him maybe on page 24.

And Bush made the decision to run that picture for the news agency? Tell me is Bush responsible for the water evaporating out of your pool also?
Matt said:
Very low blow vurbano
Ill try to aim lower and harder next time:D This alleged "former" communist says he is going to change our government. Its too conservative, too far to the right. He wants a more liberal leftist flavor. Imagine that:rolleyes:
T2k said:
Almost fourty, so yes, sort of. The reason I couldn't vote I'm not a citizen (yet).

IMO you dont deserve to be.

T2k said:
Why would anybody die for me if my purpose would be destroy? :D

Please tell us how you intend to destroy our Constituional Republic.
This is from Today's news, this is one of the ideas to help the victims get back on their feet.

'Lawmakers in Washington proposed some tax changes Monday to help the victims get back on their feet, such as letting them tap retirement accounts without penalty and encouraging donations of cash, food and school books.'


Yep, I wonder how many have retirement accounts to tap into. :rolleyes:
Bush allies getting Katrina work
Companies with ties to the White House among the first awarded reconstruction deals.
September 12, 2005: 2:48 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration's first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

At least two major corporate clients of lobbyist Joe Allbaugh, President Bush's former campaign manager and a former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, have already been tapped to start recovery work along the battered Gulf Coast.

One is Shaw Group Inc. (Research) and the other is Halliburton Co. (Research) subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root. Vice President Dick Cheney is a former head of Halliburton.

Bechtel National Inc., a unit of San Francisco-based Bechtel Corp., has also been selected by FEMA to provide short-term housing for people displaced by the hurricane. Bush named Bechtel's CEO to his Export Council and put the former CEO of Bechtel Energy in charge of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

Experts say it has been common practice in both Republican and Democratic administrations for policy makers to take lobbying jobs once they leave office, and many of the same companies seeking contracts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina have already received billions of dollars for work in Iraq.

Halliburton alone has earned more than $9 billion. Pentagon audits released by Democrats in June showed $1.03 billion in "questioned" costs and $422 million in "unsupported" costs for Halliburton's work in Iraq.

But the web of Bush administration connections is attracting renewed attention from watchdog groups in the post-Katrina reconstruction rush. Congress has already appropriated more than $60 billion in emergency funding as a down payment on recovery efforts projected to cost well over $100 billion.

"The government has got to stop stacking senior positions with people who are repeatedly cashing in on the public trust in order to further private commercial interests," said Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight.
Matt said:
Bush allies getting Katrina work
Companies with ties to the White House among the first awarded reconstruction deals.
September 12, 2005: 2:48 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration's first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

At least two major corporate clients of lobbyist Joe Allbaugh, President Bush's former campaign manager and a former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, have already been tapped to start recovery work along the battered Gulf Coast.

One is Shaw Group Inc. (Research) and the other is Halliburton Co. (Research) subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root. Vice President Dick Cheney is a former head of Halliburton.

Bechtel National Inc., a unit of San Francisco-based Bechtel Corp., has also been selected by FEMA to provide short-term housing for people displaced by the hurricane. Bush named Bechtel's CEO to his Export Council and put the former CEO of Bechtel Energy in charge of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

Experts say it has been common practice in both Republican and Democratic administrations for policy makers to take lobbying jobs once they leave office, and many of the same companies seeking contracts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina have already received billions of dollars for work in Iraq.

Halliburton alone has earned more than $9 billion. Pentagon audits released by Democrats in June showed $1.03 billion in "questioned" costs and $422 million in "unsupported" costs for Halliburton's work in Iraq.

But the web of Bush administration connections is attracting renewed attention from watchdog groups in the post-Katrina reconstruction rush. Congress has already appropriated more than $60 billion in emergency funding as a down payment on recovery efforts projected to cost well over $100 billion.

"The government has got to stop stacking senior positions with people who are repeatedly cashing in on the public trust in order to further private commercial interests," said Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight.

