10,000 dead?

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Michael-Berlin said:
thx :)
It's 12:25 o'clock in Germany and the party is running :D

everyone is learning all life long ;)
(is that corect? Matt? Please translate that for me: "Man lernt ein Leben lang")

Man lernt ein Leben lang => "One is learning the whole lifetime"

This has been a public service message and:
Happy Birthday Michael :D
Van said:
Ok Vurbano, I found the transcripts section of the site but nothing related to what I had seen for that day, its possible I got my days mixed up so I emailed the transcripts department requesting a search for the article.
Why bother the 60 dozen number is bologna. Obviously some dribble of an overly ambitious left wing reporter. Just use the offical numbers.
T2k said:
Then move.

:rolleyes: Ouuuchhh. Does American schools teach history? :rolleyes:

You're confusing constitutional monarchy with parliamentary democracy.

They are different animals, you know.
Does your country teach it? Or reading comprehension and grammar for that matter. I was clearly referring to England. Last time I checked England had a parliament, a queen and a prime minister. Talk about seperating people by classes. Touting representation and equality while worshipping royalty:rolleyes: Tell me just what country has a better system than ours? A powerful, successful country like the USA. When you find it, please go there. Then you may be so happy that you wont have to bitch and moan here about us:) You can just roll around a revel in your happiness.

BTW proper grammar would be "Do American schools.........."
Madtown HD Junkie said:
It is not that I do not understand things it is the confusing way you explained it. :rolleyes: And if we did it that way then we would be giving the percentage of vote or raw vote total more standing than the what was intended.

Intended by who? This is ridiculous. People should decide, not some folks "intention". Again: putting those state electoral votes either this or that way only makes the minority votes completely neglected. This isn't democratic at all.

Good luck!


You a young person?

Almost fourty, so yes, sort of. The reason I couldn't vote I'm not a citizen (yet).

Learn not to call people names when you make a point, it furthers your point.

Quote me where did I call you on any names.
ALso using 'rolleyes' is already a mean response, so perhaps you shuold check your own posts again.

And the reason people say "move if you do not like it" is because when you offer no solution to a problem and just complain about it you become part of the problem and not part of the solution.

I already offered. Besides this this is ridiculous: in any country of the world the constructor builds houses, carpenter repairs roof etc and 'intelligentsia' makes the thoughts. Yes, anybody can complain: if constructor doesn't like the system, he can come up with a new idea but he doesn't have to. He can just simply tell to the 'intelligentsia' to get back to your 'thinking table' and come up with another solution because it sux. He doesn't have to move anywhere and claiming he becomes the part of the problem is even more ridiculous.

Now you say you intent to change this I think above somewhere so this may not be you but in general it is the case. Complaining for the sake of complaining sereves no purpose. and one more thing 55million people....THE MOST IN HISTORY...voted for the man you call "imbecille impotent puppet". That is a lot of dumb rednecks :rolleyes:

Redneck has nothing to do with party lines or voting preferences.
Redneck is who tells anybody "stop complaining or move if you don't like it". It's obvious and above any debate. From this point you decide whether you join that club or not - it's your call, not mine.

I agree here but unfortunately it will probably not be in our lives unless some massive corruption type thing hapens

Hmmm, how makes the latter one everything perfect? You lost me there...
vurbano said:
Does your country teach it?

Much better than here, according to my experiences.
Generally speaking - starting with elementary and up until university - most of the European education are higher quality than our here, let alone they're typically free until your first grad or very cheap, non-profit ones. I was lucky enough to grew up there, so I finished everything there - it gives me an edge in almost any cases everyday.

Or reading comprehension and grammar for that matter.

I don't have any problem - and you?

I was clearly referring to England.

I wasn't. And your post was an answer for me.

Last time I checked England had a parliament, a queen and a prime minister.

Last time I checked UK's government type is officially constitutional monarchy.

Talk about seperating people by classes. Touting representation and equality while worshipping royalty:rolleyes: Tell me just what country has a better system than ours? A powerful, successful country like the USA.

There are quite a few, though "powerful" isn't an essential ingredients anybody except some ignorant folks who think having influence all over the world means a good thing. No, it's a double-edged sword.

