10,000 dead?

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W_Tracy_Parnell said:
Let me get this right. You hate the US because:

1. 2000 Election was a fraud.
2. We are currently fighting a war for oil.
3. Every war since WWII was for "imperial expansion".
4. The US is racist country.

You are here because:

1. You are "the majority stockholder in a small company" and as such obviously making money from the US system.

So it's ok for you to get rich from the American system but not any corporations?

Again: I'm not interested in the usual, meaningless, crappy right-wing nutfest you're trying to start here.

Learn to read and do yourself a favor: go and take some economy and history classes. Buhbye, have fun. :rolleyes:
And there you have it folks. He can't defend his position so he leaves. ;)

Reminds me of Jane Fonda who once said (paraphrasing):

"If you knew what communism was you would fall down on your knees and pray for it". So what does she do? Makes millions and millions from the "evil" US and then marries one of the richest men in the world who also made his money here.

Hypocrisy pure and simple.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
And there you have it folks. He can't defend his position so he leaves. ;)

ahhh, you ignorant kid. You couldn't come up with a meaningful post. Screaming holes in culture and history, that's all you showed us.

Reminds me of Jane Fonda who once said (paraphrasing):

"If you knew what communism was you would fall down on your knees and pray for it". So what does she do? Makes millions and millions from the "evil" US and then marries one of the richest men in the world who also made his money here.

As usually, you cannot make a connection between my words and any leftism, so you came back some irrelevant BS. Pretty boring.

Hypocrisy pure and simple.

Stupidity, lack of knowledge on the whole subject, pitiful ignorance. Pure and simple.
T2k said:
LOL. Are you serious? I don't remember any Eu country where blacks were segregated in the 1960s.
I can only recall two countries all over the world, in fact: the apartheid therefore int'lly pariah-like South Africa and the 'land of the free' United Stateds of America. In 1960s, again, no so long time ago, lot of us will remember this.
So much for racism.

Both situations were remnants of a time when the countries were part of the British Empire.


A person can be critical of the system here, I have no problem with that. But when the words they write are practically leaping off the page because of the dislike they have for this country then I think it is legitimate to question why that individual would want to remain here.

If you want to debate or talk about an issue that is fine. But I have yet to see you say one good thing about this country. I am not talking about the Bush administration but this country in general. Example-You are almost gleeful when you think that some oil market in Europe is going to be created that will put the US in a bad position.

So yes, I think it is hipocritical to make a living here and despise the system. If I felt that way I would get out for sure. But you are here and so one must question your motives.
mperdue said:
Both situations were remnants of a time when the countries were part of the British Empire.


Of course, there are always reasons, nothing is happening accidentally.
I merely pointed out that how funny would be if US would accuse Europe with racism. ;)
T2k said:
BTW most of the Manhattan Project was European immigrant, thanks to Hitler's absolute lunatic system, ...snip...

"Most" is an exageration. There were some, even some in key roles but they didn't represent the largest group of people involved with the project.

T2k said:
Of course, there are always reasons, nothing is happening accidentally.
I merely pointed out that how funny would be if US would accuse Europe with racism. ;)

It would be funny if any country accused another of racism because everyone has a past. But the US is accused of it all the time.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
A person can be critical of the system here, I have no problem with that. But when the words they write are practically leaping off the page because of the dislike they have for this country then I think it is legitimate to question why that individual would want to remain here.

There's no 'legitimacy' on this. As I said, you can ask but you cannot demand. Or you can but I can simply ignore it.

If you want to debate or talk about an issue that is fine. But I have yet to see you say one good thing about this country.

I did. Read back.

I am not talking about the Bush administration but this country in general.

But I was talking about administrations in general, no the country. It is the right-wing which always try to confuse them - but, of course, only when they are in power. When the other ones, country suddenly becomes separated from the administration.

Example-You are almost gleeful when you think that some oil market in Europe is going to be created that will put the US in a bad position.