How do you know that none of those were low bids?
vurbano said:
How do you know that none of those were low bids?
Very good question - as far as I know, these contracts are given without bids.
So next time you stop at the "self-service station" - you might ask for the
person in charge :D
Matt said:
Very good question - as far as I know, these contracts are given without bids.
So next time you stop at the "self-service station" - you might ask for the
person in charge :D

As far as you know. In other words you dont know. And that is really the fault of the writer of the article. But if they were competitve bids putting that in the article would defeat the real purpose of the article. It would be interesting to find out. And if its shown that they were given it would be interesting to know if that is an "emergency" disaster related policy.
vurbano said:
The buses that should have carried everyone out before the storm sit here:

Yes, magic school buses that could have carried tens of thousands of people.

CPanther95 said:
... and they're called Native Americans not Indians - please keep your racists comments to yourself. ;)[/QUOTEs]

1/4 Souix here - near as I can tell we were Souix not Americans, so Americans or Indians - who gives a crap... Natives? - why don't you explain what that means?? 3/4 of my ancestors just got here a little later. :)

Why don't you keep your bigotted remarks to yourself, since it is quite clear that you have no intentions to do good, just slamming someone else... :mad: :mad: :mad:
vurbano said:
IMO you dont deserve to be.

Because I'm not an idiotic retarded narrow-minded Bush-fan? Oh, yes.

Let me make you nervous: I haven't filed an application yet, so since I've got green card, it's most likely a done deal IF I'll ever go for it.

Besides this based on my profession and track record I would be welcomed and well-payed in any other country, so if this freak course will become the constant way of life here, I won't stay too long after 2008 - I won't raise my children in constant fear.
This lunatic idiot extremist course in the White House did more harm to this country than all of its enemies before together - it's really becoming the land of the slave, home of the dumb under Bush, let alone the outrageously called Patriot Acts which have nothing to do with patriotism, only with despotism and directly violates the First, the Fourth and the Fifth Amendment.

Please tell us how you intend to destroy our Constituional Republic.

That's your retarded boss' job and he's diong exceptionally well, the old republic alredy ruined, freedom and rights are fading away quickly.
redhawk said:
CPanther95 said:
... and they're called Native Americans not Indians - please keep your racists comments to yourself. ;)[/QUOTEs]

1/4 Souix here - near as I can tell we were Souix not Americans, so Americans or Indians - who gives a crap... Natives? - why don't you explain what that means?? 3/4 of my ancestors just got here a little later. :)

Why don't you keep your bigotted remarks to yourself, since it is quite clear that you have no intentions to do good, just slamming someone else... :mad: :mad: :mad:

My grandmother was full seminole indian and I see nothing wrong with CPanther's comment
T2k said:
Because I'm not an idiotic retarded narrow-minded Bush-fan? Oh, yes.

Let me make you nervous: I haven't filed an application yet, so since I've got green card, it's most likely a done deal IF I'll ever go for it.

Besides this based on my profession and track record I would be welcomed and well-payed in any other country, so if this freak course will become the constant way of life here, I won't stay too long after 2008 - I won't raise my children in constant fear.
This lunatic idiot extremist course in the White House did more harm to this country than all of its enemies before together - it's really becoming the land of the slave, home of the dumb under Bush, let alone the outrageously called Patriot Acts which have nothing to do with patriotism, only with despotism and directly violates the First, the Fourth and the Fifth Amendment.

That's your retarded boss' job and he's diong exceptionally well, the old republic alredy ruined, freedom and rights are fading away quickly.

If you have a problem with the Patriot act or the war I suggest you take a look at the democrats voting record on the issues:rolleyes: Its quite obvious that the Patriot act wasnt stringent enough on matters of green cards or immigration either.
redhawk said:
CPanther95 said:
... and they're called Native Americans not Indians - please keep your racists comments to yourself. ;)[/QUOTEs]

1/4 Souix here - near as I can tell we were Souix not Americans, so Americans or Indians - who gives a crap... Natives? - why don't you explain what that means?? 3/4 of my ancestors just got here a little later. :)

Why don't you keep your bigotted remarks to yourself, since it is quite clear that you have no intentions to do good, just slamming someone else... :mad: :mad: :mad:

You obviously missed the smilie face. But regardless, your being 1/4 Sioux (not soiux, BTW) is meaningless since the PC police have already ruled that we must call all Indians (feathers, not dots) Native Americans.
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