Will you buy a PS4?

Ok just ordered 2 PS4's.

Is December 31'st the actual release date?

No that is just a place holder amazon is using because all Sony has officially said was Holiday 2013. Microsoft has confirmed Xbox One will release in November. I would say it is a good bet that PS4 will do the same.
May want to read this about PS4 DRM. Game publishers may be the ones screwing us over on both consoles.

With one big difference. Microsoft is still requiring a system wide 24 hour check in. There is no system wide DRM on PS4. My guess is the way it will work with Sony is similiar to the online pass system. If a publisher wants to require some form of DRM they will include a one time use key with new copies of the game. You can expect the same publishers who required online pass to continue those kinds of practices in the future.

With Xbox One there is system wide DRM that requires installation and Microsoft has confirmed that lending and rentals are blocked for all games. Family members can play Xbox One games but only one family member can access anything from your shared library at a time and this only works if a publisher allows it. On PS4 if I have 20 games I can lend them to 20 different people and they can all play at the same time. Sony's practices here are much better than Microsoft's even if the EA's of the world want to enforce their own DRM. Some publishers requiring something similar to an online pass is much better than system wide DRM. Hopefully most publishers won't go this route after they see all the heat Microsoft is taking over this.
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Here is the IGN article on this.


Speaking on GTTV, Sony's Jack Tretton stated, "The DRM decision for third-party games will be up to publishers." This clarification comes one day after Sony's E3 press conference this week, where Tretton stated that the PlayStation 4 "won't pose any new restrictions on the use of PS4 gamers." He continued, "We believe in the model that people embrace today with PlayStation 3."

Publishers of PS4 games, then, can do what's already done on existing PlayStation software: Limit or lock content behind online passes or redemption codes (or opt out of restrictions altogether), which differs from Microsoft's limited licensing of Xbox One software.
and here is this one from Game Informer.


This morning, Jack Tretton, CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment spoke with GameTrailers about Sony's stance on used games. He raised some questions with comments about leaving some things up to publishers. We received a detailed comment from Sony that clarfiies the matter.

The Online Pass program for PlayStation first-party games will not continue on PlayStation 4. Similar to PS3, we will not dictate the online used game strategy (the ability to play used games online) of its publishing partners. As announced last night, PS4 will not have any gating restrictions for used disc-based games. When a gamer buys a PS4 disc they have right to use that copy of the game, so they can trade-in the game at retail, sell it to another person, lend it to a friend, or keep it forever.

Essentially, this means that publisher-driven online passes may not be going away. Licenses, DRM, and other new restrictions are not going to be in play at all the PlayStation 4.

Used PS4 games will work. Online multiplayer may not. This is the same system we are using now and one I can live with.
Here is one more article from Destructoid confirming that they were only talking about online passes.


Sony has outright confirmed my initial interpretation. As reported by GameFront, Sony has stated that Tretton's use of the term "DRM" referred only to playing used games online. Essentially, they're talking about letting publishers use online passes, and no other kind of restrictions.

This was just a case of the media jumping on a quick out of context sentence and making it a big story. The PS4 has the exact same DRM system that the PS3 is using today. There is none but publishers can block online play if they want to.

Now Bungie has already confirmed that Destiny can only be played online. This isn't due to DRM but because they are calling this a massively multiplayer first person shooter. You need the massively multiplayer part for it to work in the same way that you need the massively multiplayer part of World of Warcraft to play.

They haven't said whether this game will require an online pass or not but if it does you effectively can't play it used without buying one.
Really its only $40 as the camera is sold separately. And you need that Camera to justify the blue and red lights they added to the controller. :D :D

I'll be interested to see how that plays out/gets integrated with the types of games that don't currently use any kind of motion detection. For example, will Killzone Shadow Fall or Watch Dogs require some kind of gimmicky and mandatory motion-detection gameplay feature along the lines of how early PS3 games forced lame six-axis gameplay features down our throat? Or will the camera really only be required for some niche motion detection games (e.g., Wonderbook, dance games), or how some current games offer a Move controller option (e.g., inFamous 2, Heavy Rain, LittleBigPlanet 2)?

In other words, just like the PS3, the camera could be totally unnecessary for most people in the PS4, which may be why it's not being bundled in base PS4 SKUs.

