10,000 dead?

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T2k said:
Ah, c'mon. PLeahhhse. This is the best explanation you know? So tell me, how is that possible already these utterly skewed electoral votes being decided without proportional system, resulting complete waste of blue folks in red overwhelmingly red states or vica versa, hmmm?

Or perhaps multi-party parlamentarian democracy like everywhere else in the Western World?

The biggest problem is this system is set for one purpose: to keep these two parties in power and nobody else. Also it's shockingly easy to manipulate, as we've seen in last election, particularly those massive irregularities in Ohio (read the Conyers report), let alone the fact that it makes possible to completely overturn the people's vote.

First it is Florida ....now you still griping about Ohio? GET OVER IT!! :eek:

ANd it is a proportional system that is why wisconsin gets 11 i think and Cali like 40 something or more.

And as for The multiparty Parlimentary thing....you really believe our system is not the best in the world.....?
Well you can always move if it is so bad. I am so sick of people always complaining about the US and it's system WHEN THEY LOSE.....We will have a perfect system when people are perfect and we might be waiting one hell of a long time........... :rolleyes:
T2k said:
It sounds nice until a point when you realize that on any day at least half of the world's stories doesn't even being reported by any of our outlets.

Perfect case was that completely ridiculous hysteria about Terry Schiavo - it immediately became a "case".... nothing else was available at all.
Have you ever noticed reading some int'l website report about something which should be reported here but mysteriously never found its way into mainstream newsfeeds?
That's not an accident. There are well-shaped rules and groups who decide what "serves" "your" interests and what doesn't. They didn't ask you? Ah, I'm so sorry - too bad nobody gives a flying frog about your opinion. ;)

I would agree with you that the media certainly "overhypes" certain stories. Is Natalee Holloway less important now after Katrina? Or was she never really that important to begin with? Remember the Gary Condit case? That was news every day and then came 9/11. That was the last you heard about that.

Perhaps you are right that Americans should be more concerned with news from overseas. Certainly what happens in the world effects us here. But these arguments are more about the quality of news reporting than they are about a free press. The press is certainly free although the quality, content and subject matter they provide is debateable.
When I had posted that as of monday over 60 dozen bodies had been taken to the make shift morgue outside of nola I had gotten this information from msnbc during an evening news program that was doing a 15 minute article on this subject. They were talking about how the town is also a lepper colony and how some residents were not happy with theyr town being used for this task. The count came from officials at the facility as reported by msnbc's reporter at that time, there was a good 8 - 10 refrigerated track trailors outside of the facility. So like most everyone else on this thread and others I got my information from a national news source and or a local news source and have only that to go on.
We absolutely have a free press. Unfortunately, that means they are free to report only the stories that are most likely to yield the most viewers/dollars. Don't blame the media, blame society for not placing a premium on receiving real news.
Madtown HD Junkie said:

First it is Florida ....now you still griping about Ohio? GET OVER IT!! :eek:

ANd it is a proportional system that is why wisconsin gets 11 i think and Cali like 40 something or more.

And as for The multiparty Parlimentary thing....you really believe our system is not the best in the world.....?
Well you can always move if it is so bad. I am so sick of people always complaining about the US and it's system WHEN THEY LOSE.....We will have a perfect system when people are perfect and we might be waiting one hell of a long time........... :rolleyes:

He has to be out of his mind. Im all for the moving comment. I think we had a taste of that system and left Britan didnt we? Then kicked their asses when they came over here. Why do they still worship a king or queen? Royalty my Ass! who could be stupid enough to believe that equal rights and etc could ever exist in a society that recognizes Royalty? Could you imagine kneeling before a Queen? No American could or would tolerate it for 1 second:rolleyes:
Van said:
When I had posted that as of monday over 60 dozen bodies had been taken to the make shift morgue outside of nola I had gotten this information from msnbc during an evening news program that was doing a 15 minute article on this subject. They were talking about how the town is also a lepper colony and how some residents were not happy with theyr town being used for this task. The count came from officials at the facility as reported by msnbc's reporter at that time, there was a good 8 - 10 refrigerated track trailors outside of the facility. So like most everyone else on this thread and others I got my information from a national news source and or a local news source and have only that to go on.
SO you have no source
Van said:
Only the news media like everyone else,

CNN is still reporting only 118 dead in LA and 211 in Mississippi on a live broadcast right now at 11:44pm. Other print sources say the same thing. Where did the numbers you posted come from? MSNBC? Certainly they have it in print. If not you shouldnt post it, that usually means they dont even have a reliable source. These "reporters" say all kinds of irresponsible crap on the air.:rolleyes:
Madtown HD Junkie said:

First it is Florida ....now you still griping about Ohio? GET OVER IT!! :eek:

It's not about 'getting over it'. It's about the fact that our system is broken and needs to be fixed. Had Dems won it, I'd be complaining as well.

ANd it is a proportional system that is why wisconsin gets 11 i think and Cali like 40 something or more.

Ouch. Ask if you don't understand something... I was talking about the proportional allocation of those state electoral votes.
If, say, New York goes 80:20 blue:red, then it's electoral votes will go 80% Dem, 20% GOP.

And as for The multiparty Parlimentary thing....you really believe our system is not the best in the world.....?

Really. And that's good - I intend to make it better.

Well you can always move if it is so bad.

Me? You move if you don't like that I am about to make it better.

