Xbox One or PS4


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Original poster
Dec 3, 2003
I know this is something that gets asked all of the time but I would like some feedback from folks on here. I'm looking at getting a console again I had a 360 in the past but I'm kind of leaning towards PS4 this time around due to I feel like Sony is staying with gaming more. To where the Xbox it seems like they are doing more with entertainment like stuff more with TV related content and things which is fine but it just seems like they are going in so many directions if that make sense. It would be nice to find out what most folks are using here it would be cool to game with some of my SatelliteGuys friends.. :)
The Xbox for a while was trying to aim more at the "Entertainment Center" approach, hence why it was called "One," but since Phil Spencer took over the division after the awful system launch, the focus has been MUCH more on gaming with their abandonment of the Kinect, creating their own "Early Access" program, and working more on Windows 10/One cross overs.

The fact is that nowadays the systems are pretty homogeneous. There are VERY few pure exclusives nowadays, (as opposed to timed exclusives like Tomb Raider) and those that exist really aren't system sellers the way they used to be. All the major games get multi-console releases, and while yes, the PS4 is more powerful, history has proven again and again that the best hardware does not equal the best system or most sales. It all comes down to games, but when 90% of all games released are on multiple systems anyways, you need to look at other factors.

Unless most of your friends now have a PS4 or you don't remember your old Live information, you're probably better off with a One. They're now pushing backwards compatibility which means that your old Arcade purchases could come over and work on your One along with any other old disc games you may have. Also, Xbox Live IMO is a better service than PS+ is if for no other reason than it's never been taken offline for a month due to hackers, has unlimited cloud storage, and will be integrated more and more into Windows 10 as time goes on. Finally, they seem to be more accepting of criticism and open to suggestions than Sony is and push newer stuff to their console in a more efficient way than I've seen done by Sony.

This is not to say that the PS4 is bad, and if you purchased it I doubt you'll regret it, but if it comes down to one or the other I'd go with the One. Then again if all your friends have a PS4 or you don't care about your old 360 library then a PS4 might be a better option. OR you could just wait until the Nintendo NX comes out and hope for the best there.
I always tell people that I think they will like either choice. The vast majority of games people are playing are available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Sure, many of the multiplatform games that are 1080p on PS4 are 900p on Xbox One but if small technical differences are that important to a person they should probably be playing on PC anyways. I can honestly say that I can't see the difference between 1080p and 900p when a game is in action but some people claim they can.

It really comes down to a couple things. Do you prefer the exclusive lineup on one console over the other and do you have a more active friends list on one console than the other?

For me the answer to both of those questions is Xbox One for the most part. I have a couple college buddies who play COD on PS4 every year so I always buy COD on Playstation. That and Madden are literally the only series these guys play though. The rest of my friends and family who play video games play on Xbox One.

As for exclusives, last gen I thought the PS3 won but it was close. They just had so many more offerings with much greater variety. The 360's exclusives were great and they were much bigger releases but they were mostly shooters and there were much fewer of them.

I think the Xbox One is easily winning in terms of exclusives through this holiday season. I played Killzone but inFamous Second Son and Rocket League have been the only exclusives I actually cared about so far. I really like Until Dawn so far and and I'll be getting to the Uncharted Collection at some point. I think this will start to turn around next year with Uncharted 4 and Horizon but I think the PS4 exclusive library has been pretty weak so far.

The exclusives I have personally played, and liked on Xbox One are Sunset Overdrive, Forza 5, Forza Horizon 2, Titanfall, Dead Rising 3, Ryse: Son of Rome, Smite, Master Chief Collection, Gears Ultimate Edition, and Halo 5 comes out next week.

PS4 might have started as the gamer first platform with that terrible E3 announcement Microsoft had. That's not what the Xbox One actually turned into though. Phil Spencer really turned the ship around when he took over. Between the Xbox just having more exclusives and backwards compatibility I would argue that the Xbox One is actually the more gamer friendly platform right now.

I don't really even use the multimedia functions on either console very often anymore and I still use my Xbox One much more often than my PS4. That being said, I still stand by my original point that most people would be happy with either console. Multiplatform games make up the majority of what most people play and they are basically the same no matter where you play them.

I also think things are going to change on the exclusive games front for Sony soon. On the other hand, maybe they think they don't need to invest as much money into exclusives as they did when they were trailing the 360 most of last generation. I think I read that the PS4 has outsold the Xbox One in all but one month since the consoles have been released and that is even with the lack of exclusives.

Edit: While I was typing up this incredibly long winded answer yourbeliefs basically provided the same information in a more succinct post. It looks like we agree on most of this stuff.

I also agree that Xbox Live is more reliable than PSN for online gaming but I wanted to point out that I think the free game offerings have been a little stronger on PS Plus.
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Like some others I have both an XboxOne and PS4 and I like both of them. That said I tend to play on the XboxOne more than the PS4 for a reason I haven't figured out yet.
One feature that is coming to the Xbox One that might lead you to it is that there will soon be the ability to play many Xbox 360 games on it.
With the PS4 the only way is with a subscription service for a limited list of games that is far from inexpensive. Can't remember the name of the service though it is from Sony. I think it is PS Plus.
With the PS4 the only way is with a subscription service for a limited list of games that is far from inexpensive. Can't remember the name of the service though it is from Sony. I think it is PS Plus.

PS+ is Sony's equivalent to Xbox Live Gold. It used to be optional but now you basically need it unless you plan on never doing any online gaming, not to mention you also get free games (for as long as you are a PS+ member.) You're thinking of Playstation Now, which is Sony's game streaming service. If you want to use that, you better have a damn fast and stable internet connection along with unlimited bandwidth.
Thanks for the correction. I have 100/10 with a 1TB data cap so it could be useable I suspect. But the cost is too high for my mostly casual play.

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