Fortunately, it looks like the PS3 Move controllers will be compatible with the PS4.
PS 4 is not bad but I still like the X-One over the PS4 I think they X-box will bring in more titles and more networks to their console.
and for that you also get the Honor of paying much much more money. micro$oft loves you (or at least your money).
I'll be interested to see how that plays out/gets integrated with the type games that don't currently use any kind of motion detection. For example, will Killzone Shadow Fall or Watch Dogs require some kind of gimmicky and mandatory motion-detection gameplay feature along the lines of how early PS3 games forced lame six-axis gameplay features down our throat? Or will the camera really only be required for some niche motion detection games (e.g., Wonderbook, dance games), or how some current games offer a Move controller option (e.g., inFamous 2, Heavy Rain, LittleBigPlanet 2)?

In other works, just like the PS3, the camera could be totally unnecessary for most people in the PS4, which may be why it's not being bundled in base PS4 SKUs.

Fortunately, it looks like the PS3 Move controllers will be compatible with the PS4.

I would look at it this way. If it isn't included in the console for everyone 90% of games won't require it just like they didn't on PS3 and 360. Look at the history of add on console peripherals. A few niche games usually require them, a few more support it as an option, and most flat out ignore it. They don't want to do anything that limits their potential market.

I don't think the camera is included but I haven't seen anything that specifically says it's not. If it is included in every system than you can forget everything I just said. Lots of games will have it as an option or require it in that case. I would almost rather it not be included because I prefer a more traditional, controller based gaming experience. That way I can buy it if there are games that use it well or certain features I want but I don't want it forced down my throat.
As far as the whole "DRM" controversy goes with Sony, all they're saying is that they're not changing how they currently do things, so any publisher can do an online pass or any other similar method to curtail sale of used games, or for whatever reason force an online check in system.
As far as the whole "DRM" controversy goes with Sony, all they're saying is that they're not changing how they currently do things, so any publisher can do an online pass or any other similar method to curtail sale of used games, or for whatever reason force an online check in system.
After all of the heat Microsoft is taking for their restrictions, hopefully the publishers won't make the same mistakes. In the meantime, it definitely looks like a PS4 will be in my future, but I'll wait after the holiday season so I won't have to deal with all the frenzy.
As far as the whole "DRM" controversy goes with Sony, all they're saying is that they're not changing how they currently do things, so any publisher can do an online pass or any other similar method to curtail sale of used games, or for whatever reason force an online check in system.

I have to wonder if EA knew about Sony's plans when they decided to do away with online pass. If so we may have actually gotten even less restrictions on used games and rentals on PS4 than we had earlier this year. If they hold to their word one of the biggest publishers in gaming is allowing more freedom than we had this gen.

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I have to wonder if EA knew about Sony's plans when they decided to do away with online pass. If so we may have actually gotten even less restrictions on used games and rentals on PS4 than we had earlier this year. If they hold to their word one of the biggest publishers in gaming is allowing more freedom than we had this gen.

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Maybe by some miracle EA has actually decided to listen to their customers, and they probably saw that not many people were "buying" the online pass with used games so they realized for all the crap they were getting, the money wasn't there to justify it.
It appears the PS4 has been split into two versions on Amazon like the Day One Xbox One. The "Launch Edition" is now sold out and they only have a Standard Edition for preorder, which does not have a guarantee on date. When I click the Launch Version tab it tells me up at the top thats the one I ordered, so I reckon Im good.
It appears the PS4 has been split into two versions on Amazon like the Day One Xbox One. The "Launch Edition" is now sold out and they only have a Standard Edition for preorder, which does not have a guarantee on date. When I click the Launch Version tab it tells me up at the top thats the one I ordered, so I reckon Im good.

Good catch. I just checked to make sure and I also got the "launch edition". Unlike the Xbox One, it says the two versions are identical. The only difference is the standard edition isn't guaranteed for release date. It was cool of Microsoft to include the limited edition controllers for day one buyers. I'll just be happy if I get my PS4 on launch day even without special bonuses though.

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I just wonder how accurate the Launch reserve is vs what they will actually get! I have not bought a gaming system on release since the Super Nintendo. I broke my leg that summer and was sitting at home with the money saved up. I called Babbage's games every freaking night until one day the dude said they had just gotten a few in and noone had bought one yet. My dad hauled ass up there to get it for me. Fun times.
I just wonder how accurate the Launch reserve is vs what they will actually get! I have not bought a gaming system on release since the Super Nintendo. I broke my leg that summer and was sitting at home with the money saved up. I called Babbage's games every freaking night until one day the dude said they had just gotten a few in and noone had bought one yet. My dad hauled ass up there to get it for me. Fun times.

I got the 360 on launch date. I was a senior in high school when it launched. Me and a couple of my buddies waited outside best buy most of the night with a bunch of other gamer geeks. It actually turned out to be a good time but my camping out at a store days are over. I had my order in to amazon about 2 minutes after Sony announced the price so I'm confident I will get one on launch day.

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