I am so sick of people always complaining about the US and it's system WHEN THEY LOSE.....

I'm sick of this "move if you don't like it" redneck response.
FYI: I didn't lose anything. I couldn't even vote and even if I could, my personal favourite would be somebody third party - though last year anybody could be better than this imbecille impotent puppet.

We will have a perfect system when people are perfect and we might be waiting one hell of a long time........... :rolleyes:

Yep, that's the point. No perfect system will be created ever but we must try to reach it constantly.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
I would agree with you that the media certainly "overhypes" certain stories. Is Natalee Holloway less important now after Katrina? Or was she never really that important to begin with? Remember the Gary Condit case? That was news every day and then came 9/11. That was the last you heard about that.

Perhaps you are right that Americans should be more concerned with news from overseas. Certainly what happens in the world effects us here. But these arguments are more about the quality of news reporting than they are about a free press. The press is certainly free although the quality, content and subject matter they provide is debateable.

It's hard to call it "free" when government played all markets to the hand of big giants, essentially killing the independent, really free sources - and in return giants are playing safe, by never crossing certain lines.

This is not free. Free press means free information flow - and that's not true for mainstream media (national TV, radio), only true for local radios and perhaps newspapers.
Internet is free, though but that's way tooo big to make a real change in the mindsets.
Also it's NOT a question of taste - it's the question of crappy journalism, created by this distorted, crazy, coporate pseudo-journalism.
vurbano said:
He has to be out of his mind. Im all for the moving comment.

Then move.

I think we had a taste of that system and left Britan didnt we? Then kicked their asses when they came over here. Why do they still worship a king or queen? Royalty my Ass! who could be stupid enough to believe that equal rights and etc could ever exist in a society that recognizes Royalty? Could you imagine kneeling before a Queen? No American could or would tolerate it for 1 second:rolleyes:

:rolleyes: Ouuuchhh. Does American schools teach history? :rolleyes:

You're confusing constitutional monarchy with parliamentary democracy.

They are different animals, you know.
vurbano said:
CNN is still reporting only 118 dead in LA and 211 in Mississippi on a live broadcast right now at 11:44pm. Other print sources say the same thing. Where did the numbers you posted come from? MSNBC? Certainly they have it in print. If not you shouldnt post it, that usually means they dont even have a reliable source. These "reporters" say all kinds of irresponsible crap on the air.:rolleyes:

Dead are only officialy confirmed by a coroner and not until such time as a coroner does his/her examine of each body. As has been stated on several news stations the task at hand is to determine cause of death ( IE drowning, dehydration, or homicide ) and to gather as much evidence as to identify each person. I will do some searching on msnbc's website to find the info your requesting, but even print is not reliable as its nothing more than the written word instead of spoken.
CPanther95 said:
We absolutely have a free press. Unfortunately, that means they are free to report only the stories that are most likely to yield the most viewers/dollars. Don't blame the media, blame society for not placing a premium on receiving real news.

Society doesn't make laws which prefers media giants. Government does.
So whereas your statement is right (stories get measured by anything but importance), your reasoninng is false (who created this media power concentration?)
Van said:
Dead are only officialy confirmed by a coroner and not until such time as a coroner does his/her examine of each body. As has been stated on several news stations the task at hand is to determine cause of death ( IE drowning, dehydration, or homicide ) and to gather as much evidence as to identify each person. I will do some searching on msnbc's website to find the info your requesting, but even print is not reliable as its nothing more than the written word instead of spoken.

Yep, most likely it will takes weeks if not months until the final numbers will be known.

BTW how long does it take until the city gets drained?
Draining of the city estimates are varied, alot will be determined by how soon they can get the rest of the 147 pumps up and how often they have clear out debri and bodies.

Vurbano, Im not able to find a show archive on the site right now, msnbc has theyr site laid out wierd and after doing several searchs of the website I wasnt able to come up with anything show related, just web articles. I'll try more tomorrow.
T2k said:
Ouch. Ask if you don't understand something... I was talking about the proportional allocation of those state electoral votes.
If, say, New York goes 80:20 blue:red, then it's electoral votes will go 80% Dem, 20% GOP.
It is not that I do not understand things it is the confusing way you explained it. :rolleyes: And if we did it that way then we would be giving the percentage of vote or raw vote total more standing than the what was intended.

T2k said:
Really. And that's good - I intend to make it better.
Good luck!

T2k said:
I'm sick of this "move if you don't like it" redneck response.
FYI: I didn't lose anything. I couldn't even vote and even if I could, my personal favourite would be somebody third party - though last year anybody could be better than this imbecille impotent puppet.
You a young person? Learn not to call people names when you make a point, it furthers your point. And the reason people say "move if you do not like it" is because when you offer no solution to a problem and just complain about it you become part of the problem and not part of the solution. Now you say you intent to change this I think above somewhere so this may not be you but in general it is the case. Complaining for the sake of complaining sereves no purpose. and one more thing 55million people....THE MOST IN HISTORY...voted for the man you call "imbecille impotent puppet". That is a lot of dumb rednecks :rolleyes:

T2k said:
Yep, that's the point. No perfect system will be created ever but we must try to reach it constantly.
I agree here but unfortunately it will probably not be in our lives unless some massive corruption type thing hapens
Ok Vurbano, I found the transcripts section of the site but nothing related to what I had seen for that day, its possible I got my days mixed up so I emailed the transcripts department requesting a search for the article.
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