Exactly. Because then US will finally face with the reality and most likely vote these corrupt nobody @ssholes out of power and put competent administration into power, which will immediately abandon this retarded, oil-chasing, debt-rising Republican political-economical agenda.

So yes, I think it is hipocritical to make a living here and despise the system.

Because you're narrow minded. Thanks God, none of the big thinkers of the US believed this and finally they did change things.

If I felt that way I would get out for sure. But you are here and so one must question your motives.

One "must" *ask* and one already got answers. It isn't me who still cannot comprehend the answer and rather attacks the messenger.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
It would be funny if any country accused another of racism because everyone has a past. But the US is accused of it all the time.

Well, perhaps but not in this topic. In this very topic Europe including myself, as a European immigrant was accused.
T2k said:
If you don't understadn something, feel free to ask.
Everything started in the late 30.

Actually it got its big start in the mid 20's when Dr. Robert H Goddard built the first successful liquid-fueled rocket which he launched on March 16, 1926, from a field near Worcester, Massachusetts. Later he moved his work to Roswell, NM. Most of the German work was based on Dr. Goddard's earlier work. Dr. Goddard's, not Von Braun's, experiments led him to develop many of the devices still used in modern rockets including fuel feeding sytems, propellant pumps, and gyroscopic stabilization systems. He was also the inventor of many of the instruments used for monitoring rocket flights.

T2k said:
There's no 'legitimacy' on this. As I said, you can ask but you cannot demand. Or you can but I can simply ignore it.

Yes, you can choose to ignore the issue. But then the members here will wonder what your motives are. I know why you are here-for a better life for yourself. It's just a shame you can't admit that to yourself and the members here. Of course, that would require you to admit that the US has some redeeming qualities and you won't do that.

T2k said:
Exactly. Because then US will finally face with the reality and most likely vote these corrupt nobody @ssholes out of power and put competent administration into power, which will immediately abandon this retarded, oil-chasing, debt-rising Republican political-economical agenda.

You mean like we abandoned oil during the Clinton years? To my knowledge we did nothing of the kind and I suspect our oil useage increased during that time.

T2k said:
It isn't me who still cannot comprehend the answer and rather attacks the messenger.

I am not attacking you. You are the one calling me names. I am just questioning why you would want to remain in a system you feel is so corrupt and you won't answer.
mperdue said:
Actually it got its big start in the mid 20's when Dr. Robert H Goddard built the first successful liquid-fueled rocket which he launched on March 16, 1926, from a field near Worcester, Massachusetts. Later he moved his work to Roswell, NM. Most of the German work was based on Dr. Goddard's earlier work. Dr. Goddard's, not Von Braun's, experiments led him to develop many of the devices still used in modern rockets including fuel feeding sytems, propellant pumps, and gyroscopic stabilization systems. He was also the inventor of many of the instruments used for monitoring rocket flights.


Goddard merely reworked what Cziolkovskiy's published in the early 1900s. Besides Hermann Oberth (born in Transsylvania, at the time part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) published his groundbreaking work in as early as 1922 and the Germans were actively working on rocket science thereafter, during the 20s already - led by Von Braun whop was student of Oberth.
It's the same von Baruan who was working on US space program - who BTW, convinced Oberth to work for the US during the 50s and 60s.
So much for non-German American developments ;) - check out this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Oberth

PS: AIn my original post I was referring to the governmental involvement, including but not limited to financing.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
Yes, you can choose to ignore the issue. But then the members here will wonder what your motives are.

I made it clear: I intend to change it, for good, to a better one.
What's your point?

I know why you are here-for a better life for yourself. It's just a shame you can't admit that to yourself and the members here.

Not exactly. Working for a leading animation company isn't really America-related - my profession would allow me to live anywhere on the globe. I've chosen US and I already explained why.

Of course, that would require you to admit that the US has some redeeming qualities and you won't do that.