You may want to continue your education - the original US legal and constitutional system, unlike any other country, is a product of 'design', not an evolution. This means good and bad things too. A lot of the things have been lifted from historical references - Roman Empire's setup, hence the Senate, the symbols etc -, other things were practical things - ie jury-based system, Amendments etc - and the whole system finally made up a nice one but also all of these things mean a lot of challenge and finally a republic-based empire - remember Rome before Caesar, or rather Augustus? - and the current administration just speeding up on the road when US will face with very tough reality: when it turned away most of its original allies and bullied at everybody, it will realize cannot stand alone in the world, no matter how many bloody oil-rich oligarch are on its side and providing not-so-cheap energy.

When you find it, please go there.

No, you go somewhere else when this one will change.
There are many religion-based country with a single all-in-one leader, you'll find a place. :D

Then you may be so happy that you wont have to bitch and moan here about us:) You can just roll around a revel in your happiness.

BTW proper grammar would be "Do American schools.........."

BTW it's UK, not England. England is not UK. And remember, monarchy - hence the K(ingdom) in 'UK'.
Michael-Berlin said:

Germany has the weirdest union system of the world... they're sitting on the company board together with the shareholders and coporate leaders.
Of course, that's why you never have strikes but also that's why you have to deal with these crazy, mistress-for leaders-on-company-money and similar bribery scandals now, after many decades at Volkswagen.
Also a lot of Germans are xenophob, especially outside of Berlin-like metropolises. I've been in Germnay many times, starting under GDR in early 80s, I have a German friend, so I know very well the average mindset. Germans are nice people as long as you don't want to immigrate. From that point a lot of them won't be that nice anymore - and I think you know this, just as good as I do, Michael. :cool:
T2k said:
Germans are nice people as long as you don't want to immigrate. From that point a lot of them won't be that nice anymore - and I think you know this, just as good as I do, Michael. :cool:

I always try to make a difference between a government and the individual person. you are 100 % right at this point T2k
Rescuers collect dead but finder fewer than feared

By Jason Webb 1 hour, 30 minutes ago

NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - The official death toll from Hurricane Katrina rose slowly on Saturday, boosting hopes that the calamity would claim far fewer lives than the 10,000 that had been feared.

As police and soldiers went through drowned and mostly abandoned New Orleans house-by-house,
President George W. Bush again tried to invoke the spirit that united the nation after the September 11 attacks.

American Red Cross launched a drive to recruit 40,000 volunteers to care for survivors.

"Today, America is confronting another disaster that has caused destruction and loss of life. This time the devastation resulted not from the malice of evil men, but from the fury of water and wind," Bush said in his weekly radio address.

"America will overcome this ordeal, and we will be stronger for it," he said on the eve of the fourth anniversary of the New York and Washington attacks that killed some 2,700 people.

The Louisiana Dept. of Health and Hospitals raised the state's official hurricane death toll to 154 and 211 people were confirmed dead in Mississippi. There was no updated official figure from Alabama, which also sustained considerable damage in the August 29 storm. Katrina killed seven in Florida.

Red Cross spokesman John Degnan said his organization had 36,000 volunteers in the field and had established 675 shelters across the United States. But more were needed.

"The goal is to recruit 40,000 new Red Cross volunteers to come and help in shelters and serve meals and help at help sites and help at delivery sites throughout the affected area," Degnan said.


New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin warned of a death toll as high as 10,000 in the first chaotic days after the storm, which displaced around a million people. Others warned of thousands.

As emergency workers searched abandoned houses, they found far fewer bodies than such predictions would have suggested.

A Reuters reporter who spent the day with the Georgia Army National Guard 148th Medical Company saw several people determined to stay in the city. When the helicopter unit checked out some homes where people were feared to have died, they found nobody, either alive or dead.

Bush has faced criticism for the federal government's performance -- described as slow and inadequate -- following Katrina. The president was to travel to the region for a third time on Sunday, the anniversary of 9/11.

A Newsweek poll published on Saturday found Bush's approval rating at a lowest-ever 38 percent. The survey found 53 percent of Americans no longer trusted him to make correct decisions in a foreign or domestic crisis, against 45 percent who did.

The New York Times reported on its Web site that the
Federal Emergency Management Agency dispatched only seven of its 28 urban search and rescue teams to the area before the storm hit, despite an extraordinary warning from the
National Hurricane Center that Katrina could cause "human suffering incredible by modern standards."

The Bush administration on Friday recalled FEMA head Michael Brown, handing his role in coordinating rescue and recovery to Vice Admiral Thad Allen, chief of staff of the
U.S. Coast Guard. Just a week ago, the president publicly told Brown he was doing a "heck of a job."

