PS4 Becomes Top Selling Video Game Item On Amazon
Amazon splits PS4 pre-orders into 'Launch' and 'Standard' editions, Launch is already sold out
They had a few of us concerned until we figured that out. Mine still tells me I got Launch status on PS4 and XBone.
Am I think right in this area? The xbxone will have 3 os running at one time, so not only will they take up a LARGE portion of a unchangeable hard drive (the one that you know games have to be installed on) but they will be running taking up ram as well which Is already slower, and now your going to have a lot less running at once, so that is another HUGE advantage for the ps4, correct? tell me if I am wrong.
94% Of Gamers Favor PS4 To Xbox One, According To Amazon Poll
I think you are somewhat right here although the PS4 is also going to have stuff going on in the background. They demoed fast switching between games and the store. In the video they showed, a guy suspended Knack to open the store to buy and download Killzone because his friend who was talking to him on cross game chat recommended it. He then fast switched back into knack at the exact spot he suspended from while Killzone was downloading in the background.
I think it's safe to say both systems will have a lot more going on in the background than we had this gen. That is probably why they are both using 8 core processors. In Sony's reveal event they also said the PS4 has a separate low power CPU to help with background downloads but Microsoft claimed they can offload some of the work to cloud processing. We'll see how it all plays out. The PS4 is theoretically more powerful though due to faster ram and a very slight edge in the GPU.
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Now should I preorder one and not tell the wife? I really want the ps4.
PS4 Games At E3 Ran On PS4 Dev Hardware, Not High-End PCs
Even if that's true that's the date for Europe. Consoles rarely (if ever) launch worldwide on the same date. US date could be days or weeks apart from that.