I already did. Read back. Besides it wasn't the question - since I'm here, it's obvious.

You mean like we abandoned oil during the Clinton years? To my knowledge we did nothing of the kind and I suspect our oil useage increased during that time.

During the Clinton years we never "enjoyed" this unbelievable scale of hatred all over the world - this is a Bush-era 'achievement'.

Also despite you can't change the system over two presidential periods, Clinton did make steps to lower the foreign energy dependence US has suffering, unlike Bush who simply decided to derail 9/11 and using all the disgusting lies and tactics, got a carte blanche from the Senate - and he took us to Iraq, to make sure his oil friends will enjoy another 50 years of wealth without problems, let alone the tax cut Bush gave them after he started a war.

I am not attacking you. You are the one calling me names.

Yes, you are. No post above where you weren't calling me 'anti-American', 'America-hater' and such names.
In case you didn't recognised it's name calling, especially in case of an immigrant.

I am just questioning why you would want to remain in a system you feel is so corrupt and you won't answer.

No. You're questioning something you made up yourself. And I can't help you there - I already explained my motives and thtat's all I can do. I'm not a teacher, sorry.
T2k said:
Ouch. :rolleyes:
As I said, ask if you don't know anything about the subject. That could save the public embarrassment for you. ...snip...

And now for some American Space Firsts...

  • 17 July 1962 X-15 Flight 62. Flight Time: 0.007 days. First rocketplane to reach space (USAF defintion).

  • 03 October 1962 Mercury MA-8. Flight Time: 0.38 days. Speed record (7,850 m/s).

  • 17 January 1963 X-15 Flight 77. Flight Time: 0.007 days. First civilian flight above 80 km.

  • 19 July 1963 X-15 Flight 90. Flight Time: 0.008 days. First rocketplane to reach space (FAI defintion).

  • 23 March 1965 Gemini 3. Flight Time: 0.20 days. First spacecraft to maneuver in orbit.

  • 21 August 1965 Gemini 5. Flight Time: 7.96 days. First American flight to seize duration record from Soviet Union.

  • 04 December 1965 Gemini 7. Flight Time: 13.77 days. Record flight duration to that date.

  • 15 December 1965 Gemini 6. Flight Time: 1.08 days. First rendezvous of two spacecraft.

  • 16 March 1966 Gemini 8. Flight Time: 0.45 days. First docking of two spacecraft. First American emergency landing.

  • 18 July 1966 Gemini 10. Flight Time: 2.95 days. First free space walk from one spacecraft to another. First rendezvous with two different spacecraft in one flight. Altitude (763 km) record.

  • 12 September 1966 Gemini 11. Flight Time: 2.97 days. Speed (8,003 m/s) and altitude (1,372 km) records. First docking with another spacecraft on first orbit after launch. First test of tethered spacecraft.

  • 11 November 1966 Gemini 12. Flight Time: 3.94 days. First completely successful space walk.

  • 21 December 1968 Apollo 8. Flight Time: 6.13 days. First manned flight to lunar orbit. Speed (10,807 m/s) and altitude (378,504 km) records.

  • 18 May 1969 Apollo 10. Flight Time: 8.00 days. Speed record (11,107 m/s).

  • 16 July 1969 Apollo 11. Flight Time: 8.14 days. First manned lunar landing.

  • 11 April 1970 Apollo 13. Flight Time: 5.95 days. Altitude (401,056 km) record.

  • 26 July 1971 Apollo 15. Flight Time: 12.30 days. First use of lunar rover on moon.

  • 07 December 1972 Apollo 17. Flight Time: 12.58 days. First geologist to walk on the moon.

  • 25 May 1973 Skylab 2. Flight Time: 28.03 days. Record flight duration.

  • 28 July 1973 Skylab 3. Flight Time: 59.46 days. Record flight duration.

  • 16 November 1973 Skylab 4. Flight Time: 84.05 days. Record flight duration.

