X-Box, Playstation, and Wii Game News

It's official: Konami has cancelled Silent Hills...


In related news, Konami just delisted themselves from the NYSE.

I'm starting to get the feeling that before 2020 we're going to read about the death of Konami. I mean, it's becoming VERY clear that they either A: Have horrible people in charge of their gaming division, and/or B: They don't care about gaming anymore and are looking to make it less relevant or just drop it completely. It should be noted that Konami's businesses encompass more than just gaming, so they could drop it and still continue as an entity, but damn that would be a sad day.

Super Bunnyhop has released a video with more information, including some stuff based on rumors and an anonymous tip from someone within Konami itself. Needless to say, it's starting to look more and more like Konami is just going to abandon console gaming and focus on its other business ventures. Or, at the very least, it's blindingly apparent that MGS V is Kojima's and his studio's swan song for the franchise. There may be other MGS games, but Kojima won't be involved.

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CoD: Black Ops 3 has an official trailer and release date: 11/6/15

My friends and I had actually been talking about skipping COD this fall for the first time since Modern Warfare came out. We all bought the Season Pass on Advanced Warfare and were thinking about just sticking with that game this year. The reason being, that we didn't want to go back to a traditional military shooter after getting used to all the increased ease of movement the Exo Suit gives you in Advanced Warfare. It looks like the developers knew that a follow up to Advanced Warfare would feel slow without that fluid movement so they kept it around.

I think at this point, COD will have a hard time going back to present day combat. They are kind of stuck with this futuristic stuff until they decide to go back to a historical setting like World War 2 or Vietnam.
Well I typically play CoD for SP so for me this is just a new adventure to embark on. Hopefully the MP will be cool as well.
Looks like the next Tony Hawk Game is going to be called, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5...


Actually this is Tony Hawk 10, but I guess they're going by GTA rules, which is that there are no rules.

This is kind of interesting to me. The Tony Hawk series were some of my favorite games on PS1 and PS2 even though I've never skateboarded in my life. When I was a kid in middle school I remember friends coming over for sleepovers where we would just play Tony Hawk all night.

Tony Hawk 3 was also the first game I ever played in online multiplayer. Since I didn't have a gaming PC this was the first online capable game I ever had. I remember buying a PS2 network adapter just to play that game. I still had dial up when I first got online playing that game. I bought a super long phone cord and whenever I wanted to play I had to disconnect one of the phones and run a cord across our kitchen into my bedroom.

I distinctly remember when my family got a cable modem because that meant I could host with 4 players online instead of 3. I remember spending all day online chatting with strangers with my USB keyboard plugged into my PS2. It's kind of weird. At the time I remember being amazed that I could play with people all over the world. Now, with a few exceptions, I would rather just play single player games on my own.

Here is a Gamespot article I found from 2001 detailing how PS2 gamers were going to be able to play online in THPS3 for the first time. As someone who was super obsessed with this it was an interesting read.


Edit: as much as I would love to be excited about this because of my nostalgia for the PS1 and PS2 games I don't know if I actually care about this kind of game anymore. I was pretty quick to buy Tony Hawk HD a year or two ago and I don't think I ever even installed it. Maybe I'll give that a shot tonight.
THPS 3 ranks as one of my favorite games of all time. I got damn close to 100% in that game. Unlocked all the characters and played through the entire game with each one and nearly maxed all them out.

I should give the HD remix another shot. I picked up the Revert pack DLC at the last Steam sale (the fact that that was separate is almost unforgivable and I wish only bad things to happen to the person who made that business decision.)
All future Battlefield 4 DLC is going to be free


Weird on a few levels. First a game that charged $50 for a season pass had a "come to Jesus" moment and decided to start giving away future DLC for free?

Second, this game is approaching two years old and they have already released a new game in the series. It's strange that they are still working on DLC for BF4 at all when Battlefield Hardline is their new release and they have Star Wars Battlefront coming out this Fall.

I'm not saying I have anything against EA/DICE for doing this but it just seems a little out of character.
Well something tells me that there isn't going to be a lot of free content coming from this. I'd be shocked if there were more than 1 Map pack to come from this, and I figure most of the other stuff will be cosmetic or not affect gameplay. There isn't much of a financial upside to providing free DLC at this point, unless for some reason they think that doing so will entice people to come back and get the PAID DLC, but I doubt it. Still, for those still passionate about BF4 and still playing it, good for them.
Super Bunnyhop has released a video with more information, including some stuff based on rumors and an anonymous tip from someone within Konami itself. Needless to say, it's starting to look more and more like Konami is just going to abandon console gaming and focus on its other business ventures. Or, at the very least, it's blindingly apparent that MGS V is Kojima's and his studio's swan song for the franchise. There may be other MGS games, but Kojima won't be involved.

In yet another great PR move by Konami, they've fired of a DMCA strike against Super Bunnyhop over this video. Odds are that it'll just get overturned in 14 days, but it's just another part of Konami's sad tale, as DMCA takedowns by companies against YouTube videos almost always fail and are just plain pathetic. And often, the result is the just an example of the Streisand Effect, as seen by these examples (NSFW Language):

If you're interested in the actual video, of course someone put up a mirror to spite Konami.

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It's a nice looking trailer but they almost all are these days. It's also a potentially cool setting and time period. I've still never launched Unity though. It's hard to get excited about these Assassin's Creed games when they put them out every year. At least, if Call of Duty doesn't have a good campaign I still have a fresh set of multiplayer maps to play with my friends. This is just getting a little out of hand. Even hardcore AC fans have to be getting a little franchise fatigue at this point. Maybe I'll buy it when it's $20 if it gets good reviews.

Edit: Speaking of Unity. It's part of Gamefly's used game sale for $12.99.
Looks like we have a celebrity cameo in the game: Former UFC and WWE World Champion Brock Lesnar. The tattoo on that fighter's back is undeniably his.


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