Hopper Plus / Joey 4 users check in here!

Well here we go again. WJ4 and Vizio failed to startup this morning untill a Joey reboot. All my other Joeys are working great. Are you seeing this issue with some of your customers HipKat? If so, what are you doing for them? Are you still having trouble with your Samsung jgags6? The CEC Less adapter doesn't help. Does anyone know of changing any of the Google settings might help?
What model is your TV?
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Well here we go again. WJ4 and Vizio failed to startup this morning untill a Joey reboot. All my other Joeys are working great. Are you seeing this issue with some of your customers HipKat? If so, what are you doing for them? Are you still having trouble with your Samsung jgags6? The CEC Less adapter doesn't help. Does anyone know of changing any of the Google settings might help?
I dunno, Charles. Might be time to replace that WJ4 since it seems to follow the Joey
No. I will factory reset the TV and then see how goes it tomorrow. If that don't work will do the WJ4. Is there a difference between the factory reset in the Tools menu and the one in the Google menu?
Yes there is a difference. You want this one...
Thanks. Factory reset is just about the only thing I haven't done. Hope it works. Are you seeing this issue with your service calls?
That's because you're dealing with a common problem nobody has an answer for. But it is a very common problem. and, it is not exclusive to Vizio, or any other brand of TV.
He already mentioned that it's a known issue a few posts back.
No. I will factory reset the TV and then see how goes it tomorrow. If that don't work will do the WJ4. Is there a difference between the factory reset in the Tools menu and the one in the Google menu?
I haven't used the tools reset I have always used the one in the google menu it resets everything Dish and google, just be aware you may have to call dish to reactivate that WJ4. It's been known to happen. Good Luck
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Which Joey's are compatible with HWS?