Allen met with local officials and told reporters he had discussed naming a single coordinator to harmonize recovery efforts by the many organizations involved.

"The water is receding. We are being helped by the pumps coming back on line," he said, but added many were still not functioning.


Vice President
Dick Cheney visited an emergency management center in Austin, Texas, and said the government was finally gaining control of the situation. "I think we are in fact on our way to getting on top of the whole Katrina exercise. We've got a lot of work ahead of us," he said.

There were more signs of recovery around New Orleans. Authorities said they would lift the mandatory evacuation order on Sunday for part of Plaquemines Parish, which covers territory in the Mississippi Delta south of the city.

But a Reuters reporter at Point Sulphur in the parish found almost all the houses smashed and many still under water. National guardsmen seeking bodies found none.

Entergy Corp. said it has restored power to two thirds of its 1.1 million customers in Mississippi and Louisiana but said it may take months to restore power to all of New Orleans.

Federal officials said 259 people were arrested and placed in a new Orleans holding facility, including 194 for looting, 26 for possessing stolen vehicles, two on felony gun charges, 10 for drug possession and two for resisting arrest.

"The security situation has stabilized in about the last 72 hours and has gotten better every day, said Lt. Col. Jacques Thibodeaux of the Louisiana National Guard."

Some federal officials have put Katrina's cost at between $100 billion and $200 billion. Congress has approved $62.3 billion for hurricane relief sought by Bush, who said further requests will come.
T2k said:
Much better than here, according to my experiences.
Generally speaking - starting with elementary and up until university - most of the European education are higher quality than our here, let alone they're typically free until your first grad or very cheap, non-profit ones. I was lucky enough to grew up there, so I finished everything there - it gives me an edge in almost any cases everyday.

I don't have any problem - and you?

I wasn't. And your post was an answer for me.

Last time I checked UK's government type is officially constitutional monarchy.

There are quite a few, though "powerful" isn't an essential ingredients anybody except some ignorant folks who think having influence all over the world means a good thing. No, it's a double-edged sword.

You may want to continue your education - the original US legal and constitutional system, unlike any other country, is a product of 'design', not an evolution. This means good and bad things too. A lot of the things have been lifted from historical references - Roman Empire's setup, hence the Senate, the symbols etc -, other things were practical things - ie jury-based system, Amendments etc - and the whole system finally made up a nice one but also all of these things mean a lot of challenge and finally a republic-based empire - remember Rome before Caesar, or rather Augustus? - and the current administration just speeding up on the road when US will face with very tough reality: when it turned away most of its original allies and bullied at everybody, it will realize cannot stand alone in the world, no matter how many bloody oil-rich oligarch are on its side and providing not-so-cheap energy.

No, you go somewhere else when this one will change.
There are many religion-based country with a single all-in-one leader, you'll find a place. :D

BTW it's UK, not England. England is not UK. And remember, monarchy - hence the K(ingdom) in 'UK'.

the european influence would explain the arrogance. Wrong but arrogant. The US is not going to change. Too many americans have given their lives to keep it the way it is now. Theyve also died so that even people like you who want to destroy what we now have are free to speak no matter how wrong they are.:rolleyes:
CPanther95 said:
How come non-Americans are so racist? Can we please stop using the "R" word?

I cant wait to see where the former communist, former european is going with this one.:rolleyes: I wonder who will be appointed Monarch King in his new America.

Originally Posted by T2k
Really. And that's good - I intend to make it better.

I really want to hear more on his PLANS to make things better
T2k said:
Much better than here, according to my experiences.
Generally speaking - starting with elementary and up until university - most of the European education are higher quality than our here,

Is that why they put all of those men on the moon before we did?:rolleyes:
vurbano said:
the european influence would explain the arrogance. Wrong but arrogant.

Hahahahahaha, this is very good! :D :D :D An American accuses Europe with arrogance! :D
Hahahahahaha, this is a very good joke! :D

The US is not going to change.

Suuure. That's why it is chnaging always, right?

You're talking heavy BS here now - just look back 20 years, then 30, then 50, then 80... all are completely different Americas.

Wake up, apl: it's always changing because this coun try is still in the 'finding' phase - still trying to find its own identity which changes all the time, mainly due to immigrants like me.

Too many americans have given their lives to keep it the way it is now.

