Metal Gear Solid 3 is considered by most fans of the series to be the best. The combat and stealth is very refined, the characters are fun and very memorable, and it's also the most accessible of the series since it's the first chronologically, so you don't need to be up to do any prior research to jump right in. Yes, playing it in order of release will provide you with a greater understanding of the overall picture, but it's not like issues you'd run into jumping in on 2, 4, or 5 first. And the final Boss fight with, Boss, is one of the most original and memorable fights in the history of the series, if not in gaming. Simply put, it marks the apex of the series, as it doesn't deal with the bait and switch of MGS 2 that forced you to use Raiden for most of the story, or the EXTREMELY bloated and convoluted story that 4 tried to finish, and none of the vague/rushed story in 5.
So why the hell am I literally pontificating about a game from November 2004? Is it getting a remastering? Well no, but technically it had one for the last gen. So is it getting a new re-release as part of a super awesome collection from Konami that allows players to play ALL the games in the series (even those on portable) in one nice convenient package? Oh no... I bring it up because once again, Konami is Konami and Konami is the worst, and this time they're turning this beloved game into, yes, wait for it, PACHINKO!!!