  • 12 April 1981 STS-1. Flight Time: 2.26 days. First rocketplane flight to orbit. First flight of space shuttle.

  • 12 November 1981 STS-2. Flight Time: 2.26 days. First reuse of a manned space vehicle. First use of a remote manipulator in space.

  • 11 November 1982 STS-5. Flight Time: 5.09 days. Record crew size aboard a single spacecraft. First operational STS mission, first satellite deployment, first four-person spacecraft crew.

  • 18 June 1983 STS-7. Flight Time: 6.10 days. First US woman in space. Record crew size aboard a single spacecraft to that date.

  • 30 August 1983 STS-8. Flight Time: 6.05 days. First African-American in space. First shuttle night launch and night landing.

  • 28 November 1983 STS-9. Flight Time: 10.32 days. First West German to fly in space. First Spacelab mission. Record crew size (six) in a single spacecraft.

  • 03 February 1984 STS-41-B. Flight Time: 7.97 days. First untethered space walk. First shuttle landing at Kennedy Space Center.

  • 06 April 1984 STS-41-C. Flight Time: 6.99 days. First repair on-orbit of a satellite.

  • 30 August 1984 STS-41-D. Flight Time: 6.04 days. First flight of shuttle Discovery. Record crew size aboard a single spacecraft.

  • 05 October 1984 STS-41-G. Flight Time: 8.22 days. First spaceflight to include two women. First American woman to walk in space. First Canadian astronaut.

  • 08 November 1984 STS-51-A. Flight Time: 7.99 days. First retrieval and return to earth of a satellite for repair and relaunch.

  • 12 April 1985 STS-51-D. Flight Time: 7.00 days. Record crew size aboard a single spacecraft. First politician in space.

  • 17 June 1985 STS-51-G. Flight Time: 7.07 days. First Saudi astronaut.

  • 27 August 1985 STS-51-I. Flight Time: 7.10 days. First retrieval, repair, and relaunch of a satellite in orbit.

  • 30 October 1985 STS-61-A. Flight Time: 7.03 days. Record crew size aboard a single spacecraft. First Dutch astronaut.

  • 24 March 1992 STS-45. Flight Time: 8.92 days. First Belgian astronaut.

  • 07 May 1992 STS-49. Flight Time: 8.89 days. First flight of shuttle Endeavour. First three-person spacewalk.

  • 31 July 1992 STS-46. Flight Time: 7.97 days. First Italian astronaut. First Swiss astronaut.

  • 12 September 1992 STS-47. Flight Time: 7.94 days. First on-time Shuttle launch since November 1985. First Japanese astronaut. First African-American woman to fly in space. First married couple to fly on the same space mission

  • 03 February 1994 STS-60. Flight Time: 8.30 days. First flight of a Russian cosmonaut aboard an American spacecraft.

  • 08 July 1994 STS-65. Flight Time: 14.75 days. First Japanese woman to fly in space.

  • 03 February 1995 STS-63. Flight Time: 8.27 days. First African-American to walk in space. First female shuttle pilot. First rendezvous of a shuttle with the Mir space station.

  • 02 March 1995 STS-67. Flight Time: 16.63 days. First shuttle mission connected to the Internet.

  • 01 July 1997 STS-94. Flight Time: 15.70 days. First shuttle mission reflight (same vehicle, crew, and payload as STS-83 mission).

  • 23 January 1998 STS-89. Flight Time: 8.82 days. First Uzbek astronaut. First flight of Block IIA SSME engines.

  • 29 October 1998 STS-95. Flight Time: 8.91 days. First Spanish astronaut. Oldest man in space, longest gap between two flights for an astronaut.

  • 03 December 1998 STS-88. Flight Time: 11.80 days. First ISS assembly mission.

  • 16 January 2003 STS-107. Flight Time: 15.94 days. First Israeli astronaut.

  • 21 June 2004 SpaceShipOne Flight 15P. Flight Time: 0.002 days. First private manned spaceflight.