BS. Last time when Americans died for freedom was the WWII. Ever since usually they served imperial expansion, it's well known everywhere, despite the fact most of US schools still teach some BS about Nam or the Kissinger years or Reagan years. There's no problem with that as long as you admit it. It may will sound disgusting but at least straight.
There are very few exception when they've been deployed driven by good will but most of them was weak (former Yugo) or failed (Somalia).

Theyve also died so that even people like you who want to destroy what we now have are free to speak no matter how wrong they are.:rolleyes:

LOL. It doesn't have any logic but sounds populist and cheap enough, huh? :rolleyes:
Why would anybody die for me if my purpose would be destroy? :D

Soldiers are dying at this very moment to ensure a cheap source for the big energy companies, therefore ensuring your SUV's cheap gas, therefore ensuring you won't vote out or rise against the current corporate-driven system and they're also dying to stop the process of switching to Euro-based oil market exchange because that would end the current free-to-print dollar currency policy of the Fed.

FYI: the latter one is why US is very concerned about Iran too. Iran is most likely a decade away from being able to produce weapon-grade nuclear matter in meaningful amount, yet US is already in full-blown hysterical mode? Why, you may ask. Answer is easy: Iran already announced the opening its Euro-based Iranian Oil Bourse in March 2006, directly attacking NYMEX and IPE. This is big deal, a very big deal: this is going to be the first Middle East oil hub, and it'll be warmly welcomed by China, Russia and most of the world except US. By using Euro as currency, it'll end the current oil market's dollar hegemony and also lure all the European buyers to abandon the London or New York markets, saving a lot on the unnecessary dollar conversion. This will immediately send the dollar to a very-very serious nose diving mode, then if IPE won't close, it'll have to switch to Euro as well, otherwise it'll lose its EU markets completely, so dollar will be dumped in large amounts, sending its rate further downward... I leave you to firhure out the final outcome.
Current US administration, until today, couldn't come up with a meaningful answer, only attacking everybody who - quite understandable - doesn't want to serve US' own interests. Pretty much like Rome - this time it's about economy-based power, not military-based and US missed the chance during the last 4-5 years to become a real leader - instead Bush chosen to become to world's most hated and ridiculed leader, kept deceiving its own country in order to stay in power and keep chasing its crazy new world order, essentially bragging this otherwise great country into his lunatic, illusional swamp deeper and deeper. Remember, now all Europe, except perhaps some governments liekm British, is disgusted by US administration and its steps against int'l standards, its pathetic double standards when it comes to its own actions - in this environment a Euro-based oil market will be cheered by not only China and Russia but Europe as well. And then US will have serious problems because the 70s oil prices will look like happy times.
CPanther95 said:
How come non-Americans are so racist? Can we please stop using the "R" word?

LOL. Are you serious? I don't remember any Eu country where blacks were segregated in the 1960s.
I can only recall two countries all over the world, in fact: the apartheid therefore int'lly pariah-like South Africa and the 'land of the free' United Stateds of America. In 1960s, again, no so long time ago, lot of us will remember this.
So much for racism.
vurbano said:
Is that why they put all of those men on the moon before we did?:rolleyes:

Excuse me? Space research was always a subject in military programs and until the 1940s US wasn't considered as a leading military technologist.
Hitler's Germany was well-ahead of US in terms of industrial developments including rocket science etc - exactly up until a small group of respected scientists, recently immigrated from the same country where I'm from, first alarmed Einstein then FDR that Germans indeed working on nuclear fission-based weapons. That was the the catalyst which triggered the US interests and finally victory in the nuclear race, essentially countinuing in space research as weel - although Soviets were the first in the space.
BTW most of the Manhattan Project was European immigrant, thanks to Hitler's absolute lunatic system, as well as the non-existing feelings of US gov when it came to escaping well-know Nazis from war tribunals and diverting them to secret US development centers. US real rise as a world power was triggered by WWII, more precisly by Hitler and the following Communist expansion - which was, of course, well negotiated with the US beforehand, let me emphasize that. Without these wouldn't enjoy the fruits of that unbelievable brain-drian it had between 1930s and 1980s.

PS: to be clear, that's why I came here - because there's no other country where almost everybody is an immigrant (perhaps Australia but that's very far. :D) Under the Clinton years I was thinking that US finally understood what should be its role, how could it maintain its leading role by workling together with the world, not lecturing it, especially after its own lack of experience, due to its very short history - but something went wrong in 200 and US is on a very-very wrong track ever since.
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