Are you frikkin kidding?

Speed records as "first" things? :D
"First Belgian astronaut." First Israeli astronaut." First Japanese woman to fly in space."

Jesus. :D :D :D

Pathetic, that is, sorry.

PS: Hahaha, this is even better than Japanese woman: "First geologist to walk on the moon."

Tell me you're joking, please. :cool: :)
T2k said:
Goddard merely reworked what Cziolkovskiy's published in the early 1900s. Besides Hermann Oberth (born in Transsylvania, at the time part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) published his groundbreaking work in as early as 1922 and the Germans were actively working on rocket science thereafter, during the 20s already - led by Von Braun whop was student of Oberth.
It's the same von Baruan who was working on US space program - who BTW, convinced Oberth to work for the US during the 50s and 60s.
So much for non-German American developments ;) - check out this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Oberth

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky worked out the basic equations for rocketry in 1908 but never built or flew a single rocket. Hermann Oberth independantly worked out the same equations and some of what Goddard had done before him but he, and his student Wernher Von Braun, acknowledged that Goddard was way ahead of them.

While I admit that there was a lot of German influence in our space program you are kidding yourself if you think they were the only ones who made meaningfull contributions.

T2k said:
I made it clear: I intend to change it, for good, to a better one.
What's your point?

Your statement implies that the current situation in America is somehow radically different than it ever has been. And how do intend to change it?

T2k said:
Not exactly. Working for a leading animation company isn't really America-related - my profession would allow me to live anywhere on the globe. I've chosen US and I already explained why.

I must have missed that-perhaps you could tell me the post number where you explained why you are here.

T2k said:
During the Clinton years we never "enjoyed" this unbelievable scale of hatred
all ocver the world - this is a Bush-era 'achievement'.

Also Cliton did make steps to lower the foreign energy dependence US has suffering, unlike Bush who simply decided to derail 9/11 and using all the disgusting lies and tactics, got a carte blanche from the Senate - and he took us to Iraq, to make sure his oil friends will enjoy another 50 years of wealth without problems, let alone the tax cut Bush gave them after he started a war.

The number of ridiculous statements in the above paragraph alone is amazing. Bush lied to take us to war to enrich his friends? Who really believes this type of nonsense-I mean who believes it that is out of High School?

So no one hated America until Bush took office? Wow, that must have been some job he did on the world to create enough hatred in 8 months that led to the 9/11 attacks. America has been hated for a long time. Go to Frontpage Mag.com and read the two recent articles that explain why hatred of America is based on envy.

Another thing I wish you could explain is why the oil industry is "evil" and the, oh let's say animation business is not? Does the animation business use any oil-based products such as plastic? Do its employees drive cars? If the oil industry is evil (which it isn't) perhaps consumers of oil are as guilty as anyone. And Clinton didn't do anything for eight years except get impeached and play with a girl under the desk. Any small steps he took were not enough to "abandon oil-chasing". Oil will be "abandoned" when alternative fuels become plentiful and economically feasible. Given the way the price of oil is heading that may be sooner than later.

Oh by the way-how did Bush "lie"?
T2k said:
Are you frikkin kidding?

Speed records as "first" things? :D
"First Belgian astronaut." First Israeli astronaut." First Japanese woman to fly in space."

Jesus. :D :D :D

Pathetic, that is, sorry.

PS: Hahaha, this is even better than Japanese woman: "First geologist to walk on the moon."

Tell me you're joking, please. :cool: :)

Some of those are in reference to your previous racist accusations. I don't see any other contries putting as many people from different cultures into space as we are. And none of those diminish the other accomplishments listed.

mperdue said:
Some of those are in reference to your previous racist accusations. I don't see any other contries putting as many people from different cultures into space as we are. And none of those diminish the other accomplishments listed.


He claims he is not anti-American but look at the what he does do diminish all American achievment.
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